Selling Opals & Handmade Opal Rings & Jewelry.

Selling Opals & Handmade Opal Rings & Jewelry.

Posted by on Jan 8, 2014 in about opals, Black opals, Cutting opals, History of black opals, How to price opals, Lightning Ridge opal miners, National symbols Australia, october birthstones, October gemstone, Opal certificates, Opal mining, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry., opals, selling opal jewelry, Tucson Gem Show, Wholesale opals |

Selling opals Australian gemstone.     Selling opals Sale On Now about 75% Savings Off about on your own free personal handcrafted opal jewelry design, free if you purchase one of our wholesale opals over $199 US, the goldsmith will make free your choice in design pendant free or Australian handcrafted opal ring free , you pay International going price for gold or silver, delivery insurance free to your address. Custom crafted goldsmith specialist in opal jewelry a lot cheaper at this site because the owner is the primary opal producer mining in Australia, plus you have gone direct to the goldsmith graham handcrafts jewelry and designs and has open cut his own Australian opal mine which is famous, the best opals ever discovered in Australia at official government Heritage listed opal mine, Heritage listed NSW because the gemstone quality is know internationally as the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered at 3 mile opal mines. Wholesale prices all welcome Australia opal jewelry handmade jewelry and all natural Australian opal 100% gemstones, fine goldsmith craftsman will place firmly your favourite choice in our stoned secure into each opal jewelry we design. Guaranteed money back if the opal is not natural Australian opals and the jewelry is well made, just send the opal ring back in the same condition as when you received it in the post, with International Lab testing certificate stating the opal is otherwise. Mr Graham Black Policy is good for 12 months from the commencement of customers receiving jewelry in the post, plus your certificate stating this will be emailed to you also description of the natural Australian opal and the jewelry description. Selling opals one reason is that we sell at wholesale prices direct from the mine, but it is the beauty of this piece that makes it appreciate, and there never is two opals the same.  The ring sold for $6,000.00 and can be resold at $12,000.00 dollars.  About selling opal jewelry more information at YouTube Channel the channel is named opal jewelry with various videos on the subject of selling opals and opal jewelry.  Selling Heritage opal stones for sale from our Goldsmith, sorry I have not majored in English and our graphic web designer did not major in English but I am a Master Artisan goldsmith, and Graham’s site has the best prices for unique opal jewelry and the best quality opals ever discovered. Selling opals or buying at  professionals buyers coming and going from the mining towns in Australia and also there are always some resident buyers based around the mining town. If you are mining all you need to do is arrange to show your stones to them in the privacy of their shops, or if you have found a fabless Opal patch then I am sure they will arrange to come to your place when it suits you. Business is reasonably...

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Make The Best Opal Wedding Rings.

Make The Best Opal Wedding Rings.

Posted by on Jan 8, 2014 in about opals, Australian opal diamond ring, Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Black opal earrings, Black opal jewellery, Black opal jewelry, Black opal rings, Black opals, Custom opal diamond ring, Handmade opal jewelry, Handmade opal necklace, Jewelry October, October gemstone, opal jewellery, Opal jewelry, opal ring, opal ring handmade, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry., opals |

About Opal Australian The Best Opal Wedding Rings, Opal jewelry. About opal we design jewelry with Australian opals in the design,  you can have all the colors of unique rare and different gemstone from around the world in one jewelry design. Graham Black Opal offers clients free of charge when purchasing stone over $199. One free handmade jewelry design made buy professional goldsmith designer to suit the gemstone purchased ,clients personal designs excepted we include free insurance and postage to your home.   About opal rings specialist Graham has the best prices for unique opal jewelry, and the best quality opals ever discovered direct from Goldsmith Master Artisan that did not major in British English, but you will not find more honest affordable custom jeweler,please excuse the graphic web designer also because the guy’s from India. Sale Australian opal rings,black opal rings and handmade jewelry,black opal jewelry and Australian opal jewelry. About opal mines in Australia. from Lightning Ridge three mile field have been recognized as the highest quality . Graham has the only mine lease, listed on State Heritage Register List as an item of environmental heritage in LEP National Trust of Australia Register.Submission read “Opal More rarely, specimens contain precious opal and these are surely among the most beautiful natural objects on earth. The opal is of the highest quality, characterized by red/black gems of superlative brilliance, in every conceivable pattern – including harlequin, picture stones and Chinese writing. About opal miners today they use a 7-9 meter cement mixer after loading the clay into the agitator. Slowly rumble the clay with a continual flow of water running into the mixture, the agitator has very fine mesh plates cut in to the side of the drum and as it rotates the clay will turn to a fine sludge and run through the mesh after a few hours you are left with solid tailings when finish this step, the agitator is reversed and tailing run out on to a table in full sunlight. The miners then will look for color is opal and material with color opals, types of opal on the lightning Ridge feels your looking for is seam black or gray different to nobles, you can still find mining claims with both most of the time you use water to agitate the clay when it comes to nobly fields  . Custom Made Opal Wedding Rings. About opal seam you will find a lot guys do not wash as it is a lot easier to dig it all out why you are underground, as long as you have good lights good eyes and of course good ears,seam country also can produce some beautiful crystal .  Ridge nobly claims can produce a great combination you can find beautiful black gorges crystal and also seam all in the same claim, other times you will find black which is definitely a bonus expressly if you find...

