Black Opal Jeweler.

Posted by on May 22, 2014 in about opals, Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Black opal earrings, Black opal jewellery, Black opal jewelry, Black opal rings, buy sell custom opal rings, Care for opal jewelry, Custom opal diamond ring, Handmade opal jewelry, Handmade opal necklace, How to price opals, Jewelry October, october birthstones, opal jewellery, Opal jewelry, opal ring, opal ring, opal ring handmade, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry. |

Black opal jeweler custom Australian jewelry. Black opal jeweler lot cheaper hear because you have gone direct to the primary producer goldsmith designer that open cut his own Australian opal mine. Here you are going direct wholesale prices to graham’s site and shopping cart, with the best deposit of Australian opals ever discovered from the only official government Heritage listed opal mine in the country of Australia, Heritage listed because the quality is the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered anywhere in the world, about opal rings more information at YouTube Channel black opal jewelry. Black opal jeweler can match and better your last price because graham found the last deposit of the best opals, so guys graham can sell at wholesale prices for all his customers,  best price on opal jewelry also because graham is a goldsmith.  Opal jeweler and open cut miner Australia opals but graham’s true passions is making handmade jewelry, he have nearly 40 years experience Master jeweler this is why he can guarantee you are getting the best price on opal jewelry. Also appreciate your investments as the supply of black opal maybe soon exhausted. Certificate of authenticity opals at wholesale prices direct from the only official Government heritage mine, this type of gemstone 100% exhausted so do not miss out, do you need crystal multi color or single colors-black stone-grey opal-semi-black. Graham can custom make jewelry for you in all the colors of the rainbow. His work is all handmade as his goldsmith has lots of experience in unique one-of-a-kind designs . Offer for clients when purchasing one gemstones in the single opal category above $199, one free hand made ring or pendant from black opal jeweler,  your own design or we can design, special guarantee the type of opal purchased and free delivery, don’t think you can beat this best jewelry offer custom opal engagement rings also.   Black opal jeweler. A National museum is being developed next door to where I mined and found a deposit of gemstones, this 3 mile location in lightning Ridge is now heritage listed in the premier State New South Wales the capital being Sydney in Australia . Because my mines scientific value and as its part of the largest opal open cut mine ever and the reason why is because the stones are of such brilliant quality gemstones, this is why i persevered with this location. The people developing this National museum has chosen this location next door to where I first started working nearly 40 years ago, now a construct a underground100 meter long two-store Australian opal centre” wow times have changed from what I knew the 3 mile as only hard work and lot of blood sweat and tears as the area was heavily work underground and very dangerous and this is why we gambled and open cut which very expensive mining operation. Black...

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Custom Jeweler Opal Specialist.

Custom Jeweler Opal Specialist.

Posted by on May 16, 2014 in Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Black opal earrings, Black opal jewellery, Black opal jewelry, Black opal rings, Handmade opal jewelry, Handmade opal necklace, Jewelry October, october birthstones, opal jewellery, Opal jewelry, opal ring, opal ring, opal ring handmade, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry. |

