Graham Black opal expert Australian handcrafted opal jewellery, Mr Graham Black famous Australian black opal mine. 3 mile best opal gemstones ever in the history of the Australian black opal industry, goldmith natural opals ethically sourced.
Graham Black opal location has official government Heritage listing in the state capital Sydney Australia, black opals possibly rarest gemstones on earth black opals are in the top very rare minerals and gem quality one of the most expensive minerals in the world. Graham’s 3 mile site Heritage listed because the quality of the Australian black opals known as the best quality in the world, location Lightning Ridge open cut mine 3 mile.
Graham Black Opal famous mine which is next door to where the famous opal named Halley’s comet, largest uncut black opal gemstone that was discovered in modern time. About Graham Black official Government Heritage mine in Australia more information about famous opal Wikipedia Article by Graham Black Opal.
Graham Black workplace official recognised by the government and officially recorded as special place in the history of the Australian pioneers of the Industry and early explorers discoveries and the National gemstone also official State emblem NSW the black opal. location in Australia State NSW Capital Sydney, next door to the discovery of famous Guinness book of record black opal gemstone, also next door to official State Museum site Australian opal centre, under construction in 2017 underground excavation completed . When finished the official Government Museum will be two story building one underground one above ground environmentally friendly Australian opal museum. And everybody from around the world is welcome to visit the official museum that will showcase the Australian Black Opal Industry, and Lightning Ridge Palaeontologist will have on display fossilised opal dinosaur skeletons.
Graham Black Opal Jewellery Handmade .
Graham Black trade Goldsmith and Australian opal specialist jeweller first and designer, prospecting and mining Australian black opal over the last 40 years, in Queensland and around Lightning Ridge the only location in the world where you will find good quality N1 black opals.
Mr Graham Black main passion is handmade Australian opal rings and all Australian opal jewellery, including the unique black opal rings, and all handcrafted black opal jewellery. With over 40 years goldsmith experience mixing diamonds into the jewellery design, and red colour rubies look great with blue and green colour opals in gold designs. Graham explains why he likes working with opals the most in the design was simple, becaurse opal gemstones are all unique with individual markings and very rare, so this makes them a good investment unlike most gemstones diamonds, are valued on strength and well market for investment purposes. But when you surround a beautiful multi colour black opal with clear diamonds with white gold or yellow gold amazing unique jewellery item that you will see nowhere else in the world.
Google maps location of the official Government opals Heritage location in Australia.
Lightning Ridge Australia is recognised internationally as the capital of the black opal industry, there is no dispute as there is nowhere in the world that can compete with such amazing electric vibrant colours and pattern, and this reflects in their pricing structure of Australian black opal if you are looking for the finest and most amazing gemstones, because you will pay more than the best quality white opal and crystal opals and a lot more than the best quality boulder opal, Mexican opal and Ethiopian Opal.
Sporting champions like Australian international ladies basketball team Head coach Jan has one of Graham Black famous Australian opal gemstones. The head coach stated Graham Black Opal jewelry will remain Jan’s preferred lucky opal jewelry to wear with pride .

Photograph of Graham Black famous opal mine, Graham is a true opal jewellery specialist in the Australian opal gemstone and industry.
Nowhere in the world competes with Graham Black location and there is a big promotion sale on Graham’s handmade jewelry now, customers purchase one natural Australian opal over $199 and then all customers are entitled to free handmade setting, one free basic design opal ring or custom made pendant, customers personal design are welcome. e-mail your sketch or a photograph of your design and choice, the Australian black opal jewellery will be posted free to your address and insurance free. The special on now covers all Australian opals crystals white opals carvings, as long as you perches one Australian opal over $199, customers pay for the gold or silver.
About Graham Black Opal more information at YouTube Channel. Opal jewellery handmade.
Graham Black Opal specialist best cleaning professional advice method for Australian opal jewellery and Australian opal rings or black opal rings that look reasonable. Quick and easy method any time anywhere because you what your opal jewellery looking its best all the time. Simply place the opal jewellery very close to your mouth while blowing quickly a few times, very quickly blowing with your warm breath over the opal only, then very quickly clean your black opal gemstone with very clean tissue. Tissue must come out from a clean dust proof tissue wrapper, do this any time you want or every week to keep the shine on your Australian black opal jewellery rings or earrings.
