Australian Symbols.

Australian Symbols.

Posted by on Mar 15, 2019 in Australian heroes, Australian Special Forces, Australian War Heroes, Australian World war II, National symbols Australia |

Australian Symbols WW2 Heroes . Australian symbols thank’s to Hal Black daughter Carol Black we can look at World War II pictures images. There are many symbols icons like the flag and green and gold official colours and opal gemstones official Australian national gemstone. Australian opals the most amazing of all the different types of Australian opals an a good lucky charm, and the best quality was discovered in an outback town not far from the border of Queensland and New South Wales, discovered out of town at the 3-mile now official government Heritage area and the only prospector claim holder today is graham that was the last prospector to undertake mining operations in this area. Now his claim has been officially recognised by the government and Heritage listed, because the most beautiful opals an Australian symbols was discovered at this location 3 mile. Also other 3 mile claims in this area are very famous like the famous claim where they found the Guinness book of records named the Hayleys comet, unfortunately the claim holder along with all of the claim guys are now no longer with us, in particular the famous Barkley brothers Terry and Lance. Australian Symbols Opals Lucky Charm. In ww2 many Australian’s the military carried there lucky charm an opal gemstone an Australian symbol, the Australian diggers a term for the Army military was the first men to defeat and stop the advance of the Emperors Royal Japanese military. Up to this stage the Japanese Emperors Royal military had beaten the Americans in all 3 battles, Pearl Harbor the first and the last the Philippines a colony of the USA. The Japanese was controlling most of China the French were driven out of Indochina, nearly all the countries in Southeast Asia surrendered to the Japanese. The Dutch defeated in Indonesia the English had been defeated in what was called in them days nearly 75 years ago Burma, along with the fall of the English colony Singapore, so maybe the Australian symbols the opal was a good omen lol .           These Australian men truly amazing saved Australia and after this battle that was at the biggest island in the world next to Australia named Papa New Guinea, the Australian diggers teamed up with the Americans and along with the English and the Commonwealth countries, they save the world from the German European Nazis allies of the Japanese military, this was the end to a very tragic time during www2. Australian Opal gemstone. Opal ring wow gemstones from Australia they are the best opals by far particularly the multicolour black opal group from the area in Australia known as Lightning Ridge. A opal ring with opals from this region has the most brightest an amazing colours so vibrant so strong so amazing and unique. Every opal has individual markings and colours and...

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Opal Mines In Australia, And The History Of Black Opal Mines.

Opal Mines In Australia, And The History Of Black Opal Mines.

Posted by on May 22, 2015 in about opals, Australian opal centre, Black opals, Cutting opals, History of black opals, How to price opals, Lightning Ridge opal miners, National symbols Australia, october birthstones, October gemstone, Opal certificates, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry., opals, Polished opals, Wholesale opals |

Opal mines in Australia at Lightning Ridge black opals. Opal mines in Australia best quality are only found in and around the town of Lightning Ridge in the state of New South Wales, the rarest and best quality black group is N1 N2 only found in lightning Ridge Australia.  Black opal is the official state symbol of the State NSW and all opals from Australia are classified as the official national symbols along with the Australian flag emblems etc. Graham Opal mines the only official government State heritage listed opal mine in Australia the only Lightning Ridge heritage listed opal mines location is situated at the 3 mile also known as the lunatic Hill, 10 minute drive from downtown lightning Ridge, the mine was also listed on a National Australian registry. This particular opal mine is very rare produced green and yellow color gemstone two official Australian national emblem, also the N1 N2 black gemstone the official state NSW symbol, Guinness Book of World Records famous gemstone, Heritage listed opal mine and more accolades the opal mine is known to produce the best quality ever discovered in the world. Google maps showing the location of Mr Graham Black famous opal mine, next door to where the Guinness book of record World famous opal was discovered. Graham Black famous opal mine at Lightning Ridge Capital black opals Australia.       The state of Queensland Australia opal mines produce large amounts of boulder opal, mostly thin seams of crystal color trapped inside the rock ironstone mostly semiprecious. South Australia the major producer of crystal and white opal in the world, today the country of Ethiopia is most likely producing more crystal then the mining towns of South Australia. One thing i can say the crystal opal mines in Australia are by far the brightest most beautiful crystal colors ever discovered. But the most dazzling fire opal colors come from the black opal mines in the state of New South Wales Australia, this location in and around town has the most dazzling fire in the gemstone but also amazing patterns, picture stones resembling butterflies and many objects of beauty along with rare harlequin pattern, galaxy and the pattern list goes on. Opal mines Lightning Ridge black opal mining Australia. My favorite and a very unusual Australian opal mines location is at Lightning Ridge mineral claims district, Office of resources & energy, Lot 60 Morilla street Lightning Ridge N.S.W 2834 Australia, N.S.W State gemstone emblem is black opal,official symbol New South Wales .   Opal mines  in Australian N.S.W State official museum under construction name the Opal centre at Lightning Ridge the only black opal country in Australia. The state heritage listed site place which represents two official national Australian emblem, one is the gemstone national emblem & at the same location green and yellow opal the National colors emblem of Australia,...