Custom jewelry Australian opal jeweler. Custom jeweler at new National museum 100 meter long 2 story underground museum being built next to Graham’s heritage listed 3 mile open cut mine, where today Graham is the only producer claim holder alive that found a deposit of gems in recent years at this location, also a custom jeweler working with 3 mile opals. Specializing in Australian opal gemstones Graham does not work in Ethiopian stones as he is the primary producer with Australian mining leases. Provide wholesale prices direct from the only opal mine leased listed as an item of environmental heritage in LEP National Trust of Australia also listed on State Heritage Register but it is the beauty of this heritage gem that makes it appreciate . Custom jeweler opal specialist mine is situated at the 3 mile which is nearly exhausted of such magnificent mineral the Heritage site was listed because it was known as the best quality and rarest opal gemstone in the world and this is why the jewelry is a great investment appreciating your investments, as the supply of black opal is exhausted in town then a heritage gemstone incorporate into custom jewelry if the customer desires this will be an excellent choice of gemstones to add to your jewelry inbox. Maybe they will be no custom jeweler at the Australian opal centre, but if not the new centre will increase your awareness about this gemstone, increasing your awareness about mining and tourism education, the centre is being built towards the northern side of my mine, the 3 mile is the largest open cut mine in the world where in modern times over the last 50 years men like big Bill Williams that open cut the Scots clam witch is either the riches or second riches mine every, Graham remember back filling the very eastern part of this very rich claim as Bill’s wife wanted it refilled as we all had government mining contracts that we had to rehabilitate our open cuts to the natural condition prior mining in the old days. The location is not far from the ramp that I’d built in the open cut mine on the North west side that was next to the Scots claim, I have never seen such a blow it reached from the second level to the surface of the claim and was half the width of a cricket pitch. Terry the wrecker Barclay and Lance have opened cut which was known as lunatic Hill in their time today its recognized as the only heritage listed opal mining area in Australia. I hope the collection of 110-million-year-old fossils from the time of early cretaceous do not dwarf the stories of the legends and pioneers that will be on display in the museum because I personally knew the Barclays brothers will and I can vouch for their honesty and...

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Posted by on Apr 20, 2014 in Black opal jewelry, Black opal rings, opal jewellery, opal ring, opal ring, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry., いらっしゃいませ |

いらっしゃいませ いらっしゃいませ オパール専門販売サイト、グラハムブラックオパールへようこそいらっしゃいました。弊社はオーストラリア、ライトニングリッジのブラックオーパル採掘場で採掘された最高級のオパールを提供、販売しております。 グラハムブラックオパールはオーストラリア、ライトニングリッジのスリーマイルオパール採掘場で発掘されたソリッドブラックオパールとオパールジュエリーを取り扱っております。スリーマイルオパール採掘場は世界で最も豊かなオパール採掘場として知られており、世界最高の品質のソリッドブラックオパールを産み出しています。 グラハムブラックオパールはソリッドオパールをアメリカ合衆国に始まり、日本、ヨーロッパ、そしてミドルイーストに輸出しています。 ブラックオパールとは? Black opals lot cheaper hear because you have gone direct to the primary producer goldsmith designer that open cut his own Australian opal mine. Here you are going direct wholesale prices to Mr Graham Black site and shopping cart, with the best deposit of Australian opals ever discovered from the only official government Heritage listed opal mine in the country of Australia, Heritage listed because the quality is the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered anywhere in the world. Graham’s handmade opal rings from the only Government Official listed State Heritage Register opal mine. List as item of environmental heritage LEP National Trust of Australia Register. The best quality opal gemstones ever discovered in the world. Handcrafted Black Opal Rings. いらっしゃいませ ブラックオパールは1880年代、オーストラリア、ニューサウスウェールズ州、ライトニングリッジで発見され、それ以降ブラックオパールは世界で最も輝きのある魅力的なオパールとして知られており、世界中で高く評価され、高い需要を誇っております。ブラックオパールはそのダークグレイからブラックの濃淡からなるボディから名付けられており、そのボディはブラックオパールの個性を出す表面のカラーを、ホワイトオパールのそれより一層引き立たせております。 ブラックオパールは数あるオパールの中でも最も貴重なオパールとして知られており、ライトニングリッジの半径70キロメートル以内でしか採掘されておりません。それゆえブラックオパールはその貴重さを年々増していっております。 100%満足のいく保証 万が一受け取った製品がお気に召さなければ、またウェブ上での製品の記述と商品が一致しなければ、ご購入後30日以内に商品を受け取った時の状態のまま包装とともに弊社へお送りください。商品のお取り替え、あるいは全額返金とさせて頂きます。 ラッキーアドベンチャー ぼろ切れから億万長者へ 私は二人の男を知っている。一人はライトニングリッジのタウンシップに生まれ、もう一人は名も無い町、彼の幸運を試す事の出来るアウトバック(オーストラリア中部の砂漠、荒れ地)に生まれた。彼らが30歳に差し掛かった頃、彼らはそれぞれ10ミリオンドル(1億円)に値するようになっていた。 彼らが若かりし頃、二人でチームを組みトラックに乗り込み、アウトバックへと探検へ出た。彼らはドリルで地面に穴をあけ、オパールが取れるとされる深い地層の土を洗う事により、オパールの有無の確認をしていた。 いらっしゃいませ 次に彼らに会った時の私の驚きを分かってもらえるだろうか。なぜならば彼らは30歳にして億万長者になっていたからだ。 地面に空いた深い穴からアウトバックの地表へと顔を出す最初の瞬間、裸眼はくらみ、ほぼ盲目になる。オーストラリアの太陽が採掘されたばかりの宝石の表面に差し込む時、それは人生の最高の瞬間になり得るだろう。(ライトニングリッジのオパール埋蔵量は世界中の有名なジュエリーコレクションに匹敵する。)そしてそのマジックの起こる瞬間を、あなたのその目で見なければその奇跡を信じる事が出来ないだろう。 ダイヤモンドは統制された産業、マーケットであり、世界中あらゆる場所で購入する事が出来るが、その一方、ブラックオパールはダイヤモンドのように世界中に供給する事が出来ず、個々のオパールはそれぞれ独特で個性的であり、それぞれが世界に一つだけしか存在しないまったくオリジナルな宝石である。それゆえ美しいオパールはジュエリーは個性的な人々の為だとも言えよう。 目に映る美しさ ここで恐縮ながら、私自身の紹介をさせていただきます。私は30年間ブラックオパールの仕事に関わっており、オパールを世界中に販売する一方、ヨーロッパ、アメリカ合衆国、アジア、そしてミドルイーストからジュエリーデザイナーについて学んでおります。世界でも指折りに数えられる高名なジュエリーデザイナーとともに学び、すばらしい金細工職人たちによってデザインされたハンドメイドのジュエリーを専攻に取り組んできました。 貴重で独特なジュエリーたちは私の情熱、なぜならばそれらは、特に女性の襟元にさりげなく飾られている時、女性の美しさをより一層引き立てるからです。それらを説明できるたった一つの言葉は「 」(真の優雅さ)です。 オパールイヤリングは私の好むところ、エキゾチックなブラックオパールは世界中の女性の美を向上させます。 私は日々、従来の形に捕われず自由な発想で新たなジュエリーに日々取り組んでおります。...

