Handmade Black Opal Rings.

Handmade Black Opal Rings.

Posted by on Jun 2, 2015 in Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Black opal jewellery, Black opal jewelry, Black opal rings, opal jewellery, opal ring, opal ring, opal ring handmade, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry. |

Handmade black opal rings opal from Heritage mine Australia.

Handmade black opal rings hear are all natural opal rings with natural opals so save money and go direct, to the artisans goldsmith all handmade black opal rings, Graham’s goldsmiths has 40 years experience an the opal gemstones are the best ever discovered, this is why Graham’s Australian opal mine was Heritage listed by the government of the state capital Sydney Australia, customers sale buy one of our heritage opal gemstones over US $199 and you’re entitled to one free custom made black opal ring or opal rings or simple jewelry design.
Most people buy opal rings off the shelf because handmade jewelry by goldsmiths,work, can add anywhere from $500 to $1000 depending on where you live in the world. Our special offer will save you not only $500 to $1000 but you are buying a gemstone at wholesale price direct from the prospector who discovered and has the only rights to mine the gemstones.The New South Wales State government capital Sydney Australia controllers the mining industry within the leased heritage region and surrounding mineral deposits of gemstones within the districts.

Handmade black opal rings our Goldsmith might be old and our graphic web designer did not major in English but our goldsmith is a Master Artisan, and this site has the best prices for unique opal jewelry.

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Handmade black opal rings from Australian.

The gemstones are of the highest quality extremely stable finest deposit ever discovered with a 60 day return policy if the gemstone is found otherwise not to be solid with no treatment no enhancement of any kind 100% Australian gemstone from lightning Ridge Australia. You only need to provide us with a recognized lab testing certificates stating otherwise money back in full no question asked. Our hand made opal rings and jewelry is made to the highest international standards.

Handmade black opal rings for men.

So many designs to consider as when you choose a custom hand made goldsmith jeweler to design the setting the sky is the limit, in other words there is no limit, unlike buying directly from a jewelry boutique you are very limited in your choice of jewelry designs. When you are looking for a special ring engagement wedding ring a unique one of a kind ring is what you should be considering.

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Australian handmade black opal rings by custom made jeweler.

Also when you are thinking about buying a special gift for a female, handmade lady’s opal ring custom made design jewelry should always be considered over a mass produced cloned production line item. Where there are thousands of rings all the same circulating around the world but as they are very affordable usually about $500 most people have to consider their budget and by off-the-shelf rings,”but our special sale”similar price because the minimum gold needed in ladies rings is 10 g one third of announce of gold about $300 our special + $199 one Australian gemstone, you pay international price for the amount of gold you need for your design equals = $499, you can design your own unique one-of-a-kind handmade ring, men’s opal or ladies handmade black opal rings also.

Today jewelry commercial grade is manufactured in China or India Third World countries,rings that you will have problems with in the future, you will have to out sourced in the future a goldsmith to repair the ring which will not be cheap in your country and only add a few hundred dollars to your original purchasing price of $500, as a lot of jewelry these days in boutiques are manufactured and come from such third world sweat shops factories.

Handmade black opal rings for children.

The people you love the most your children, can have custom made rings at affordable prices , every day they will remember you and the family that loves then the most because of your special jewelry gifts, have something design special that they treasure love from Graham Black Australian goldsmith specialist.
Usually starting from scratch is expensive the gemstone merchant travels to Australia and then travels to the outback mining towns, buy’s of the primary producer miner, travels around the world at their own cost marketing their gemstones at jewelry factories. The wholesale jewelry manufacturers need to make money “more cost their sales people” market at international gem shows, where more wholesalers buy their jewelry and will travel to your local boutique jewelry store and sell the item wholesale. The jewelry item will stay on the shelf at retail prices unto such time a customer purchase the item from the boutique.

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Hand made opal rings custom Australian opal rings, designer Graham Black jeweler.

Handmade black opal rings.

You can see how many middle people and hands the raw material gemstone passes through, this is why craftsmen goldsmiths are hard to find as these craftsmen’s trade has been nearly destroyed by the multinational jewelry suppliers, but with the Internet we have been able to stay in business, and keep away from such middle people pass on to the consumer all the savings as people can find us from the safety of their own lounge room as most people have computers these days so if you are looking for handmade black opal rings at wholesale prices please contact Graham.