Images opal jewelry by Australian opal miners and goldsmiths .
Images opal jewelry get smart and cut out the middle man because I can tell you there are many people down the chain of supply. Our sale buy one wholesale opal from us over US $199 and our custom goldsmith service is free, we will make one ring or pendant completely free of charge and you only have to pay for the gold this saves you up to $900. In your country it can cost you $900 just for the design and handmade work and this is not including the gemstone. This is why most commercial grade gemstones and custom work is unaffordable because there are to many middle people.
Australian opal gemstone rings with Heritage stones from specialist Graham best prices for unique opal jewelry, and the best quality opals ever discovered direct from Goldsmith Master Artisan that did not major in English, and graphic web designer also but you will not find more honest affordable custom jeweler.
Commercial grade opal jewelry can be affordable when purchasing directly from the custom goldsmith designer, as long as the jewelers travel to Australian mining town, purchasing direct from the miner but jewelers cannot travel unfortunately and have to purchase from the middleman as Australia is a long way away from the rest of the world and this is why most good quality commercial grade custom jewelry is unaffordable to many middleman and sales persons.
Images opal jewelry by Australian opal miners and goldsmiths .
I give a 30 day guarantee money back if the opal jewelry workmanship does not reach high standards and on receiving your item the jewelry and gemstone must come close to matching the description. A 60 day money back guarantee if the opal gemstone is not solid natural Australian opal with no treatment or enhancement of any kind, we only asked for a certificate from a recognized international gemstone Lab and jewelry testing service stating otherwise, no questions asked money back in full you only have to return the item not damage safely back to us.
On the market today there is the much lower grade Ethiopian opal that is mass-produced in jewelry in Third world countries sweat shops where there is no quality control such as China and India Bangladesh but very affordable, unfortunately the opal can have a lot of problems from Ethiopia grazing faults and cracks appearing.
The Australian opal gemstone supply is very limited these days but the quality is known around the world to be the best and highest strength, as I am an Australian citizen under strict jewelry guideline laws and regulations as Australia is a first world country that works to international standards, all my hand-made jewelry reaches the standard of the European Union goldsmith and jewelry designs.
There is Australian opal for every budget from $50 to hundreds and even $10,000 thousands of dollars for one single gemstone. Many cases the lower grade stones custom goldsmiths never buy, customers never see these options because why would you spend up to $1000 to have your local goldsmith copy a beautiful design that you have seen and would love to have in your collection. Simply when the gemstone is $100 $200 it simply not economical, hence most of this type opal is mass-produced in China cut exact all calibrated cut to the exact size which can easily slot in to a jewelry mould that can be mass produced tens of thousands identical all the same.
Images opal jewelry by Australian opal miners and goldsmiths.
Our opal mine was heritage listed because this 3 mile lightning Ridge Australia location produced the best quality opal ever discovered out of all the opal locations in the world.
Mining location around Lightning Ridge Australia is the only place in the world you’ll find true black opal N1 N2 body tone gemstones.
Lightning Ridge Australia is the only place in the world you’ll find true black opal N1 N2 body tone gemstones.
Australian opal mines can produce semiprecious grade, commercial grade, and gem quality, in crystal black body tone white body tone and boulder opal.
Graham Black hand made opal jewelry can save you hundreds of dollars up to $1000 because you’re going direct to the source.
America Europe Japan and many countries it can cost $1000 just for the goldsmith hand made work .
Cut out the middle man I can tell you there are many down the chain gem dealers, merchants jewelry wholesalers, sales people jewelry outlets .
30 day guarantee money back jewelry work man ship on the gemstone and it must come close to matching the description or money back.
Guarantee the opal gemstone is solid natural Australian opal with no enhancement treatment of any kind.
Images opal jewelry by Australian opal miners and goldsmiths.
The gemstone comes from the only heritage listed mine 3 mile Lightning Ridge Australia in the state of NSW Capital Sydney.
Crafted hand made solid affordable gemstone and master designer goldsmith work that is affordable.
The last 3 mile opal available on the market the Australian National gemstone and the ring above has a true Heritage 3 mile gemstone.
Images opal jewelry by Graham Black opal jeweler Copy Right.
Famous gemstone discovered National Australian official symbol Heritage site opal mine go to google maps.