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What Makes Good Opal Jewelry Design?

What Makes Good Opal Jewelry Design?

Posted by on Apr 11, 2014 in Australian opal jewelry, Black opal jewellery, Black opal jewelry, Handmade opal jewelry, Handmade opal necklace, Jewelry October, opal jewellery, Opal jewelry, opal ring, opal ring, opal ring handmade, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry. |

Opal jewelry design makes good jewelry. Opal jewelry design design is important but the craftsmanship is as important, and of cause a custom-design is unique and therefore you are wearing the only piece of jewelry. This is design at its best as you stand out the crowd, our new website for the rest of the year we’re offering a promotion to customers,  wholesale prices direct from our Australian opal mine,   Free of charge when purchasing stones over $191  Custom  jewelry design made free,   but it is the beauty of this gem that makes it appreciate and there never is two opals the same.      We have the only mine leased listed on State Heritage Register, List as an item of environmental heritage in LEP National Trust of Australia Register.  Patience is a virtue when it comes to the goldsmith that you choose to craft and mould and shape the gemstone into a beautiful ring or maybe you would rather have a pendant or maybe a necklace.   Opal jewelry design Graham is a jeweler and when it comes to opal stones Graham recommend earrings pendant necklaces because they can be worn for all occasions.   Wear cufflinks and rings if you have a very expensive gemstone in this type of jewelry then this is for special occasions as this type of opal is 6.5 out of 10 were diamonds have the strength of 10 but had their problems as everything in this world with time has wear and tear, as if you are purchasing a diamond jewelry setting always remember purchase a diamond bigger than you need as in the future the diamond along with rubies and sapphires will need recutting. I do emphasize look for a specialist that works in opals not only rubies and sapphires and diamonds as when setting your opal into the final polish jewelry the gemstone setter is a professional on his owAs diamonds are the strongest of all the gemstone but very brittle there can be damaged also at this final process. You are much better to purchase your stone yourself if you are after a solid or a doublet what ever, “purchase with a guarantee that there has been no treatment if you are after a solid gemstone. And like I have said do your homework if you have your own family jeweler and they had worked with opals before then  this is all you need you are in good hands. Australian opals and handmade designs makes the best opal jewelry. Opal Necklace Opal Pendant $142 Size About 2″ by 7/16″, Guaranteed Money Back Genuine Opals Solid Jewelry. If you are after C grade and lower grade then there are many options for you to purchase Ethiopian opal, just remember there is no A grade Ethiopian opals and not a lot of good commercial grade either ,definite no black opal regardless what grade you are looking...

