Opal Rings. About opals by Graham Black has the only official government Heritage opal location in the world. Recognised internationally as the most amazing and best quality Opals in the world, the Heritage location of 3 mile in the country of Australia where he worked, still is recognised today as producing the best Opal ever discovered. Graham handcraftes jewellery in 18 ^ gold or solid silver – Graham is a goldsmith jewellery designer, he guarantees all his custom made opal rings and designs along with a guarantee that the Opals are solid natural gemstones. Next door to graham’s workplace they are building an official State Museum, and from the capital of the state Sydney palaeontologist will be based at the official new Australian opal Centre when completed. Good quality Australian opal you will have to pay more for in 2001 unless there’s a new deposit discovered. This opal location has lots of scientific value, where remains of many creatures and fossils were discovered while men prospecting for this amazing gemstone. When the Australian opal centre is finished it will be a must tour for every gemstone lover and amateur palaeontologist. The nearest town has plenty of good commendation, free artesian therapeutic very hot ball barfs, amazing wildlife in the surrounding areas with many kangaroos & emus amazing bird life. Opal Ring Images. Many famous Opal gemstones came from this 3 mile location in Australia but now virtually depleted. The last famous opal discovery made it into the Guinness book of records name the Hayleys comet opal, that was discovered a stone’s throw from graham’s location. The claim holder Terry Barklay was not working was cook at the time, the other members of the syndicate Terry bought into finance the open cut operation was all in attendance at the processing plant, a pocket of very good quality black Opals along with the Guinness book of records Opal rolled down the shoot. This Heritage location was recognised for producing fabulous pattern Opal, and the most expensive pattern type the Harlequin pattern, Chinese character patterns and many more. Fabulous multi colour red black opal gems dazzling just as bright in the dark as in your living room. So many fabulous Opals come from today’s Heritage listed site. Why is black opal colours so reflective simply because lights do not penetrate through the very dark body tone material that the colours form on, so they bounce back and reflect where crystal opal the light can penetrate through. Black opal it’s also the most stable that can handle long periods of heat and dry conditions, and will not craze or produce fracture lines under these conditions. But obviously recommend not to avoid leaving your ring out in the summer sun all summer long. Good quality black opal is not porous unlike today’s deposit on the...
Read MoreOpal Rings.
Custom Rings With Opal Gemstone. Custom made opal rings and jewellery are excellent Christmas presents and great fashion for this New Year 2001. Australian opals are of the finest quality in the world, and theirs no better but getting very rare and difficult to find good quality Opal gemstones, so custom rings and opal jewellery in boutiques and jewellery outlet in your country very difficult to find gem quality Australian opals. Unfortunately your local Goldsmith and jewellery designer will also find it very difficult, if not impossible to outsource good quality Australian opal these days. Semiprecious commercial grade and low-grade opal jewellery hopefully not a problem in your country. Opals are unlike diamonds sapphires and ruby’s etc, as you do not have as much choice in colours, and virtually no choice in patterns unless you outsource a star Sapphire. Do not make your request too difficult to outsource for good quality Opal, specially a stone that fits your criteria perfectly unless you’re prepared to spend lots of money and go through an opal specialist shop, if you even have one in your country. You maybe will find a few sites only on the first few pages of an internet search will be able to get what you want if you feel comfortable making a large transaction. Custom made Opal Ring. Even though opals can give you the best choice in colours and shapes patterns and sizes compare to gemstones like diamonds and sapphires ruby’s Jadeite etc, so don’t forget a good quality clear multi-colour opal with red with black body tone, black opal group is the most expensive so obviously very rare and can only be outsourced from only one location in the world. And only one location in Australia and the place is known as Lightning Ridge. There is still a small amount of this type of Opal being produced around the surrounding district, but be prepared to pay as you will be buying a completely unique gemstone unlike diamonds rubies sapphires, many the same identical gemstone as millions of other people will have the same shape colour size clarity grading. Regardless of the jewellery design custom-made or straight off the shelf, there will only be one Opal and you will have it as they are all unique, so basically custom design rings you do not have to pay a fortune for the best designer, as your custom made opal ring will truly stand out in a crowd. Most of today’s opal in jewellery shops come from the country of Ethiopia and this gemstone is very porous, compare to Australian opal rings and are best kept out of the rain as the colours can deteriorate over time. Often when you’re buying and shopping in stores etc It’s buyer beware, not pay too much and be very careful when you’re on a holiday tourist are often scammed, and...