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Australian National gemstone opals.

Australian National gemstone opals.

Posted by on Jan 7, 2014 in about opals, Australian National gemstone., Australian opal centre, Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Black opal jewellery, Black opal rings, Handmade opal jewelry, Handmade opal necklace, Lightning Ridge opal miners, october birthstones, October gemstone, opal jewellery, Opal jewelry, opal ring, opal ring, opal ring handmade, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry. |

Australian National gemstone opal jewelry. Australian National gemstone from Graham’s Government Official listed Heritage Register opal mine. List item of environmental heritage in LEP National Trust of Australia Register. specialist Graham has the best prices for unique opal rings, and the best quality opals ever discovered, direct from Goldsmith Master Artisan that did not major in British English, but you will not find more honest affordable custom jeweler, excuse the graphic web designer also because the guy’s from India. Sale Wholesale prices Australian opal rings,black opal rings and handmade jewelry,black opal jewelry and Australian opal jewelry. Australian National gemstone at Graham’s jewelry stores at wholesale price direct & Graham provide you with a certificate, we are Australian opal gemstone specialist in the Industry . Graham the only opal experts with Heritage listed opal mine. From the capital of the black opals Industry in the Premier State Capital Sydney Australia. Over 40 years experience in the industry prices in $U S dollars for custom Australian National gemstone opal jewelry. Australian National gemstone. Image Australian opal special sale on jewelry designs free “Graham offers clients free of charge when purchasing stones over $199 free” His goldsmith will hand make 1 design jewelry to suit the gemstone purchased, include free insurance and postage to your home. Taking  photograph images Australian  opals  you must come to Australia and travel to the out back towns, maybe Lightning Ridge in the State of New South Wales. Contact the government office situated on the main road on the left-hand side as you drive into town if you need to go mining.   Australian opals & leasing a claim out side the Ridge you need to take part in a short 1 1/2 day safety awareness course which is organized by the New South Wales  primary industry. This course has a small charge just over hundred Australian dollars and then you will be awarded  a certificate.  If you do not have a opal miners operates workshop certificate you will have to organise to work with a opals miner who has the certificate  .   You can complete this course in a similar way that you received your safety awareness course the only difference it’s a one day course . Now you have all the theory and certificates you must look for suitable country you can purchase a mining lease, all fine one with a compass do your readings and barring and then you must drive back to town and take yourself to the department of primary industry, you can then purchased a lease. About $900 Australian dollars to start a lease, $35o every 12 month for a 50 by 50 meter lease.  It is up to you there is plenty of machinery to purchase at lightning Ridge new or used and there are plenty of people with experience willing to start partnerships and this is a great way to learn and receive all of your practical experience. How to find Opal underground you...

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Opal Gemstone Jewelry Show.

Opal Gemstone Jewelry Show.

Posted by on Jan 7, 2014 in `Australian opal rings American, about opals, Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Bangkok Australian opal diamond jewellery, buy sell custom opal rings, Care for opal jewelry, Cutting opals, History of black opals, Lightning Ridge opal miners, Opal certificates, Opal mining, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry., Polished opals, selling opal jewelry, Tucson Gem Show, Wholesale opals |

