Opal ring sale do not miss out on the best jewelry. Opal ring sale rings opal jewelry custom made Sale On Now about 75% Savings Off about on your own free personal handcrafted opal jewelry design rings, free if you purchase one of our wholesale opals over $199 US, the goldsmith will make free your choice in design pendant free or Australian handcrafted opal ring sale free , you pay International going price for gold or silver, delivery insurance free to your address. Custom crafted goldsmith specialist in opal rings and jewelry a lot cheaper at this site because the owner is the primary opal producer mining in Australia, plus you have gone direct to the goldsmith graham handcrafts jewelry and designs and has open cut his own Australian opal mine which is famous, the best opals ever discovered in Australia at official government Heritage listed opal mine, Heritage listed NSW because the gemstone quality is know internationally as the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered at 3 mile opal mines. Wholesale prices all welcome Australia opal jewelry handmade jewelry and all natural Australian opal 100% gemstones, fine goldsmith craftsman will place firmly your favourite choice in our stoned secure into each opal jewelry we design. Guaranteed money back if the opal is not natural Australian opals and the jewelry is well made, just send the opal ring back in the same condition as when you received it in the post, with International Lab testing certificate stating the opal is otherwise. Mr Graham Black Policy is good for 12 months from the commencement of customers receiving jewelry in the post, plus your certificate stating this will be emailed to you also description of the natural Australian opal and the jewelry description. Opal ring sale hear with very good custom jeweler and the best quality opals, it’s easy to qualify for this excellent sale,you only need to purchase one Australian opal gemstone over US $199, from the most famous best opal mine in the world and our Goldsmith will custom make 1 opal ring free of charge. This is truly a great custom opal ring sale on jewelry, because in your country this could save you up to $900 on hand made artist high grade crafted work man ship, to finish very detailed rings it can take 4 to 5 days from start to finish, so this is for people that need unique one of a kind designs that you will never see another item the same anywhere you go. About Australian opal ring sale and jewelry more information at YouTube Channel the channel is named opal jewelry with various videos on the subject of opal ring sale on jewelry. Cleaning opal jewelry always remember this step first wait stop the most important rule and never forget it, you must be sitting down relax as patience...
Read MoreSelling Opal Rings.
Selling opal rings on sale you simply buy 1 opal over US $199 dollars. opal jewelry handmade Sale On Now about 75% Savings Off about on your own free personal handcrafted opal jewelry design, free if you purchase one of our wholesale opals over $199 US, the goldsmith will make free your choice in design pendant free or Australian handcrafted opal ring free , you pay International going price for gold or silver, delivery insurance free to your address. Custom crafted goldsmith specialist in opal jewelry a lot cheaper at this site because the owner is the primary opal producer mining in Australia, plus you have gone direct to the goldsmith graham handcrafts jewelry and designs and has open cut his own Australian opal mine which is famous, the best opals ever discovered in Australia at official government Heritage listed opal mine, Heritage listed NSW because the gemstone quality is know internationally as the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered at 3 mile opal mines. Wholesale prices all welcome Australia opal jewelry handmade jewelry and all natural Australian opal 100% gemstones, fine goldsmith craftsman will place firmly your favourite choice in our stoned secure into each opal jewelry we design. Guaranteed money back if the opal is not natural Australian opals and the jewelry is well made, just send the opal ring back in the same condition as when you received it in the post, with International Lab testing certificate stating the opal is otherwise. Mr Graham Black Policy is good for 12 months from the commencement of customers receiving jewelry in the post, plus your certificate stating this will be emailed to you also description of the natural Australian opal and the jewelry description. About selling opal rings more information at YouTube Channel the channel is named opal jewelry with various videos on the subject of opal jewelry. Cleaning opal jewelry always remember this step first wait stop the most important rule and never forget it, you must be sitting down relax as patience is a virtue, please make sure there is carpet under where you are, or clean the jewellery when you are working on a wide bench at least, always concentrate and slowly take your opal jewellery off, but at least if there is an accident and you are not holding your opal jewellery tightly and it falls out of your hand and smashes on to a hard tile floor from a distance, there will be no damage to your jewelry. Opal jewellery and ruby’s or diamonds its possible its possible in a accident if the front of the opal gemstone hits the high surface first, there’s always a chance of chipping the gemstone or even cracking, in some cases the stone cannot be fixed. More information about selling opal rings, all Australian opal jewelry Sale opal rings custom engagement opal rings handcrafted...
Read MoreImages opal jewelry.