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Opal Rings Design.

Opal Rings Design.

Posted by on Mar 17, 2014 in Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Black opal jewellery, Black opal jewelry, Black opal rings, Care for opal jewelry, Custom opal diamond ring, fire opal jewelry, Handmade opal jewelry, Jewelry October, october birthstones, opal jewellery, Opal jewelry, opal ring, opal ring, opal ring handmade, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry. |

Opal rings design jewelry handmade custom designs. Opal rings design lot cheaper hear because you have gone direct to the primary producer goldsmith designer that open cut his own Australian opal mine. Here you are going direct wholesale prices to Mr Graham Black site and shopping cart, with the best deposit of Australian opals ever discovered from the only official government Heritage listed opal mine in the country of Australia, Heritage listed because the quality is the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered anywhere in the world.   About Australian opal rings more information at YouTube Channel the channel is named opal jewelry with various videos on the subject of opal jewelry. Opal rings design this stone is worth $831 wholesale and can be resold at $3000.00 dollars. One reason  Graham sells at wholesale prices direct from the mine. But it is the beauty of this piece that makes it appreciate, and there never is two opals the same. Opal rings design specialist Graham has the best prices for unique opal jewelry, and the best quality opals ever discovered direct from Goldsmith Master Artisan that did not major in British English, but you will not find more honest affordable custom jeweler,please excuse the graphic web designer also because the guy’s from India. Sale Australian opal rings,black opal rings and handmade jewelry,black opal jewelry and Australian opal jewelry. Opal rings design please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in similar gems, or more information regarding top quality stones.   Opal jewelry at Graham Black Opal expert 40 years open cut mining-specialist, opal diamond design jewelry and the only mine lease listed on official Government Premier State Heritage Register, List as an item of environmental Heritage in LEP National Trust of Australia Register. Submission read “Opal More rarely, specimens contain precious opal” and these are surely among the most beautiful natural objects on earth. The opal is of the highest quality, characterized by red/black gems of superlative brilliance, in every conceivable pattern – including harlequin, picture stones and Chinese writing. Opal rings design. Cate Blanchett wore opal earrings at the Oscars, everyone noticed Cate’s jewelry as she collected her Oscar for best actress 2014.  Jan head coach of world champion Australian women’s basketball team has an opal gemstone from Graham Black Opal, and will remain Jan preferred lucky jewelry to wear with pride .   Jan the coach has carried and worn a piece of opal  jewelry during all the major campaigns whilst coaching the Australian Basketball team, throughout the world Championships of 2002,the Athens Olympics of 2004, the 2006 World Championships and in Beijing Olympics . Opal rings design jewelry. Graham Black opal integrity 100% guaranteed safe website, the famous three-mile field is the richest field ever in the history of the Industries, where the Australians first found the rarest and most beautiful stones the harlequin pattern, the quality of this gemstone today is still the best. Gemstones opal have...

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