Graham Black Opal Handmade Jewellery .
Graham Black advice wait stop the most important rule of thumb do not forget, sit down relax patience is a virtue make sure there is carpet under your feet, work in the middle of a big wide bench at least, because when you’re taking your opal jewellery off and it falls out of your hand on to hard tile floor from a distance, there’s always a chance of chipping the opal or cracking and this cannot be fixed in many cases.
Australian black opal jewellery and rings dirty or earrings start off with one new or old toothbrush must be very soft brush, no hard toothbrush allowed when cleaning black opal jewellery or any Australian opals. Find a small bowl of warm water only lukewarm and add some good quality detergent and scrub the jewellery band and the diamonds or any other gemstones that are in the ring opal jewellery design, but it’s always best not to get detergent on the opal patients is a virtue. Important things not to forget in all cleaning step sit down relax and make sure there is carpet under your feet, if not work in the middle of a big wide bench at least, because when you’re taking your opal jewellery off and it falls out of your hand on to hard tile floor from a distance, there’s always a chance of chipping the opal or cracking.
Graham Black advice then empty out remove all the dirty water and replace with new warm clean water, I must emphasise warm water only and with out detergent the second time around. After cleaning a second time with a new clean and soft brush this time clean all sides of the ring but try to get as close as possible to the opal and stop just on the edges of the opal and do not touch with the brush.
Graham Black Opal Jewellery .
Last step have on hand very clean tissues ready on hand that has just been taken out of the dust proof tissue plastic wrapper, you can then clean the opal with clean water. If this step does not remove grime off the opal, place some methylated spirits or body rub spirits on the tissue and clean the diamonds and ring band only. Keep away from the opal gemstone unless the opal is covered in grimy greasy stains but use a new clean tissue for the opal, get some new clean tissues only for the opal and make sure there is no dust on the tissue and it has been in a sealed container, and important do not forget in all cleaning step sit down relax and make sure there is carpet under your feet, make sure you have your thinking cap on work slowly careful, do not drop do not have accident there’s always a chance of chipping the opal or cracking and accident cannot be fixed in many cases.
Graham Black Opal Jewellery Handmade .
Immediately after cleaning the opal with methylated spirits, please immediately very quickly remove all the body rub spirits or methylated spirits off the opal gemstone with tissue, then repeat this step again but get a new tissue quickly and do this procedure again second time but with no methylated spirits only new cleaner tissue.
If your opal gemstone or black opal colours not clear are not shining any more or the stone looks tarnish and the black opal jewellery dose not look as good as it used to do when you first purchase the item. Graham Black advice time can do this after many years working in the garden or maybe house duties cleaning, likely wear and tear on the opal you can get many little very faint scratches that can be seen under magnification with jewellers glasses.
The opal can be cleaned up to look new as long as there is no big chips as they can never be removed, well maybe if the opal is big enough to have it re-cut and re-polish, but then the opal is usually to small for the original jewellery setting. So you will need a goldsmith to make a new ring for the down size opal that now looks very good but is most likely smaller after cutting.
Graham Black advice to have the black opal jewellery colours shine like new again you will have to pay some money, because there will be financial cost to you, because you need some specialist because you will most likely have to have the opal removed from the jewellery setting, it’s better to our source gemstone setter to have it removed and then you have the opal taken to the professional gem cutter that understands opals, you will have to pay for re-polishing that should not be difficult if the professional understands opals.
Then it needs to go back to the setter and have the black opal reset back in the jewellery item again, major professional skills and undertaking, so please do lots of homework research and talk to many goldsmith or better look for opal specialist, just do not believe your local jewelry store or boutique because most are just retail sales business people. Find gemstone cutters and polishes and make sure when resetting the opal back into the ring the jeweller understand setting and is not just a Goldsmith, because some Australian black opal jewelry and black opal rings can be expensive and you do not want a goldsmith to add any heat when removing the opal because most goldsmith do not understand opal gemstones and can damage your Australian black opal jewellery.
Australian opal natural gemstones and jewelry handmade in your country could cost $500 or a lot more for Goldsmiths to make, this is not including the gold or silver and the opal will not be wholesale like direct from the primary producers such as Graham Black Opal mining.