Images opal jewelry by Australian opal miners and goldsmiths . Images opal jewelry get smart and cut out the middle man because I can tell you there are many people down the chain of supply. Our sale buy one wholesale opal from us over US $199 and our custom goldsmith service is free, we will make one ring or pendant completely free of charge and you only have to pay for the gold this saves you up to $900. In your country it can cost you $900 just for the design and handmade work and this is not including the gemstone. This is why most commercial grade gemstones and custom work is unaffordable because there are to many middle people. Australian opal gemstone rings with Heritage stones from specialist Graham best prices for unique opal jewelry, and the best quality opals ever discovered direct from Goldsmith Master Artisan that did not major in English, and graphic web designer also but you will not find more honest affordable custom jeweler. Commercial grade opal jewelry can be affordable when purchasing directly from the custom goldsmith designer, as long as the jewelers travel to Australian mining town, purchasing direct from the miner but jewelers cannot travel unfortunately and have to purchase from the middleman as Australia is a long way away from the rest of the world and this is why most good quality commercial grade custom jewelry is unaffordable to many middleman and sales persons. Images opal jewelry by Australian opal miners and goldsmiths . I give a 30 day guarantee money back if the opal jewelry workmanship does not reach high standards and on receiving your item the jewelry and gemstone must come close to matching the description. A 60 day money back guarantee if the opal gemstone is not solid natural Australian opal with no treatment or enhancement of any kind, we only asked for a certificate from a recognized international gemstone Lab and jewelry testing service stating otherwise, no questions asked money back in full you only have to return the item not damage safely back to us. On the market today there is the much lower grade Ethiopian opal that is mass-produced in jewelry in Third world countries sweat shops where there is no quality control such as China and India Bangladesh but very affordable, unfortunately the opal can have a lot of problems from Ethiopia grazing faults and cracks appearing. The Australian opal gemstone supply is very limited these days but the quality is known around the world to be the best and highest strength, as I am an Australian citizen under strict jewelry guideline laws and regulations as Australia is a first world country that works to international standards, all my hand-made jewelry reaches the standard of the European Union goldsmith and jewelry designs. There is Australian opal for every budget from $50 to hundreds...
Read MoreCustom Opal Engagement Rings. Handcrafted Opal Engagement Rings.
Custom opal engagement rings maybe with diamonds handmade opal engagement rings with Australian opals. Custom opal engagement rings lot cheaper hear because you have gone direct to the primary producer goldsmith designer that open cut his own Australian opal mine. Here you are going direct wholesale prices to Mr Graham Black site and shopping cart, with the best deposit of Australian opals ever discovered from the only official government Heritage listed opal mine in the country of Australia, Heritage listed because the quality is the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered anywhere in the world. Custom opal engagement rings a great special on handmade opal engagement rings custom made or opal rings with diamonds, sale at the moment customers purchase from the only Heritage opal mine in Australia goldsmith or silversmith craftsmanship cost will not be included in the final purchase price. Custom opal engagement rings handmade this is a saving of about $900 Graham gives 100% guarantee internationally high standard and jewelry crafts man ship, we guarantee the gemstone is 100% solid no treatment no enhancement of any kind Australian opal from the only heritage leased mine in the world the state of New South Wales capital Sydney Australia. We guarantee 100% on receiving your custom opal engagement ring, you receive also in writing English guarantee stating the gemstone must come close to resembling the gemstone in the photographs you received from Graham Black opal jeweler. Custom opal engagement rings handcrafted. Opals Australian National Women’s basketball team name, Opals Head coach Jan has one opal gemstone from Graham Black Opal famous mine, which is next door to where the famous opal named Halley’s comet, the Guinness book of world records largest uncut black opal gemstone that was discovered in modern time, also in the same year 1986 the year when Halley’s comet could be seen from Earth. About Graham Black official Government Heritage mine in Australia more information at Wikipedia Article famous Halley’s Comet by Graham Black Opal. The head coach stated his Opal jewellery will remain Jan preferred lucky opal jewellery to wear with pride . The coach has carried and worn a piece of lucky opal jewellery during all the major campaigns whilst coaching the Australian Basketball team, throughout Jan’s world Championships of 2002, the Athens Olympics of 2004, medal 2006 World Championships and Silver in Beijing Olympics. Internet can be amazing if you can truly fine the primary producer and craftsman, as by the time the international gem dealers purchase stones direct from mines, they do not leave much meat on the bone, then they have to sell to the jewelry manufacturers around the world,they have air tickets and hotel cost,the jewelry wholesalers will then purchase different types of rings from many factories, there sales people will visit many retail jewelry shops, the jewelry boutiques have expensive rental deals with their landlord and all...
Read MoreFire Opals Red Colors Bright Opals.
