Opal Rings Pricing Structure.
Opal rings with professional evaluation certificates will give you a great idea of the prices and show you the great value of Grahams wholesale opal rings and opal jewellery. These Australian opal gemstones experts that sign their names, are among the worlds best pricing Australian Opal gemstones, these professionals have many years experience in the Australian opal Industry.
This natural semi-black opal ring with the special Harlequin pattern, would easily be value 20% higher if the opal was black or N1- N2 rating, plus 10% higher cabochon dome, plus another 10% if the opal had a more symmetrical shape, add another 10% for more intense stronger colours. This would then be double the price for such gem quality opal, compared to the professional insurance valuation certificate with only a semi black.
Opal Rings.
All Graham’s opals are certified natural solid with no treatment of any kind, with money back guarantee if lab tested and found otherwise.
The reason why Graham’s handcrafted jewellery with opals are such a bargain, Graham is the primary producer opal miner, with his own open cut mine big pit. He is also the Goldsmith designer, so you are cutting out so many retailers middle people by going online and finding this website, as many retailers and opal buyer’s dealers that travel to Australia buy direct from the miners, and have their own retail and so called wholesale sites .
Good quality opal jewellery is usually only found in expensive retail stores that need to be rented downtown of the most famous cities at very big cost to the retailer, because Australian opal gemstones are very difficult to outsource, and all these expenses rental jewellery boutiques cost must be passed on to you the customer, and as opal is a true specialist gemstone they can be very difficult to outsource .
But every opal gemstone on this site comes from his official government heritage mine in the country of Australia, the only heritage mine still leased today in the world. Heritage listed because the opal was the best quality ever discovered with the most amazing Harlequin pattern.

Opal rings with special harlequin pattern semi black opal with 18 ^ gold handmade ring. The Australian professional independent opal experts priced this opal ring over $14,000 .
Opal Rings.

Certificate of opal ring with special harlequin pattern, semi black opals in 18 ^ gold, handcrafted Australian opal ring.

Opal rings are unique because opal gemstones are all unique and this black opal ring is surrounded with diamonds.

Handcrafted gold black opal rings are beautiful and this ring is surrounded with diamonds.Professional Australian jewellery gem laboratories replacement Price 16,000.
Opal Rings.
This black opal if the grey lines were not seen would easily increase the value by 30%, more symmetrical shape at another 10% for a high dome cabochon maybe add another 10%, so you would double the price of the gemstone. You can clearly see the price on the certificate that has been scrutinise by professional gemologist and opal specialist.
Lovely black opal with no flaws no grey in the face and shape free form and quite a flat opal on top of the gemstone, but a good cabochon would increase this gemstone by possibly 20%, a little bit more stronger colour could increase by 10%, symmetrical shape would increase 20% so 50% increase the price if you are looking for a similar black opal but gem quality in handcrafted opal rings.

Australian gemologist and professional independent opal experts priced this black opal over $35,000. Gemstone ^ weight dimension size description clearly stated on certificate of evaluation.
Opal rings on Graham’s site are great value because you’re buying direct from grahams opal mine, Graham’s is a Goldsmith opal jewellery.