Read MoreOpal Rings Photos.
Opal Rings With Diamonds. Australian Opal Mining Town. Opal Pendant In 18 ^ Gold. Australian Opal Mining. Opal Silver Ring with 3 opal gemstones blue green colour.
Read MoreOpal Ring On Google Search.
Opal jewellery future is the Internet. Since the virus pandemic opal ring website have been getting a lot more work. The Internet is the future in opal jewellery marketing. The public now has turned to sales strongly on the Internet & Google sites. Opals are not only for presents and love ones in the year 2020, but an opal ring or opal necklace opal pendant or earrings and cuff links and all types of opal jewellery, make excellent gifts present every year. Birthday present anniversaries and particularly for people born in October as opal gemstones are the birthstone for this month. This particular gemstone is a very lucky gemstone in Germany China and Japan Australia Russia Britain USA and many more countries around the world. The best quality opals come from the country of Australia, and the most amazing comes from one particular area in Australia that produces the only gem quality black multicolour opals. And Graham is the specialist when it comes to this type of amazing opal that has the most intents colours of all the opal locations where this gemstone is discovered in Australia. This gemstone has so many different colours and each gemstone is unique, so you will not find two matching stones of the same in your life time. So many different types of patterns, many different colours many different shapes sizes dimensions, cabochon cut stones and flat and very high cabochon stoneds. There is free-form shapes carvings one or two colours only, you can have four or five colours and more. Opal Gemstones future is the Google on the Internet. Opal rings 100% natural opal gemstones guaranteed discovered in Australia at Government Heritage mine, the official submission read opal more rarely specimens contain precious opal”And these are surely among the most beautiful natural objects on earth. Graham when opal mining found an ancient lake shore wear dinosaurs used to forage for food at the only opal Heritage listed location at Lightning Ridge Australia. He worked to a death of about 6 m underground when he open cut his 3 mile opal mine, which is next door to wear the new Australian opal Centre will be built. Graham found an article on the National geographic website & the article was very scientific about a discovery of opal fossils reveal new species of dinosaur in Australia around Lightning Ridge. Graham discovered 6 m down an ancient water course with fossilise water plants weed beds, and fossilised opal shells some teeth and remains of an ancient creature that used to drink the water. Regarding the new discovery specie of dinosaurs Robert Smith and courtesy of the Australian opal Centre would be the best people to talk to, and if I remember correctly they now have some of the dinosaurs fossilised opal bones discovery at the opal Centre in the township of lightning Ridge. ...
Read MoreRings Opals.
Opal Rings Specialist Jewellery. Opal rings opal jewellery site has every thing you need to know these days about opal gemstones, unfortunately most of the the jewelry industry is mass-produced in countries like India or China, third world countries with lots of corruption and very little quality control, integrity is always a big issue in business. Graham always recommend choosing handcrafted custom-made rings from first world countries, as your country goldsmiths are like goldsmith in his country, with official Government checks and balances and providing good legal system for customers. But the difference here you are you going directly the graham’s Australian mine and saving a lot by cutting out the middleman that travels back and forward from Australia to your country supplying goldsmith with this gemstone. THIS WEBSITE IS A GREAT OPAL JEWELLERY PRICING GUIDE. Pricing opal first check to see if its all natural 100% solid Australian gemstones, study the patterns carefully as you will most likely never see any synthetic patterns 2 of the same identical stones, otherwise they would be synthetic as you do not see 2 very symmetrical identical patterns shapes and sizes, And this will give you a great guide in the future to help you recognise and red flag possible synthetics. Understanding natural opal patterns is the first step in the guide to recognizing natural stones, also white or black and grey color bottoms backs and sides of the stones usually natural and showing some white sand uneven conclusions and sometimes with colors mixed in, but synthetic black and white reveal mixed colors and the same pattern as the top completely the same on the bottoms also. Opal Jewellery. Best quality Australian opals that are fully guaranteed natural gemstones here. Articles on graham’s website on the subject of the Australian industry and articles on the history, articles about how to clean opal rings jewelry many articles on this website. Information articles about cutting and polishing Australian gemstones, great articles on famous stones with photographs videos showing location of the biggest open cut opal mine in the industry. Articles on how to hand make jewellery along with outbound links to youtube videos with inbound links to similar post on custom made jewelry handcrafted. Safest investments handmade gold jewellery with nice opals and all nice gemstones, as good as money cash on hand as most people in the world can cash there gold rings or their gold jewellery in, immediately in China and all South East Asian countries including India and receive local currency at the international going price in local cash. Gold is heavy to carry so a good quality gemstone weighs little 5 cts to 1 g and can increase the value of the gold ring hundreds times over the International gold price of the day that you will receive, hey great idea if you’re travelling on your next holidays and have...