Fire opal very bright or red orange colors. Fire opal from the only Government Official listed Heritage Register opal mine. List as item of environmental heritage in LEP National Trust Australia Register. Handmade opal necklace the best quality opal gemstones ever discovered in the world. Fire opal specialist Graham has the best prices for unique fire opal rings, and the best quality black opals ever discovered, direct from our Goldsmith Master Artisan that did not major in British English, but you will not find more honest affordable custom jeweler, excuse the graphic web designer also because the guy’s from India. Sale wholesale prices fire opal and Australian opal rings,black fire opal rings and handmade jewelry,black opal jewelry and Australian opal jewelry. Fire opal jewelry stores at wholesale price direct & Graham provide you with a certificate, we are Australian opal gemstone specialist in the Industry . Graham the only opal experts with Government official Heritage listed opal mine, because the stones are known as the best quality. From the capital of the black opals Industry in the Premier State Capital Sydney Australia. Over 40 years experience in the industry prices in $U S dollars for custom Australia opal jewelry , fire opal necklace online opal necklace,handmade opal necklace also fire opal earrings. Fire opal Graham looking for some lightning Ridge opal miners to work a claim of his red fire opal mine. At the riches field in modern times Australia N.S.W at the Corcoran mines, these days it’s all open cut around these rich old mines like dead bird mining area. Lightning Ridge is worked out only open cut mining and thats a big gamble with to many rehabilitation and cost, bonds deposits this is a very expensive operation compared to shaft and tunneling. My opal mine is 30 minutes out of town and is still solid on the second level, first level 50% worked with beautiful black multi color red fire opal in the face and crystal along with seam in the floor, I worked the opal claim from the start of the rush 1990, above me was Guy Carl and Stefan, Aussie worked a claim little bit over from Beno’s Stefan and brother Peter and his mate Bundoon working at Kelly’s Corcoran also, which is the first turn off right hand side before Stoney’s rush about another kilometer straight down the road. Fire opal mine. I give excellent deals very large percentage to you guys 80% you provide machinery and finance operation, as I have done well out of the mining over the years so I am happy to spread it around. I understand your hesitant and need to be secure and not thrown out of the claim when we fine the next pocket of gem red on black opal. You do not have too trust my word if its honest, as I am prepared to sign the opal...
Read MoreCustom Australian Opal Ring.
Custom Australian opal ring and jewelry maybe with diamonds also? Custom Australian opal ring lot cheaper hear because you have gone direct to the primary producer goldsmith designer that open cut his own Australian opal mine. Here you are going direct wholesale prices to Mr Graham Black site and shopping cart, with the best deposit of Australian opals ever discovered from the only official government Heritage listed opal mine in the country of Australia, Heritage listed because the quality is the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered anywhere in the world. Custom Australian opal ring with Heritage opals for sale, our Goldsmith hasn’t a major in English and our graphic web designer did not major in English but our goldsmith is a Master Artisan, and this site has the best prices for unique opal jewelry and the best quality opals ever discovered. This specialist type jewelry stands out in a crowd because custom Australian opal rings with diamonds handmade have the most magnificent fire in the world, you can also have light pastel color fire in these gemstones from Australia. If you like the most brilliant and dazzling colors then there are no other opal deposits found around the world either in America USA, the country of Mexico and Ethiopia, South America has deposits of this gemstone also and have some nice crystal, even Indonesia has opal. All these countries cannot get anywhere near the quality of Australian. These countries deposits are considered to be C grade with some commercial stones, compared to the A+ Australian black opal. Other Australian deposits like the fabulous transparent lighter colors of South Australian crystal. Australia has very nice white opal known to be of the highest quality worldwide. My design and goldsmith time would better most custom jewelers by 50%, when customers buy 1 Australian opal from Graham over $321 your purchase will appreciate quickly as Graham is the primary producer so you are purchasing direct from the mine at wholesale prices, this investment is hard to beat. Graham will make your jewelry free of charge, and as the Australian dollar is the lowest the dollar has been in a long time, makes it even better value at the moment for Americans in particular as the US dollar is the highest in a long time. Maybe add to the design some round brilliant cut diamonds,round flat diamonds,antique cushion diamonds,octagon cut diamonds, there so many designs we can work with square cut diamonds, names like soval cut and baguette diamonds,princess cut diamonds, my favorite emerald cut diamonds, shapes named trilliant cut diamonds,pear cut diamonds, briolette diamonds and round diamond cabochon and make the most of the high US dollar as you never know when the American dollar might go back down. Custom Australian opal ring. We supply the best quality Australian opals available and I can confirm this because we have the only heritage...
