Handmade Opal Jewelry, All Crafted Rings, All Natural Opal Gemstones, All From Only Official Government Opal Heritage Location In Australia.
Handmade opal jewelry and rings custom made Sale On Now about 75% Savings Off the same opal jewelry in your Country, very good promotion delivery and insurance free to your address in your Country.
Handmade opal jewelry hear crafted work goldsmith specialist in opal jewelry and a lot cheaper at this site because the owner is the primary opal producer mining in Australia, plus you have gone direct to the goldsmith graham that handcrafts jewelry and designs, graham has open cut his own Australian opal mine at 3 mile the best opals ever discovered in Australia at official government Heritage listed opal mine, Heritage listed in the State of NSW the Capital Sydney Australia because the gemstone quality is recognized internationally as the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered. Wholesale prices all welcome Australia opal jewelry handmade all natural Australian opals 100% gemstones and fine goldsmith craftsman .
Handmade opal jewelry guaranteed money back if the opal is not natural Australian opal and the jewelry is not well made, just send the opal ring back in the same condition as when you received it in the post, with international Lab testing certificate stating the opal is otherwise. Mr Graham Black Policy is good for 3 months from the commencement of customers receiving jewelry in the post. Certificate stating description of the natural Australian opal and the jewelry description will be emailed to you also with your purchase. About Australian handmade opal jewelry more information at YouTube Channel the channel is named opal jewelry with various videos on the subject of opal rings and jewelry.
Opal rings jewelry.
Handmade opal jewelry and rings cleaning advice always remember this step first the most important rule and never forget it, you must be sitting down relax as patience is a virtue, please make sure there is carpet under where you are cleaning the jewelry or working on a wide bench at least, always concentrate and slowly take your opal jewelry off but at least if there is an accident and you are not holding your opal jewelry tightly, and it falls out of your hand and smashes on to a hard tile floor from a distance there will be no damage to your jewelry. With opal jewelry and ruby’s or diamonds its possible in accident if the front of the opal gemstone hits the high surface first, there’s always a chance of chipping the gemstone or even cracking and in some cases the stone cannot be fixed.
Handmade opal jewelry with natural gemstones and handmade opal rings all custom opal jewelry the goldsmith will handcraft opal jewelry for all occasions, if you need a gift for love one’s we can handmade opal jewelry not only for adults but children also, if your about to get engage we will hand make opal rings with diamonds or maybe you have been there and now the big day, the wedding Graham’s Beautiful handcrafted diamond and opal wedding rings. Our Goldsmith might be old and our graphic web designer did not major in english but our goldsmith is a Master Artisan, and this site has the best prices for unique opal jewelry and the best quality opals ever discovered.

Handmade opal jewelry with one Australian opal and with diamonds in 18 ^ gold amazing design handcrafted opal ring, with multi colour opal from the only official government Heritage listed location in the country of Australia.
Opal jewelry.
3 mile mines have the best deposit of this particular Australian gemstones in the world and this is why graham open cut his mine, and this is why the mine was heritage listed in Australia in the State of New South Wales capital Sydney, so save money and go direct to the goldsmiths with over 40 years experience and the miner.

