Polished opals Australian gemstone package. Polished opals direct from Graham’s Heritage mine is safer then buying and cutting polishing opals, because this very specialized skill. Rough opal in uncut state is purchased often from the middlemen or sometimes direct from the primary producer miners. Specialized skill dealers sort through the rough parcels direct from the opal mines, hopefully professionally predicting the value of gemstones which can be cut polished from the rough stones. The only way to guarantee you’re buying direct is to go to the mining towns, it’s better not to buy in town because often they are middlemen again based in town. You have to go out of town direct to the mining fields, then hopefully find someone that is finding something,and has rough and has not already been to the cutters and had there rough polished. Video Polished Opal Rubs from Graham’s official Government Heritage mine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2LGfrRpg-4 opals from Australia. Polished opals Australian gemstone package. But there is never any guarantee as cutting and the final polishing can produce very different unpredictable outcomes every time unless you have many years of experience. This is why I recommend starting with purchasing finish polished opals, and then maybe moving into rubs and get a very good look at rubs before buying rough. The opal cutter sorts through the rough material parcel and decided which color pieces of rough are worth cutting, than to the diamond saw cut the rough opal into desired sizes, the next stage will bring you closer to the rubs. Any excess grey black or white colors material plus cracks and potch is cut off and discarded, the rough opal is cut into a basic stone shape, you are now getting close to the rub stage. Australian Queensland boulder opal can be much more difficult to cut as it forms in tiny cavities in the ironstone, but often very thin colour veins, ironstone is generally left to support the finished gemstone and the back of the stone is often orange to brown colour. Ironstone is also harder than crystal opal black or white opal which is about as hard as glass. Opal will cut away a lot faster quicker than ironstone, extra care must be taken with Australian Queensland boulder Opal. Basic concept for all cutters they always need to think about keeping the colors of the opals as much as possible and size as big as possible, making sure of little waste and maximizing the size of the gemstone. Always work slow even during the final polishing, or small pits can form on the face of the surface of the stone forcing the final value down,because the final smooth surface and polish has been interfered with because of heat .Every rotation moment when cutting reduces the size of the gemstone, maximum concentration control must be exercised. Never forget do not allowed to much...
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