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Australian Heritage State opal mine location.

Australian Heritage State opal mine location.

Posted by on May 14, 2015 in about opals, Care for opal jewelry, Jewelry October, National symbols Australia, october birthstones, October gemstone, opal jewellery, Opal jewelry, opal ring, opal ring, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry. |

Australian Heritage State site amazing location at 3 mile lunatic hill. Australian heritage site has two emblems symbols of Australia’s national identity yellow green official colors mixed with in the national opal gemstone emblem,the place is Lightning Ridge also has one official state symbol black opal the official emblem of the state of New South Wales capital Sydney Australia . This place also has a State Heritage listing also a famous gemstone, a Guinness book of record opal discovery. Our Goldsmith old and experience but our graphic web designer did not major in English but our goldsmith is a Master Artisan, and this site has the best prices for unique opal jewelry and the best quality opals ever discovered. Many fossils 100 million-year-old dinosaur remains have been discovered, fossilized bones teeth fossilized wood, water creatures giant dinosaur like crocodiles, shells many other remains of dinosaurs and this is why there is underway a construction, official Australian State museum name the Opal Centre, next door to the biggest opal open cut mine in the world at the famous 3 mile. State Australian Heritage rarest location. Australian heritage where in the world would you fine four official government symbols one Guinness book of record at one area in any country, this is why its called the sacred place of power and peace, the location is known as the 3 mile lunatic hill mine just out of town at Lightning Ridge the capital of the rarest and most unique beautiful and possibly one of the most expensive gemstone in the whole world.   It is impossible to find a perfect matching pair two identical opals unless they are cut out of one gemstone. I knew the leaseholders personally myself Terry and his brother and contractor Gary, part of the lunatic Hill syndicate who discovered the famous Guinness book of record largest uncut black opal known by the name of Halley’s Comet at the famous leaning tree 3 mile claim. Big Bill who open cut next door at the famous Scots claim where in its hey day the mine would had produced 50 million dollars on today’s market . State Australian Heritage rarest location.   Graham open cut at the very end of the leaning tree fault line that stopped in my claim named the Australian opal hunter,unfortunately all the claim holder’s now has sadly passed away but I still remember all the stories as just before Terry retired he worked with me at one of my claims 40 minutes out of town. Its over 40 years now since i first went mining at lightning Ridge at 19 years of age, I was fascinated when I seen my first gem as I started of as an Australian goldsmith jeweler making a ring that was designed around a beautiful Australian opal. On my first holiday I had to go to this outback town, there was no...

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Australian Official Emblem.

Australian Official Emblem.

Posted by on May 10, 2015 in about opals, Jewelry October, National symbols Australia, october birthstones, October gemstone, opal jewellery, Opal jewelry, opal ring, opal ring, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry. |

Australian Official Emblem Heritage opal mine location 3 mile, Australian official emblem symbol. Australian Official Emblem will be on display when the new premier State government Museum the Capital Sydney, construction is complete and is ready to open its doors to the public. Being constructive right next door to the heritage mine of the famous mine of the Australian opal Hunter and Goldsmith Graham Black, the whole old mining area including the new opal centre, will be the best Heritage attraction in Australia having two National symbols in one location a green and yellow gemstone two in one the national colors National gemstone also. As this area was famous for black opal you also have the official state gemstone, Capital Sydney Australia where would you find so many symbols of identity of any nation at one location, the local miners called it Lunatic Hill and the official government records Three mile, I like to call the 3 Mile a sacred site a place of peace and power and history. Our Goldsmith old experience but our graphic web designer did not major in English but our goldsmith is a Master Artisan, and this site has the best prices for unique opal jewelry and the best quality opals ever discovered.   Australian Official Emblem at Lightning Ridge in the state of New South Wales Australia has the only Heritage area for one of the Australians official emblem of the country, the location is at 3 mile road famous claims Scots mine where big Bill open cut the claim, Graham Black opal hunter only claim holder alive today, the famous Leaning Tree mine in the early eighties the famous Halley’s Comet 2200 carats was discovered, the lunatic Hill syndicate open cut the claim and there was a $7 million dollar pocket of gems found around the Halley’s comet Guinness book of record gemstone, the largest uncut black opal found in modern times the Australians official emblem. Famous opal gemstones discovered hear and the National symbol of the Country on google maps .   Australian official emblem images.             Ethiopian opal industry has hurt the Australian industry bringing prices down to low, Ethiopian being a Third World country desperate to sell and sold their treasure for peanuts to be international guys. Australian opal is a much higher quality,but the market place was amazed at the very low prices on the Ethiopian when first discovered about six years ago, and naturally not knowing the quality as the gemstone was not tested, people simply purchased this much cheaper type first comparing prices to Australia, but not knowing the problems with the new deposit, many people found out about the quality after cutting and polishing. It became not economical to mine in Australia but there’s always a gambler around the corner, and there’s always someone that gets lucky down under, plus the new regulations on mining and...

