Custom opal Jeweller Handmade Opal Jewellery Australian Opals Wholesale Price.
Custom opal jeweller Big Sale 75% savings off $ customers Money for the same opal jewellery item in your country, all natural opals and handmade rings at Wholesale prices.
Custom opal jeweller can make a lot cheaper opal rings hear because you have gone direct to the primary opal miners producer, and goldsmith that hand makes ring and designer jewellery that as open cut his own Australian opal mine. Here you are going direct to the wholesaler at the best prices to graham’s site and shopping cart. The mine was at the 3 mile the best deposit of Australian opals ever discovered from the only official government Heritage listed opal mine in the country of Australia, Heritage listed because the quality is the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered anywhere in the world. Sale 75% Savings on your own free personal custom design, if you purchase one of our wholesale opals over $199 US, we make free your choice in design pendant or Australian opal ring, you pay the international going price for gold or silver, delivery and insurance free to your address.
Custom opal jeweller natural opal rings or natural black opal rings Amazing Offer Sale for Customers, free custom made opal ring or opal jewellery simply if you buy one of our natural opals over $199, handcrafted opal ring free graham will hand make free of charge one custom opal ring or natural opal pendent design jewelry free of charge. Best prices here graham has better prices then you will fine any where for handmade opal jewellery, so go direct to his official government Heritage listed opal mine in Australia. You will not find more affordable custom opal goldsmith so cut out all the middle people and go direct to the primary producer, Australian opal gemstone specialist in the Industry.
Wow the official Government submission read about Graham’s mine, Opal more rarely, specimens contain precious opal.”And these are surely among the most beautiful natural objects on earth, characterized by red/black gems of superlative brilliance, also listed as item of environmental Heritage in LEP National Trust of Australia. Promotion on now purchase from this site one good commercial grade opal then you entitlement to one free very elaborate handmade jewelry, your own ring design made free no gold or others stones included at your cost. You only have to pay for the silver and gold free postage and insurance this will save you about $1,000 on a custom jewellery design opal gemstone item of the equivalent quality in your city New York or LA and most other cities around your country. Guaranteed Certificate stating natural Australian Heritage opal with 90 days returns for fine custom jewelry workmanship.
Custom Opal Jeweler Handmade 100% Guaranteed Policy.
About graham’s opal mine information View wikipedia famous opal discovered next door to graham’s opal mine. You are totally protected as our customers like using PayPal banking, customers guaranteed 30 days if our custom opal jeweler does not make your jewellery to high standards, recognized in the industry or the item does not fit the description when you receive it. Wait you are not happy with my service you have a genuine complaint PayPal has a return policy of 30 days for customers money back guarantee.
PayPal the biggest Internet banking company is simply our arbitrator and have access to my bank account to transfer funds back to you without my consent, after they check into your complaint and find you correct and website misleading. We give our personal 60 days guarantee only if the stone is not genuine Australian opal with no treatment, the stone comes from the only Heritage mining location in Australia. You can return within 60 days money back guarantee, simply take the stone and have it Lab tested there guarantee must be in writing and if the Lab you choose is recognized as having high international standards and can prove as with a certificate stating otherwise, we will pay for the gem Lab testing also no question asked money back in full. You only need to have the jewellery return back to us in the same condition as you received the item.
Do not forget the 3 mile and our opal mine is recognized internationally as the best quality opal gemstone location ever discovered in the history of the industry all around the world, why simply because it’s the only place that has a Heritage listing in Australia the State of New South Wales the capital Sydney, why was the mine Heritage listed because the quality was known to be outstanding the most strongest dazzling colors, very strong gemstone compared to all the other fields around the world like Ethiopian opal gemstones.

Our custom opal jeweller works with Mr Graham Black official Australian Heritage opal mine, Graham opal mining.
Custom Opal Jeweller Works With Rare Australian Opal Gemstones.
3 mile Australian opal contain precious gemstones among the most beautiful natural objects on earth, chemical composition SiO2.nH2O water around 3 l0% by weight sometimes higher 20o/o. The English name comes from the Ancient word Opalus witch is Latin, meaning to see play of colors and precious stones. Precious Australian opal has a refractive index 1.450 +. 020, -.080 . Hardness about 6 average starts from 5.5 to 6.5 Opal’s consists of Hydrated amorphous silica that makes for unique play of colors seen by the human eye “characteristics” of most opal gemstones discovered around the world, caused by silica spheres cemented together silica, and depending on the amount silica spheres the arrangement tightness of the silica spheres, determents the grade either reaching commercial grade, semiprecious and Gem quality the most expensive. Volcanic rocks in cavities and cracks sedimentary volcanic percolating water in the ground with timing factors dissolves silica that precipitates to make raw untreated silica spheres opal colors, can replace wood or fossils shells and animal bones that lived 100,000,000 years ago, that the original material had dissolved. If opal silica spheres arrangement form regular type groupings in or on the black material around the most famous mining location Lightning Ridge region of Australia, the specimens contain precious opal among the most beautiful natural objects on earth.

Australian opal jewellry the image is of the Australian flag, a symbol representing the Australian National gemstone opal.
Most of the jewelry on the market today is not sterling silver or handmade by a custom opal jeweller, there is a lot of synthetic gemstones on the market, doublets and triplets which there is only a percentage of natural gemstone used in the manufacturing, these days a lot of very low grade Ethiopian stones, factories are making thousands of cheap jewellery items identically all the same.
Don’t forget this great promotion because Graham make high-quality at the lowest price specialist custom opal jeweler all handmade with the best quality Australian solid natural opal no treatment of any kind, direct from the mines in Australia, all stones at the lowest wholesale prices set in solid 100% sterling silver or gold depending on the customer’s preference.
Custom Opal Jeweller Works With Black Opal Also .
Graham’s custom opal jewelry appreciate quickly because you are buying at wholesale prices direct from the primary producer, in other words the people that are mining this particular precious and semiprecious mineral opal gemstone, you are buying from the outback of Australia the famous opal location of Lightning Ridge . You do not need to go no where simply be online and be a member of the biggest internet banking company the American company PayPal, where you can be assured that PayPal will always award in the customer’s favor, as long as the customer has a genuine complaint regarding the business they purchased the product from.

This Australian opal would make a fabulous custom opal jewelry design, perfect example of gem quality.
Our Goldsmith hasn’t major in English and our graphic web designer did not major in English, but our goldsmith is a Master Artisan and this site has the best prices for unique natural opal jewellry and the best quality opals ever discovered, so our custom opal jeweller will look after customers that purchase custom opal jewellery.
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