Selling Custom Opal Jewelry Online. Selling custom opal jewelry but wait when purchasing gemstones you must have a “Certificate from a good International gem and jewelry Institute” like the American Gemologist Institute. The gemstone and jewelry will be tested in their Labs by professionally trained Gemologist, you will receive a professional description, size and weight color type of gemstone or jewelry. All gemstones not only opal,you will find many synthetic stones not being described correctly and simply being described as gemstones. There is no such thing as Ethiopia black opal but you will find on ebay and many jewelry shops websites market places, Ethiopian opal often advertise as black it needs to clearly be labelled treated or not treated black . When you buy opal jewelry from someone selling custom opal jewelry then most likely it will be an Ethiopian stone. Selling custom opal jewelry from Australia. Selling custom opal jewelry specialist Graham has best prices for unique opal jewelry, and the best quality opals ever discovered direct from Goldsmith Master Artisan that did not major in British English, but you will not find more honest affordable custom jeweler,please excuse the graphic web designer also because the guy’s from India. The world’s vast amount of opal that is listed as black opal is not true black, even low it is solid not treated, simply the largest International gem and jewelry Institute, the American labs would not state that these stones are black on any of their certificates. Because 90% of these stones being advertised around the world is not black, never in any black group, semi-black,N1 N2 N3 N4 or N5 would not classified as a black opal gemstone. Unfortunately it is very difficult for most Gemologist to determine where the gemstones came from, a good estimate would be from about year 2010, 80% coming from the country of Ethiopia, the vast amount are low grade to commercial grade, Mexican and the country of the Brazil similar grades, where the Australian gemstone can have all these grades plus A grade gems found no where else in the world. Selling custom opal jewelry online. Handmade Opal Rings. I would be asking to look at a recent mining lease certificate proving that the mines in Australia, so then you know it’s coming from Australia, simply just do not purchase of Australians that want to show you their passport, as there are other people from other countries working around the mining feels in famous places Lightning Ridge and the white and crystal feels of South Australia. You can ring the Australian government mining controlling bodies, and simply give the registration number and name and they will confirm if the document is genuine, I would be certainly recommending this because 80% of opals sold as Australian opal is not Australian, simply comes from Ethiopia as the Australian opal is extremely rare particularly the black...
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