Jewellery with opals best quality Australian opals.
Jewellery with opals handcrafted opal jewellery custom made Sale about 75% Savings Off your own free personal handcrafted opal jewellery design, if you purchase one of our wholesale opals over $199 US, the goldsmith will make free your choice in design pendant or Australian handcrafted opal ring , you pay International going price for gold or silver, delivery insurance free to your address. Custom crafted specialist opal jewellery is a lot cheaper at graham’s place because graham is the primary opal producer mining in Australia, plus you have gone direct to the goldsmith graham handcrafts jewellery and designs and has open cut his own Australian opal mine which is famous. Also wholesale prices and the best Australian opals ever discovered, at graham’s official government Heritage listed opal mine, Heritage listed because the gemstone quality is know internationally as the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered at 3 mile opal mines.

Jewellery with opals Australian red multicolour black opal jewellery only $200.
Opals Australian National Women’s basketball team name, Opals Head coach Jan has one opal gemstone from Graham Black Opal famous mine, which is next door to where the famous opal named Halley’s comet, the Guinness book of world records largest uncut black opal gemstone that was discovered in modern time, also in the same year 1986 the year when Halley’s comet could be seen from Earth. About Graham Black official Government Heritage mine in Australia more information at Wikipedia Article famous Halley’s Comet by Graham Black Opal. The head coach stated his Opal jewellery will remain Jan preferred lucky opal jewellery to wear with pride . The coach has carried and worn a piece of lucky opal jewellery during all the major campaigns whilst coaching the Australian Basketball team, throughout Jan’s world Championships of 2002, the Athens Olympics of 2004, medal 2006 World Championships and Silver in Beijing Olympics.
Jewellery with opals direct from the producer at wholesale prices Mr Black passion is jewellery, as he is a master goldsmith designer working with Australian opals, rings necklace and pendants broach, earrings all with certificates 100% solid Australian opals from his mine. Jewellery certificates stating percentage of gold quantity 18 carat etc all custom-made designs guaranteed certificates money back guarantee, gemstones from the only heritage listed opal mine still leased in Australia. National Australian Museum the Australian opal centre is being built next door to Graham Black famous open cut mine at the 3 mile Lightning Ridge N.S.W, because the gemstones was of the highest quality. Known to be the best deposit of this type of gemstone ever discovered, in the State of NSW the capital Sydney Museum and gallery are assisted by the Australian government. Now under construction two story Museum one story underground and one level above ground the museum will be named the Australian opal centre .
Copy and paste their official link into your browser and follow this fabulous construction through the different stages of building to the completion if you are opal gemstone lover.
Jewellery with opals custom designs free of charge when purchasing one limited heritage opal over $199, from Graham Black opal jewellery stores, insurance and delivery free of charge. If you are shopping for a gold ring or detail custom designer work, added gemstones incorporated into the design you are expected to pay a little bit on top of the gemstone purchase, basic ring pendant earrings silver and goldsmith craftsmanship is free of charge. My main passion is custom made jewellery designs with 40 years experience master jeweller designing rings, pendants,brooches,earrings,inlay belt buckles. Opal cutting,carving sculptures service exploration mining. You are purchasing directly at wholesale prices direct from the miner with limited Heritage opals, this famous deposit of gemstones is now exhausted and is no longer producing, if you are after the last supplier of the best quality Australian lightning Ridge gemstone, then look no further than our special offer of a custom-made jewellery design to your specifications.
Jewellery with opals.
Opal jewelry Channel free don’t forget the promotion custom-made work free of charge when purchasing one opal stones over $199
Jewellery with opals pendants and brooches black opals.
The best crystal from my mine at Lightning Ridge Australia, profession goldsmith love to design and custom make each jewellery item, as we are Australian citizen involved in the opal mining industry also around Australia for nearly 40 years, this is the reason why the jewellery priced are very affordable, all solid opal jewellery designs. Every item has a certificate proof staking solid Australian opal from Lightning ridge, gemstone no treatment on enhancement. I was one of the lucky ones who found a deposit of special quality gemstones in lightning Ridge Australia the only place in the world you fine this type if you’re very lucky, I can afford to be very generous as you are cutting out all the middle men and women, as the Internet should be cheaper than renting shop frontage in a downtown jewellery district, all my design items are wholesale prices because you are dealing with one Australian man that loves his national gemstone and work and want’s to see people happy wearing his jewellery .
Why I went mining this particular type of gemstone, firstly I am sixth generation Australian, because you never find two Australian National gemstones that look alike, there is an Australian stone to suit everybody’s budget from movie star to kings and queens and directors of multinational companies to good commercial grade stones and then a very common grade gemstone that can be set in sterling silver that are still individual, you will never find anybody with opal that matches yours. I am a goldsmith that love’s making hand made rings and jewellery ,there are many gemstones in the world if you like red colour than many people will purchase an expensive ruby as dark red transparent rubies are very expensive, so many people then will purchase pink rubies and not get the true colour they wanted in this particular type of stone as pink is much more common and hence is deemed inferior not expensive.
