Handmade opal rings and handmade jewelry with natural opals from Australia with certificates.

Silver handmade opal rings size 1″1/16 by 9/16 or 17 mm long with natural opal blue color with green color $771 .
Handmade opal rings and opal necklaces pendants Big Sale On Now about 75% Savings Off about, if you purchase a good commercial grade natural opal fully guaranteed at this site, your entitlement at no charge to you our goldsmith will hand make one opal ring jewelry free for you, one very elaborate handmade opal ring handcrafted opal jewelry. Your own free personal handcrafted opal jewelry design goldsmith work free, customers responsible only pay for the amount of gold that is needed, or material silver and any other gemstones will be at your cost only.
Another promotion on unique one-of-a-kind handmade opal rings and jewelry, wait more good deals to come for customers with a much lower budget. another good offer free of charge handmade goldsmith work with basic designs, if you purchase one of our wholesale opals over $199 US, the goldsmith will make free your choice in one basic design pendant free or Australian basic design handcrafted opal ring, no goldsmith craftsmanship work will be charged to you.
Customers only pay the International going price for gold or silver but delivery and insurance free of charge to your address. Graham is a custom crafted goldsmith opal specialist in this very rare and unique opal gemstone. He is a lot cheaper because you’re going direct through the Internet to his own site, and because he is also the primary opal producer mining in Australia, plus you have gone direct to the goldsmith that hand makes opal rings and opal jewelry. All handcrafted jewelry with the best designs, graham has open cut his own Australian opal mine at 3 mile mine, which is the most famous opal deposit known around the world, 3 mile the best opals ever discovered in Australia at graham’s official government Heritage listed opal mine, Heritage listed in the State of NSW capital Sydney Australia, because the gemstone quality is internationally recognized as the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered in the entire world opal industry, at the famous recognized 3 mile Australian opal mines.
Handmade opal rings.
About Australian handmade opal rings more information at YouTube Channel the channel is named opal jewelry with various videos on the subject of black opal jewelry.
More information about opal rings from specialist in Australian opals, and engagement opal rings all handcrafted opal jewelry one-of-a-kind designs.
About pricing range depends on the colors you choose red with blue or most other colors like green is more expensive then orange and blue colors or orange and green opals, never forget about the intensity of the colors as this will increase the price a lot if the colors are very electric dazzling, but if the stone has dole colors lower the price if very dole then are lot cheaper again than gem electric colors. Many factors size carat weight and shape play a big part in pricing opal, high dome cabochon opals are a lot more expensive than a very flat stone. When your jeweler purchases an opal and hand makes opal ring jewelry for you with natural gemstone free-form shape it should be much a lower price than one stone that is very symmetrical.
The most important rule Australian opals are the best opal gemstones the best quality, no other opals compare from anywhere around the world to the much more superior Australian opals. We recommend when looking for goldsmiths in your country someone to hand make an opal ring for you, please find a good goldsmith in your country that understands opals, look for a craftsman good designer that understands the special requirements needed to set opals. Australian mines have produced about 90% of the worlds supply of raw uncut rough material for the last 100 years. Naturally there are lots of Australian cutters that can polish to the highest standard, so most good Australian jeweler’s will understand the special requirements and how to work with natural opal gemstones, because they need special skills when the jeweler hand makes opal rings and setting your new opal into the ring. But don’t forget today there is a big discovery of much lower grade opal, discovered in the country of Ethiopia flooding the market, and should be priced a lot lower then Australian gemstones.
These type of goldsmith specialist setters are more expensive as most will insist the customer pay for insurance replacement value of the opal, if they damage the opal went setting the gemstone in the final stage of the ring. Graham is the only opal expert with official government Heritage opal workplace in Australia, Graham does not need you to have insurance as he never has this problem, he can handmade opal ring with ease beautiful jewelry, because he has been cutting and polishing mining his opals for over 40 years in the industry, and is a master craftsman handmade opal ring and jeweler.
Handmade opal rings.
Very outgoing people love amazing jewelry and appreciate strangers and people flattering remarks, then I would recommend you to look for and purchase a good big or medium-sized opal or handmade opal ring or have your jeweler hand make an opal ring for you, and if you have the money purchase one amazing gem quality mix color black base body tone opal, in the black group that also can be called N1 or N2 body tone.
These type of Australian opals are the most unique but expensive natural opal jewelry, natural black opals are the most amazing of all natural opal handmade rings, including gem quality Australian boulder opal rings but more expensive then a gem quality Ethiopian crystal opal. If you have your jeweler hand make your opal ring with crystal opal, then remember Australian his the best crystal, price lower then crystal comes Australian white opal rings, please remember Australian crystal opal is all ways more expensive then Ethiopian crystal opal.
Handmade opal rings with all natural opals fully guaranteed for unique people because natural opals are very unique and all individual gemstones, natural opals can not have the same identical pair or identical opals, so your opal jewelry is the only one of its kind, regardless of the jewelers personal designs. Beautiful natural opal jewelry will stand out like no other jewelry will, as good quality opal can dazzle people with electrifying colors, have your goldsmith custom hand make the design one amazing jewelry, you will make all your friends envy and during the course of the day people that you encounter and see your jewelry will be amazed, many people will have to ask you about your amazing gemstone jewelry design a very good conversation starter. Very private person that also love natural opals should just look for small opal item of jewelry and this way you will not attract too much attention, and you should not be annoyed or stared at stopped by strangers asking you about your natural hand made opal rings.