Read MoreFamous Opals.
Famous Opals And The Most Amazing Opal Discovery Location Is In Australia . Famous opals and also about 100 million years ago dinosaurs roamed around this opal place named Lightning Ridge in Australia, and where in more previous times in Australia the indigenous aboriginal tribes roaming, often naked and with out any written language nomad’s hunters and collectors wandering mostly in Australia. Graham Black blood line goes back to one of the early British that landed in Australia, and in modern times his opal mine at this 3 mile was the last open cut allowed, and there was a discovered found an ancient underground water stream and remains of ancient dinosaur remains that used to drink there, and possibly it was eaten by a giant water creatures that resembled today’s crocodiles that live in Australia, but 6 m of dirt dust sandstone & clay build up by time had to be removed first. This famous 3 mile discovery had one of the rarest gemstones in the world the best quality black opal gemstone ever discovered. 3 Mile Famous Opals. When graham open cut part of the biggest black opal open cut mine in the world, “and now he is the only guy left that has a claim there but now the mine is Heritage listed”. He also was the last guy to work with the famous Barkley brothers before they passed away, they had many old 3 mile opal mine & claim only a stone’s throw from graham’s mine, shown here on Google maps. Terry was one of the true character that lived in the township of Lightning Ridge, opposite from the crocodile caravan park and for many years Terry Barkley worked underground but never discovered the famous Guinness book of record opal unto the mine was completely open cut. Famous opal place. I hope famous opal guys like Terry in the future is recognised, because next door to his 3 mile there will be a two story one above ground one underground state museum name the Australian Opal Centre. Famous Opal Post Copyright...
Read MoreOpal What Are Opals.
Opal ? Opal Information From Graham Specialist In The Industry. Opal? what are opals there gemstones in rings and jewellery is where you will see opals, this information is by the only producer Graham with the only Heritage listed opal mine in Australia. Opals cater’s for all budgets semiprecious too precious, the word opal in dictionary’s will clearly explain opal is a gemstone, but today everything has changed like privacy and the word opal can come up on a search referring to many thing’s like an Australian card, and a name of a person. But all dictionary’s will define opal as consisting of many colour’s and are all unique individual stoned with so many different patterns and different strengths regarding play of colour and body tones, from clear crystal with colours with in the crystal an black body tone’s that has the strongest colour’s that can have electrifying colours. So many bodytone white body toned and the country of Australia produces the best quality opals and the vast amount of the world’s deposit. Opal ? Graham Has The Only Official Government Heritage Listed Opal Mine On Google Map In Australia . Over the last 10 years there was a very unusual discovery of opal gemstone found in Africa the country of Ethiopia, a much lower grade in general and mostly crystal semi transparent crystal with colours. Opal can change and reflect different colour’s from different angles when rotating the opal in your hand. The rarest of all the high quality is a multicolour predominantly red in the black opal group that has to be no less then either N1 or N2 classification black, the top-quality black gemstone’s are the most expensive and would have to have a very symmetrical shape cut with a very high dome cabochon and a fabulous pattern, and excellent play of colour with fabulous pattern like Harlequin pattern or a pictures stone something very unusual, plus no flaws specially in the viewing front of the gemstone, it must have a nice thick strong back and from every angle the play of colour must be dazzling to the eye when turning a gem quality stone, also the gem must be not only very bright around light’s but also good in darker areas with no sun or light. Opal Guinness book of world records gemstone video at Wikipedia or hear at YouTube video. But as most budgets cannot afford such opal rings or jewellery but you love such a gemstone, then never worry about your budget because there is one of these gemstones for every budget. You could pick up a stone for $50 or less but handmade handcrafted custom Goldsmith work not cheap, so it’s best to look for mass-produce rings and jewellery, you should be able to find jewellery for hundred dollars or less, obviously nothing spectacular like I had described above regarding gem quality...
Read MoreOpal 2019 New Year Opal Ring.
Opal ring jewellery with all natural opals from Australia. Opals from the last working Heritage opal site in the world.
