Opal Australian Rings Online Australian Opal Rings.

Opal Australian Rings Online Australian Opal Rings.

Posted by on Apr 9, 2017 in about opals, Australian opal diamond ring, Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Australian-opal-gemstone-rings, Handmade opal jewelry, october birthstones, opal jewellery, Opal jewelry, opal ring, opal ring, opal ring handmade, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry. |

Opal Australia Rings Handmade Australian Opal Rings.

Opal Australian rings gold Australian opal rings Australian black opal rings all with natural Australian opals.   Australian opal rings certified natural solid gemstone with no treatment of any kind and all with money back guarantee if tested by recognised gem and jewellery labrador testing services and the opal rings found otherwise not natural.

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Gemstone opal Australian rings and black Australian opals ring.

The reason why Graham’s handcrafted Australian opal rings are such a bargain, is because he is the primary producer opal miner manager and owner, with his own open cut mine big pit. Also he is providing Goldsmith handcrafted designer service so customers can cut out all retailers and middle people by going online to his website. Many wholesalers some retailers and buyer’s dealers travel to Australia and buy direct from the opal miners, they travel back to their countries and visit many Goldsmiths that will purchase, make opal jewellery and sell to the retail and so called wholesale websites .

Opal Australian rings.

Australia opal rings handcrafted Australian opal jewellery with natural opals please contact Graham for all natural opal gemstones Custom made jewellery engagement opal rings, handmade opal wedding rings, handmade Australian opal rings, handcrafted black opal rings at wholesale, rings handmade opal diamonds priced very low.

Australia’s opals National Women’s basketball team name head coach Jan, purchase one opal gemstone from Graham Black Opal famous Australian opal mine, official government Heritage mine in Australia. The Australian head coach stated Graham’s opal jewellery will remain Jan preferred lucky opal jewellery to wear with pride . The coach has carried and worn a piece of lucky Australian opal jewellery during all the major campaigns whilst coaching the Australian opal Basketball team, throughout Jan’s world Championships of 2002, the Athens Olympics of 2004, medal 2006 World Championships and Silver in Beijing Olympics.

Quality opal jewellery is usually found in expensive retail stores downtown in most famous cities at retail cost to the customers , because good Australian opal gemstones are very difficult to outsource, so only expenses rental jewellery boutiques can afford to have some in their shops, these shops naturally are mostly found in first world countries that have high exchange rates like dollars Japanese yen European Union currency.  These type of countries can afford to purchase Australian Opal gemstones, but there Goldsmiths jewellers that will custom make turn the gemstone in to a beautiful jewellery design cost in first world countries quite a lot, so all cost must be passed on to you the customer, and as opal is a true specialist gemstone they can be very difficult to outsource your particular design, or maybe particular colour opals that you prefer,
but never mind because you have found the right place the primary producer at Graham’s official government heritage site direct from Australia online to anybody that has an Internet service and a debit or credit card if you wish to purchase one opals Australian rings.

Opal Australian rings and Australian opal jewellery.

australian opal jewellery

Australian opal jewellery amazing inlay cowboy belt buckle.


Every opal gemstone on this site comes from his official government heritage mine in the country of Australia, the only heritage mine still leased today in the world. Heritage listed because the Australian opal was the best quality ever discovered with the most amazing Harlequin pattern in some of his opals Australian rings. Hopefully we have the particular colours shade patterns size in Australian opals that you desire, but for sure we can handcrafted any Australian opal ring design or Australian opal jewellery design opal necklaces or opal pendant you desire with all solid natural Australian opals guaranteed.