Read MoreCustom Opal Rings Guaranteed Natural Opals.
Custom opal rings versus opal rings. Custom opal rings lot cheaper hear because you have gone direct to the primary producer goldsmith handmade ring designer, that open cut his own Australian opal mine. Here you are going direct wholesale prices to Mr Graham Black site and shopping cart, with the best deposit of Australian opals ever discovered from the only official government Heritage listed opal mine in the country of Australia, Heritage listed because the quality is the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered anywhere in the world. Sale 75% Savings Off your own custom design we pay International going price for delivery and insurance free to your address. Custom opal rings lot cheaper hear because you have gone direct to the primary producer goldsmith handmade ring designer, that open cut his own Australian opal mine. Here you are going direct wholesale prices to Mr Graham Black site and shopping cart, with the best deposit of Australian opals ever discovered from the only official government Heritage listed opal mine in the country of Australia, Heritage listed because the quality is the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered anywhere in the world. Sale 75% Savings Off your own free personal custom design, if you purchase one of our wholesale opals over $199 US, we make free your choice in design pendant or Australian opal ring, you pay International going price for gold or silver, delivery insurance free to your address. Custom opal rings with diamonds handmade are the most beautiful, there are very good custom American opal rings made by goldsmiths and we are Australian goldsmiths, there are plenty of average workmanship in the industry in all country’s. But there is no opal gemstone deposits in the world that come anywhere near the Australian opal gemstones, as long as you know when you purchase Custom American opal rings the gemstone comes from Australia, because Australian opals makes the best jewelry. Graham has the best prices for unique opal jewelry, and the best quality opals ever discovered direct from Goldsmith Master Artisan that did not major in British English, but you will not find more honest affordable custom jeweler,please excuse the graphic web designer also because the guy’s from India. Sale Australian opal rings,black opal rings and handmade jewelry,black opal jewelry and Australian opal jewelry. Unfortunately a lot of the Australian and American opal rings are not custom-made in either country, many are manufactured in China and the third world countries,like India with Ethiopian stones in the jewelry, Mexican opals in the rings manufactured in Mexico. As America and Australia are first world countries they cannot compete with the prices of developing countries. Many Americans jeweler’s looking for Australian opal rings and jewelry travel around the world looking for western jewelers with a low manufacturing base in Mexico or Bangkok Thailand. This is why I have left my Australian opal...
Read MoreOpal diamond ring.
Opal diamond ring jewelry designer Graham Black. Opal diamond ring jeweler Graham Black famous opal mine the only opal work site with Australian Government listed Premier State Heritage Register , Capital Sydney Australia list as item of environmental heritage in LEP National Trust Australia Register, best quality gemstones in the opal rings ever discovered in the world. Amazing Offer Sale for Customers, 1 free custom made jewelry simply if you buy one of the opals over $199. Graham will hand make free of charge one custom ring design jewelry free of charge. Graham’s opals are set at very low wholesale prices here, Graham has better prices then you will fine any where for handmade opal jewelry. About Graham’s opals official submission read, Opal More rarely, specimens contain precious opal. And these are surely among the most beautiful natural objects on earth. The opal is of the highest quality, characterized by red/black gems of superlative brilliance, in every conceivable pattern including harlequins, picture gemstones and Chinese writing. Opal diamond ring Australian opal direct from the mine,gemstones at wholesale prices direct from the best quality opal discovery in the world . This is why the location received State Heritage listing the capital Sydney, location is at Lightning Ridge Australia. We polish the rough Australian opal gemstones ourselves Graham is a Master jeweler and best prices. Australian goldsmith silversmiths with 40 years experience in opal rings custom-made. Opal diamond rings on Youtube necklace, diamond pendant and opal bracelets. Images custom opal diamond ring. Image custom opal diamond ring. You can cut out all the middle business people, “By a custom opal ring direct from us no sale pressure”, no business games but A+ opal ring designs. A limited amount of silver will be provided free, if you prefer a gold opal ring then you will have to pay full carat weight of the gold used in the custom ring design. Guarantee 30 day money back starting from the date of delivery, we will provide a certificate stating solid natural Australian opal no treatment of any kind, carat weight and purity of the custom opal ring in gold or silver carat weight . If the description does not match the custom opal jewelry, no question asked money back in full, you only need to test at the Gemological Institute of America , or GIA, which is a nonprofit institute dedicated to research and education in the field of gemology and the jewelry arts, the Australian or English institute equivalent, claiming otherwise and we will pay also for the certificate. Check for yourself at google maps, this is the location of the Australian opal mine at Graham Black Opal rings longitude-latitude -29.462290, 147.968577 Maybe you want your family jeweler to make the ring for you, unfortunately your country will be expensive as jeweler labour is around $500-1000 dollars for a custom ring,...
