Opal bracelet handmade jewelry.
Opal bracelet Amazing Offer Sale for Customers, Custom made jewelry at the best prices here, Graham has better prices then you will fine any where for handmade opal jewelry, simply if you buy one of the black opal over $199. Graham will hand make free of charge one custom ring design jewelry free of charge.
Opal bracelet multicolor handmade opal bracelet jewelry with 100% guarantee Australian opal gemstones no treatment solid direct from the only Heritage mining location in the world. Recognized internationally as the best quality deposit ever discovered in the world 3 mile Lightning Ridge.
Handmade design set in silver with very large Australian opals set in the bracelet with beautiful guaranteed solid ruby’s. Guy’s cut out retailers and the wholesalers middle people brokers and gemstone dealers as we make the jewelry using opal gemstones direct from our Australian mine where the finished jewelry is very affordable.
We will guarantee only for this item number 2000 that all the opals are solid 3 mile Australian with no treatment,ruby’s are all genuine solid.

Bracelet and ruby’s handmade silver jewelry, only one design ever made, unique Australian opals guaranteed every opal gemstone solid with no treatment money back if found otherwise.
Opal bracelet.
You are buying direct from the primary producer miner at wholesale prices, also direct from the Goldsmith, saving you about $1000 US dollar. People looking for a one-of-a-kind unique custom design opal bracelet in Europe Japan America, this would set you back about one thousand dollar just for the Goldsmith work alone without any natural gemstones. This jewelry item is certainly unique and certainly full of unique one of a kind Australian opals along with red ruby’s inserted down the band next to some very large multicolor opal in a beautiful handmade silver bracelet, if this particular bracelet was set in gold the price would skyrocket thousands of dollars which in turn would make most jewelry items not affordable.

Custom made bracelet multicolor opal gemstones solid and ruby’s guarantee money back if found otherwise.
If you would like 18 ^ gold opal bracelet design with similar gemstones please do not hesitate to contact us for opal bracelet.
Handmade opal rings please contact or Custom engagement opal rings, Opal wedding rings, Australian opal rings and black opal rings at wholesale diamond opal rings priced very low.
Australia’s national Women’s basketball team Head coach Jan, purchase opal gemstone from Graham Black Opal famous opal mine, official government Heritage mine in Australia. The head coach stated Graham’s Opal will remain Jan preferred lucky opal jewelry to wear with pride . The coach has carried and worn a piece of lucky opal jewelry during all the major campaigns whilst coaching the Australian Basketball team, throughout the world Championships of 2002, the Athens Olympics of 2004, Silver medal 2006 World Championships and in Beijing Olympics.
Handmade Opal Jewelry From Most Famous Opal location In Australia 18 ^ Gold & Black Opals.