Ring Opal & Diamonds %100 Guaranteed.
Ring opal design jewellery handcrafted opal ring by Graham Black, opal with very good brightness in full light and medium play of colour with no light, Australian opal with N1 bodytone. Graham provides certificate stating natural opal, in a beautiful handcrafted ring one of a kind design ring only without any treatment of any kind all diamonds natural and the opal, 18 ^ gold opal ring.

Graham was the person who discovered this opal gemstone and was the last person to work this most famous Heritage opal location in Australia, and the last mining primary producer alive that open cut this area. So save about 75% for the same opal ring purchase elsewhere, you are cutting out all middleman gem merchants and retail jewellery shop prices.
Ring opal policy guarantee 30 days money back return policy if the ring does not match the description on the certificate above.
Graham is also the professional goldsmith he designed this ring with one of the last Heritage Australian opal left in the world.