Opal gemstone jewelry show Tucson gem show and mineral & Bangkok gems Jewelry fair. Opal gemstone jewelry show Graham offer clients free of charge when purchasing stones in category over $191 dollars, “Free our jewelers custom hand make 1 professional goldsmith design jewelry” To suit the stone purchased. Clients personal designs excepted also we include free insurance and postage to your home. Gem Jewelry show for the trade have gemstones jewelry, Internationally events in Paris and opals at the Japan fair Tokyo and Japanese people love jewelry .    Italy jewelry trade show have some lovely  jewelry,    Australia where opals are the national gemstone the JAA Jewelry fair Sydney Australia you will find this gemstone also at . Fabulous black stones from lightning Ridge Australia the capital of the black Opal industry.    The mother land of Australia “England at the Jewelry London jewelry   exhibitions like watch and Jewelry. Dubai have a beautiful display also.  Hong Kong Jewelry exhibition, and Europe Germany gems Jewelry fairs. Most of the international opal gemstone jewelry show trade exhibitions, should at least have some solid cut opals on display. Australian sculptures and carvings are becoming more prevalent at gem and mineral shows internationally. Opal Rings Australian Opal Rings . Opal gemstone jewelry show you can often purchase gemstone rough . Cutting and polishing is an art a good cutter can greatly increase the value of opals. A cabochon allows more surface area on opal stone.      And if you are having any difficulties in pricing an opal at the Bangkok gems and Jewelry fair then please do not hesitate to contact us at the fair, as we would be more than happy to answer any question regarding the subject of pricing stones .  Under nearly all circumstances if a certain opal appeals to you that is the gemstone you should buy at gems fair often, intuition is the best judge! When purchasing stones, some key words to look for are triplet a very thin slice of opal enhanced by blackening the underside to make the colors stronger and a quartz or plastic dome placed on top of the stone to magnify the color and pattern. The advantage is they are cheap and fit readily into standard size jewelry. Doublet a thicker slice  with a blackened underside advantage over a triplet is the surface is real .  Solid as the name suggests a real and solid stone therefore triplet has less value than doublet which has much less value than  solid when size color and pattern are the same.   We design jewelry using opals in the design for opal gemstone jewelry show, opals can have all the colors of unique rare and different gemstone from around the world in one jewelry design. Opals have green colors like emerald, red garnets, white pearls,dark pigeon red ruby’s, light green-dark green of jade and the dark blue-light...

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Opal Types Black Opals White Opals Crystal Opals And Bolder.

Opal Types Black Opals White Opals Crystal Opals And Bolder.

Posted by on Jan 6, 2014 in about opals, Australian opal diamond ring, Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Black opal earrings, Black opal jewellery, Black opal jewelry, Black opal rings, Black opals, Custom opal diamond ring, fire opal jewelry, Handmade opal jewelry, Handmade opal necklace, History of black opals, Lightning Ridge opal miners, october birthstones, opal jewellery, Opal jewelry, opal ring, opal ring, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry., opals |

Opal types black is named because of its natural dark base color. Opal types black can be Ni N2 dark black, N3 dark to dark gray N4 N5.   The surface colors can range from a variety of blues and greens to red and all the brilliant colors of the rainbow.  It is found in two centers of Australia Lightning Ridge in New South Wales. In the town of Mintabie in South Australia blue or dark gray N5, Lightning Ridge Opal is the better of the two due to brilliance and intensity of color.  Lightning Ridge Black is the most expensive of all the types on a dollars per carat basis due to its absolute rarity and the demand from collectors around the world. Opal rings specialist Graham has the best prices for unique opal jewelry, and the best quality opals ever discovered direct from Goldsmith Master Artisan that did not major in British English, but you will not find more honest affordable custom jeweler,please excuse the graphic web designer also because the guy’s from India. Sale Australian opal rings,black opal rings and handmade jewelry,black opal jewelry and Australian opal jewelry. Opal types  white stones has a whitish base color all over the stone the colors emanate from the white base ,one of the differences between White and Black and Boulder is the color play generally extends from surface to base, whereas the other two types have a naturally occurring single base color, differing from its surface colors. White is usually drawn from the mines in Coober Pedi and Andamooka in South Australia . Opal types. Boulder found only in Queensland this rare gemstone was formed from silicon dioxide and other minerals finding their way into the fissures of ironstone. The cutter must always take a little of this natural ironstone when extracting a gemstones and this gives the dark overall color which does not detract from the Boulder . When little or no ironstone appears in the face of boulder it’s a good stone. The natural occurrence of Boulder allows for particularly interesting shapes which in the hands of a creative jeweler makes for stunning jewelry. Triplet is a three part piece consisting of the base plastic, a centre slice of opal which has been painted black on the underside to give a black stone look appearance and has a top of Quartz as a protection for the thin layer of gemstone. Opal types Australian. Custom Made Opal Wedding Rings. Doublet same as a triplet but no quartz top,Matrix there are two types of Matrix, one is known as Andamooka Matrix which is sugar and acid treated, opal bearing rock. And the other is Matrix consists of thin seams or spots of precious colors. Matrix usually dark ironstone, occasionally a light sand stone. It is made up of layers of precipitated silica spheres and water,  ordering of the spheres...

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