Read MoreOpal Gemstones.
Opal Information All You Need To Know About Opal In 2019 HAPPY NEW 2019 . Opal ring and opal jewellery information site with information about pricing opal gemstones, and information on how you should take care of your opal ring jewellery, also lots of good free information about the opal industry in Australia and the new opal discovery in Africa in the country of Ethiopia. Opal information free about the history of the opal industry and the formation of opal gemstones, you can find out where the different locations deposits of opal gemstones can be found. This free site does not ask for any favours in return you can find out about opal mining procedures, from underground mining by shaft to the very expensive open cut opal mining procedures, mostly undertaking in the state of Queensland where some people call it matrix opals and others call it boulder opals. Opal Gemstones. This opal site does not collect anything about you and on detail information are never asked, nothing is transferred we just love opals and like to give free information, we have been involved in the industry over 40 years from underground opal mining and open cut mining, orientation we cut and polishing opals straight from our mine’s in Australia. We’re also goldsmiths and designers of opal rings and opal jewellery and we have travelled to different international gem and jewellery shows reviewing and talking to many opal merchants, and by far America at Tucson has the best display of opal gemstones in the world. Lots more information about opal ring jewellery hear at www.grahamblackopal.com/handmade-opal-ring. Opal homepage hear at www.grahamblackopal.com opal specialist and the only Australian producer, with a Heritage listed opal mine claim holder still working and still design’s opal ring jewellery Opal Gemstones. The opal town and the only place you will find the best quality black opal has a great opal Expo on every year at Lightning Ridge where you will find opal jewellery displays also, and a yearly competition for the best types of opal jewellery. Opal Jewellery categories in silver another category for gold opal jewellery, many different awards truly a must see. And in the future at Lightning Ridge in the state of NSW in the far north western region near the State border of Queensland will be built a two story, one above ground one underground official Government Museum named the Australian Opal Centre. Opal Gemstones Wow New Opal museum. Wow there will be so much informations palaeontologist with opal fossil remains of dinosaur fossilised shells with opal colours fused . The Australian opal Centre website www.australianopalcentre.com is being built right next door to the biggest black opal open cut mine, and the most famous and best quality opal discovery right next door to the driveway that goes down to the open cut mine’s now Heritage listed. Graham that gives all...
Read MoreRing Opal Gold.
Ring Opal Gold jewellery. Ring opal gold jewellery and gemstones are a great investment as you can walk into any gold shop in China and Asia and can exchange gold for money hard currency’s, and as China is the second largest economy and gold is better than cash or assets, in the second biggest economy in the world that has a great future, so gold will always stay strong and be a good stable investment. All south east Asian country gold is king and also in Japan the third biggest economy and a international powerhouse, Japanese investing in gold and India ever-growing and gold bars and jewellery is what everybody wants these days not US dollars, about information on opal rings about opal rings and jewellery. Ring Opal Gold jewellery. Graham’s opals are good quality gemstones and opals have always been an investment assets and only going up like gold, so the combination of the two in one gold design jewellery a excellent investment. The opals here are all natural Australian guaranteed 100% with certificates, from the only official government Heritage listed opal location in the country of Australia, you can purchase direct and save a lot by cutting out the middle merchants people and retail shops. All jewellery here is handmade and for the same items handcrafted that you can see here, you will pay much more money in European Union and North America Japan Singapore in Australia and all the first world safe country, would cost you about 75% more. Most Australian opals in developing countries are most likely not from Australia, very dicey most likely cheaper but synthetic fake copies maybe. Ring Opal Gold jewellery. In fact since 9/11 in New York America gold went up every year for about 10 years, and as the US dollar went down most years after this disaster, and international currency along with European currency and British pound plus Japanese Yen have been going down for years, but gold jewellery only going up in value as a investment so don’t miss out. Ring Opal Gold. Other precious items including gemstones like Australian opals should be on the shopping list also, and here guarantee in writing money back if ever the opal of graham’s jewellery is not a natural Australian opal, no questions asked just returned in the same condition with your internationally excepted opal lab testing certificate stating otherwise. Graham rings with opals in gold and silver jewellery all with certificates 100% correct and you will never have to return your investment, as your investment will be safe solid unlike bitcoins lose your password to your bitcoins cyber wallet and you lose your investment. Gold just lock it in your local bank safety deposit box and it’s safe, gold does not perish when wet when outdoors it does not rust like a classic car that needs expensive rust...
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