Opal jewelry ring with Australian crystal and diamonds in the opal ring, Australian opal rings have the best opals in the world by far, hear at graham’s site or opal rings are handmade with gemstones from official Australian government Heritage listed site. The location is at 3 Miles mines Lightning Ridge the best quality ever discovered and the largest Black opal open cut mine in the World, and next door under construction official Australian state government museum named the Australian opal Centre.
Handmade opal jewelry sale customers don’t forget buy one of our Heritage gemstones over US $199 and you’re entitled to one free jewelry design. Graham’s gemstones are very good quality the most stable deposit ever discovered, guarantee 90 days return policy if the gemstone is found otherwise not to be solid with no treatment no enhancement of any kind 100% Australian gemstone from Lightning Ridge Australia. You only need to provide us with a recognized lab testing certificates stating otherwise money back in full no question asked, the handmade opal jewelry will be made to the highest international standards.
Today commercial grades silver and gold jewelry are mostly manufactured in third world countries, jewelry that you will have problems with in the first or second year after purchasing, many people have to take their item back to a goldsmith for repair, the jewelry repair work will not be cheap in America and Europe and all first world country and will only add a few hundred dollars to your original purchasing price of let’s say maybe about $400 + repair work down the future $200 = $600, as a lot of jewelry these days in boutiques are manufactured and come from sweatshops factories in China or India and even Bangladesh and Mexico.
But handmade you can choose from many designs in rings pendants necklaces all jewelry designs as when you choose handmade jewelry there is no limit to the designer’s imagination. But when you purchase directly from a jewelry shop you are extremely limited in your choice of jewelry designs, if you are looking for a special engagement or wedding ring that no one else has, like a one-of-a-kind then graham can guarantee that no one will have the exact custom design that you are wearing as he only makes one hand made opal jewelry design.
Many people purchased jewelry straight off-the-shelf because handmade goldsmith jewelers work can be costly $500 to $1000 depending on what city you live in America or European city and what type of design basic or elaborate, you will most likely pay 1000 for a goldsmith Artisan design. Graham’s special online sale customers are buying gemstones at wholesale prices direct from the prospector cutting out many middle men . If you are in the market for a special gift for a male friend or maybe shopping for a female friend, then cut out the expensive boutiques in your City also graham’s handmade opal jewelry design should always be considered because mass produced production line item all the same, thousands of jewelry circulating in your country identical but as these items are very affordable, about $400 to 500 with only low grade Ethiopian opal most people in the market have to consider how much money they have to spent so many will just buy one straight off-the-shelf, graham’s special handmade sale price is a better buy because the minimum gold needed in one very large size handmade ladies ring is about one third of announce in the imperial measurement about US $400. Metric 10 g of gold about $400 also Graham’s special + $191 one Australian opal, you pay the international going price for the amount of gold you need for your jewelry design equals = $591, bonus design your own unique one-of-a-kind handmade opal jewelry free guaranteed 100% solid Australian opal, not inferior Ethiopian Crystal which has flooded the jewelry shops in very recent years.

Handmade opal jewelry opal ring with gemstones from Lightning Ridge Australia, these gemstones from Australia have individual patterns and colors. The opals rings also have the best opals ever discovered in the world, there are no deposits outside of Australia that come anywhere near the best quality Australian opals. Including Ethiopian opal rings, Mexican opal rings all any location simply because the Australian quality is so much more superior, and this is why Australian opal rings are valued and priced higher amongst all jewellers that understand this amazing gemstone.
Opal jewelry for ladies and men.
The best things about handmade opal jewelry you will never find two of these opal gemstones the same, unlike rubies and sapphires jadeite diamonds and if their all the same weight say half carat or 1 or ^ 2 carat and graded the same, for example lets choose and pick the most expensive A grade the shaped cut facets the same, then they are all identical to the naked eye. This applies to B grade diamonds and most gemstones shape cut facets the same, then they are all identical to the naked eye, so if they are all the same weight same price,” diamonds tens of millions the same identical stones”.
It’s only big ruby’s for collectors and diamonds over five carats etc gemstones that are good investment unique. Unlike Australian opals every one unique with its own identity, like pattern markings that can be seen visually by the customers naked eye.
Other gemstones it doesn’t matter what grade C B A diamonds rubies and sapphires tens of millions identical, Australian opals no matter what grade pressures or semi pressures commercial grade Australian opals C B A etc, everyone unique from the very best gem quality good investment opal or one of my special on sale over US $199 individual unique.
Don’t forget handmade opal jewelry designs enhance the ring and it doesn’t matter any colored stones including all types of gemstone jadeite and common clear small diamonds of all shapes and sizes, will always stand out because handmade jewelry is the answer custom jewelry and fine handmade opal rings.