Read MoreCare for opal jewelry.
Care for opal jewelry and care for opal rings. Care for opal jewelry Graham Black famous opal mine the only opal work site with Australian Government listed Premier State Heritage Register , Capital Sydney Australia list as item of environmental heritage in LEP National Trust Australia Register, best quality gemstones in the opal rings ever discovered in the world. Amazing Offer Sale for Customers, 1 free custom made jewelry simply if you buy one of the opals over $199. Graham will hand make free of charge one custom ring design jewelry free of charge. Graham’s opals are set at very low wholesale prices here, Graham has better prices then you will fine any where for handmade opal jewelry. About Graham’s opals official submission read, Opal More rarely, specimens contain precious opal. And these are surely among the most beautiful natural objects on earth. The opal is of the highest quality, characterized by red/black gems of superlative brilliance, in every conceivable pattern including harlequins, picture gemstones and Chinese writing. Care for opal jewelry and care for opal rings. How to care for opal jewelry this is very easy place a bowl of warm water onto the table, look for good quality sop and get an old tooth brush, must be soft not a hard brush, simply rub the toothbrush over the sop bar and then dip the tooth brush into the water, place the jewelry on to a nice big soft clean cloth, and you can scrub the inside and outside of the gold or silver jewelry, i cannot emphasize enough do not touch the opal at this stage of the process simply leave the gemstone to last, another method to polish the stone and I will explain that soon. Care for opal jewelry and diamonds or ruby sapphires included in the design,you can simply clean them also with the same toothbrush. Ok now when finish we have to clean the opal. Soft new clean cloth with some sop and warm water in a clockwise manner, being very careful not to drop your ring or opal jewelry on the ground when you are trying to take such good care of your opal jewelry. Cleaning please be very careful I cannot emphasis this enough, but as opals are not as strong as diamonds simply avoid, do not drop the jewelry onto a hard floor. The very last step a clean bowl of warm water and no sop clean again with a new clean cloth. Wipe off the excess water and find a nice quality tissue and simply start polishing, discard the first tissue and finish off the polishing with one more clean tissue. We offer a free cleaning service for all our jewelry items, that is purchased from Graham Black Opal jeweler all you need to do is simply send your jewelry to us we will examine and polished free, you...
Read MoreJewellery opals.
Jewellery opal custom handmade designs. Jewellery opal Graham have a special offer if you purchase one of his gemstone over $199 dollars,his master goldsmith is free to design your jewellery free, one ring custom made free, you only have to pay for the gold used or Silver. Ring design or pendant if you need extremely detail custom goldsmith artisan work with other gemstones incorporated into the jewellery opal design, then you will have to pay a little bit more. We give money back guarantee for at least 30 days, if the jewellery is not made to good international standards and the opal gemstone is no solid Australian, the photographs on our site resembles the item you purchase from us. Simply contact as any time to ask about great deals, we sell our stones at wholesale prices direct from the only official government premier State heritage lease mine in Australia. Simply e-mail us some clear picture of Australian opal that you can purchase from another site, and we will try to better the price or at least match the price and custom make your jewellery design still free of charge. Jewellery opal gemstones. Opal jewelry Channel free don’t forget the promotion custom-made work free of charge when purchasing one opal stones over $199 Our handmade Jewellery designs with opal are all unique as we have 40 years experience in custom jewellery designs with opals and other gemstones, you can work with us as we will design to your specifications. Or simply leave it up to us to give you options of the latest designs of 2015. Australian opals are used in our opal jewellery designs only, no Ethiopian no Indonesian no Mexican no opals from the country of Brazil, as we mine ourselves at the location in Australian known by the famous name internationally Lightning Ridge, the capital of the rarest and highly recognized gemstone the red multicolor Harlequin black gem quality stone. Jewellery opal gemstones. Our mines also produce the highest quality crystal in all the colors along with semi-black in all the colours green blue lilac purple orange red, from the only opal heritage mine in the world and the reason why the allocation and mine was heritage listed is because, the best quality opal ever discovered come from this location the most beautiful and amazing gems ever discovered in Australia, much more superior then any other opal location in the world. Custom Opal Jeweller Handmade Opal Rings. Jewellery opal designs with opal the birthstone for October, i can verify my claims about my natural opal copy and paste longitude- latitude -29.462290, 147.968577 into google maps this is the location of the opal mine at Graham Black opal Jewellery designs and opal”Best quality ever discovered”. Jewellery opal by Graham Black Specialist....
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