Opal stone.

Opal stone.

Posted by on Nov 10, 2014 in about opals, Australian National gemstone., Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Black opal earrings, Black opal jewellery, Black opal jewelry, Black opal rings, Care for opal jewelry, Handmade opal jewelry, Handmade opal necklace, How to price opals, Jewelry October, october birthstones, October gemstone, opal jewellery, Opal jewelry, opal ring, opal ring, opal ring handmade, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry. |

Opal stone jewelry European Union.

Opal stone black opals can have all the colors of the rainbow if you desire the only gemstone in the world that can have dark blue or light blue colors red color or crimson dark green or turquoise green blue colors orange colors and even shades of pink and yellow which are quite rare but possible to purchase in one only Australian black opal gemstone.

Opal stone specialist Graham has the best prices for unique opal jewelry, and the best quality opals ever discovered direct from Goldsmith Master Artisan that did not major in British English, but you will not find more honest affordable custom jeweler,please excuse the graphic web designer also because the guy’s from India. Sale Australian opal rings,black opal rings and handmade jewelry,black opal jewelry and Australian opal jewelry.

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If you cannot by Opal stone in your EU Country contact us online.

The 2014 Academy Awards superstar actress Kate Blanchard draped from her ears the most spectacular opal stones and diamond earrings, and everybody noticed her earrings when Kate received best actress award 2014. As these gemstones are all unique unlike diamonds, if they are all clear diamonds in the same size, same shape cut same rating-grading then there are millions identical diamonds. Black opals you will never see two identical gemstones in your lifetime so when you see a good-quality stone in a design then you know this person will be the only person with this fashion statement,true individual gemstone and jewelry item to be proud of. I was so lucky to find opals the best quality ever discovered in the open cut, now the only place in the world that has a heritage listing in Australia because of the beautiful rare and unique quality of the black opals discovered there. My main passion is jewelry design with nearly 40 years experience and this is why my stones appreciate, because customers can buy direct from the mine at wholesale prices and cut out all the middle people and shop owners.

Opal stone jewelry European Union.

Black opal stone have the most intensive electric colors that can dazzle out of all the worlds opals. The best quality is known as gem red multicolored Harlequin pattern N1 body tone, only found in one place in the world a town in the outback of the semi-arid region of Australia in this State of New South Wales, Sydney being the capital city. In the far North West of the state less than 100 km from the Queensland border and 11 hour drive from the capital Brisbane, this unique place known as the capital of the black opal stone industry the town is named Lightning Ridge, which sits on an ironstone slight elevated ridge that attracts lightning strikes surrounded by flat planes, where Australian wildlife kangaroos cockatoos and parrots domestic animals all roam freely over the semiarid region of the country, not rich farming and grazing land but under some areas can be laying their form many millions of years millions of dollars of gemstones.

There are many grades of this opal stone at lightning Ridge like the N1 to N9 black grey and white body tone, and even beautiful multicolor crystal opal. In other states of Australia you will find white and crystal, but no where in the world you will find gem grade A+ N1 N2 N3, there was a semi-black N4 N3 found in south Australian.

Opal stone.

About the last five years the majority of crystal opal stones predominantly low grade and commercial grade has been discovered in the country of Ethiopia, amongst its crystal there is a brown body tone but unfortunately does not even come close to Australian black. The Ethiopia crystal can have beautiful high color bars making beautiful high dome cabochon cuts, unfortunately there colors are not electric intense fabulous colors like the Australian crystal which is so much more gorgeous.

There is not a lot of Australian black opal stone and crystal available on the market these days, fortunately Ethiopian crystal was discovered at the right time to supply the market, why there is a series slump in the Australian exploration and production as it is only every 30 to 40 years a big strike is discovered. So remember when pricing this gemstone from Ethiopia, if the crystal has intense colors, without any flaws-grazing then it can deserve serious payment like the equivalent Australian crystal opal.

Opal stone.

Handmade Opal Rings.

You have to see for yourself the better quality handcrafted opal jewelry, regardless of the gemstone being symmetrical or free-form, these designs stand out among all the gemstones when viewing, truly beautiful black opal rings-pendants. They rival diamond jewelry opals with beautiful pigeon red ruby multicolor set in rings, sapphires are beautiful in jewelry but personally I think opals beats them hands down jadeite and all the other gemstones by far.
Many jewelers have to work very hard when working with diamonds as designing something unusual will make the much more common diamond something special to wear.

Black opal stone of top quality simply placed in a simple ring design stand out in the crowd, high dome with strong colors and good clarity stones will always catch people’s attention and they will have to stop and look at you in amazement, if you smile back to then they will certainly ask you wow what type of gemstone is that, the reply I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life, contact opal stone jewelry sales to have one for yourself.