If you are looking for blue color in gemstones, many people will look no further and purchase sapphires,in the blue colour spectrum there is light blue and dark blue sapphires. Some semiprecious gemstones have two or more colors but very rarely does precious gemstone have more than one color like clear diamond and the very expensive blue diamond, where the Australian multicoloured red opal is known to be the best quality of its type in the world where you can have all the colours of the rainbow all the colours of all gemstones on your hand in a ring, with spectacular individual patterns like peacock harlequin pattern or the cat’s eye pattern and the list goes on, pattern stones like a butterfly, Chinese writing flash patterns and the most fabulous shape of all is the high dome cabochon multicoloured predominantly red with an amazing pattern and dazzling electric fire, flawless N1 black opal needs nothing to enhance the gemstone went sit in jewellery design. Unlike other gemstones that often need to be surrounded by diamonds or set beside other gemstones with other colours to enhance the jewellery design, some gemstones are quite bland and the rings need a lot of work or a very unusual design to enhance a diamond set alone, where a beautiful Australian National gemstones only needs a simple jewellery setting as the gemstone talks for itself unlike any other gemstones, they’ll all unique individual very rare gems.
Jewellery with opal care and instructions.
Rings necklaces earrings with opals wear ability is graded good, lightning Ridge stones are not senstive day to day heat, you can wear them all day and night in northern Europe during the freezing winters, this also applies to the subtropics and the very hot tropics. Clean with warm soap and water avoid wearing gem during sports as they are expensive to replace. Please do not where expensive stone where they get rough treatment, each opal is distinctly an individual stone, one of the most lucky gems a person can own appreciate all the time. Another reason why my opals appreciate is my jewellery is mostly on the internet at wholesale prices, from my mine comes the gemstones also at wholesale prices cutting out the middlemen and exclusive jewellery stalls and boutiques. Please excuse the grammar as I am not a slick salesman and have no major in English but I am a master jeweller that always works to the highest standards working with one of the rarest gemstones .
Jewellery with opals care rings necklaces earrings with good quality Australian gemstones such as black’s good-quality crystals and white stones do not need any water or moisture added, simply store them in their jewellery boxes when not wearing, do not store them in the fridge or take them in to extremely hot sauna room and when laying in very hot water, do not store them in the car and leave the windows up on a very hot day, i would recommend this with all gemstones and jewellery not only opals.
I have a great deal at the moment on jewellery, when purchasing one polished stone over $199 from our own Australian mine, custom jewellery free of charge,wait you can participate in the design rings,necklaces,earrings or completely leave the design to me where I will make some sketching, e-mail to you some ring designs that I think will suit your particular purchase and you can decide from their, free postage to your address and insurance included at Graham Black Jewellery.
Jewellery with opals care the only reason why you could possibly have trouble with rings necklaces earrings,because i will give you a good example my wife my mother and grandmother, have gifts of opal jewellery for me and I keep telling them year after year, every time I see them come home take of their jewellery and drop them on the wooden dining table and hard surface, i am always speaking please place your jewellery in their soft boxes, please this is why they come in lovely containers. I have explained to them but it often falls on deaf ears,i tried to teach them and keep saying you might be unlucky continuous dropping day after day week after week year after year this is heavy treatment and might allow for a slight fault only seen under magnification.

Australian opal jewellery pendants.
Jewellery with opals best quality Australian opals.
Passing down jewellery with opals from mother to daughter with such harsh treatment you could be unlucky particularly if you went on your next holiday at a snow skiing resort, sitting by a hot fire in a very hot room with your jewellery on and then walking outside into the snow, when you come back this fault could possibly open up forming a crack that can be seen buy the naked eye. Where normally this will never occur with Australian black under hot and cold conditions but many years of neglect and harsh knocks would be the only reason why good quality ruby’s diamonds and opal gems could ever have such problems .
Opal jewellery care simply when cleaning your ring necklaces earrings use a very soft old toothbrush with a little bit of sop and warm water to remove any surface oil and stains from the opal,the gold ring itself and if it has diamonds you can use a hard toothbrush but avoid, do not touch the opal with a hard toothbrush as tens of years go by, the hard toothbrush might be a little bit too strong particularly on gems. If the jewellery setting has other gemstones like diamonds and there is tiny small grains of sand wrench between the diamonds and gold than simply use of wood toothpick to remove the object,do not use silver and gold cleaning chemical agent on opals and pearls. Some gemstones have been set in jewellery for so long passed down to family members that if this cleaning treatment does not work sufficiently to bring the jewellery back to a good standard then you need to find a good goldsmith. If possibly have the stone removed and sent to a gemstone cutter and have the stone re-polished, while in the mean time the goldsmith can polish the jewellery to the highest standard as the stone has been removed, after the loving gem is replaced into your grandmother’s ring that was handed down to you will look fabulous, as good as new and you will be very happy and never forget your love ones, jewellery with opals care is the best prevented measure.