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National Symbols Australia.

National Symbols Australia.

Posted by on May 6, 2015 in about opals, Black opal jewellery, Black opal jewelry, Black opal rings, Care for opal jewelry, Jewelry October, National symbols Australia, october birthstones, October gemstone, opal jewellery, opal ring, opal ring, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry., opals |

National Symbols Australia National gemstone opal, Birthstone for October good luck charm. National symbols Australia are opal gemstones and the best ever discovered in Australia and the world came from down the 3 mile road,  Graham’s opals are from the only Government Official listed Heritage Register opal mine. List item environmental Heritage and LEP National Trust Australia Register, and his opal mine is also down the 3 mile road Lightning Ridge Australian. National symbols Australian opals and Graham is opal specialist and has over 40 year goldsmith experience. Opals are the official gemstone’s of Australia official symbol like the culture and mining history of its country. Australian opal specialist Graham has the best prices for the Australia gemstones opal from the 3 mile the best quality opals ever discovered. Here jewelry direct from good Artisan that maybe did not major in British English, but you will not find most honest affordable custom jewelry, excuse the graphic web designer also because the guy’s from India. Australian official symbols the countries flag the national anthem is Advance Australia Fair would be recognized firstly by Australians, most likely coming the third symbol maybe the Coat of Arms then Wattle tree most likely known by its Latin name overseas as Acacia Pycnatha is recognized internationally. The English flag has the union jack the Australian flag also, Australia’s flag is linked to the British flag simply because Captain cook from Britain was the first non Aboriginal indigenous people to colonize the country, officially the Commonwealth of Australia the name Australia is derived from the Latin australis-meaning-southern. National symbols Australia gemstone birthstone for October. Australians identify with this gemstone pioneers that lost their life hard work its in their history all blood sweat and tears like the Anzacs soldiers 100 years ago 10,000 massacre without a chance, “Many were only teenagers” . This is why the gemstone is one of the official national symbols, it’s very difficult to win in this business as this gemstone is very rare. Unlike the Australian flag represents the lucky country the land down under rich, another beautiful symbol one specie of native green flora with yellow flower the national Australian colors and the sporting flag the boxing kangaroo. There are many nonofficial symbols like kangaroos, movies like Crocodile Dundee, sports like AFL football,Ayers Rock Uluru the Diggers the term for Australian soldiers, the first nation in the Second World War that defeated the Japanese, in there first two battles out of all the allied forces including the Americans against the Japanese were all defeated up to this stage. Famous locations in Australia that are recognized internationally, places like the World Heritage site Great Barrier Reef one of the wonders of the world and the State heritage site of Australia opal mine 3 mile Lightning Ridge Australia next door to where the State Museum name the opal centre is under...

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Opal Information Opal Rings.

Opal Information Opal Rings.

Posted by on Apr 27, 2014 in about opals, Australian opal centre, Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Black opal jewellery, Black opal jewelry, Black opal rings, Care for opal jewelry, Lightning Ridge opal miners, National symbols Australia, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry., Polished opals |

Opal Information black opal gemstone also. Opal Information 75 per cent of all opal on the market in 2008 2014 comes from the country of Ethiopia, and the majority is C grade and lower grades crystal. This opal lacks play of color Ethiopia stones simply are named common stones, the country supply come from the dry and remote deserts of Ethiopia Wello. Prior year 2008 crystal came from Australia with all fine stones along with A+ grade group of fine gems includes all number of wonderful red/black gems of superlative brilliance gemstone . Characteristic fantasy Australian gemstone, “sparkle in a continually fire or play of colors”, in every conceivable pattern – including harlequin, picture stones and Chinese writing,play of colors describe opals. Australian Opal Rings.   The first British and European prospectors pioneers explores that heard about the rare multicolor that sparkled dazzling red fire from rocks and stones, travelled to these locations and started the first opal mining fields. Hard men it was all blood sweat and tears in the semi-arid deserts no fresh water most of the year, stinking hot summers and cold winters, all backbreaking work by hand. No machinery, candle lighting shovels and picks and a hand held windless to wind up a bucket of clay from the bottom of the shaft. A cable was connected to the bucket back to the handheld windless that have to be rotated 360° many times by manpower to allow the bucket to come to the surface under intense heat. The history of Australian Opal began about 75 million years ago,the country was covered by an inland sea, sediment deposited on the shoreline,water flooded back and flushed water silica niches into the rocks also the remains of animals trees . Water silica stone transformed into this gemstone. In 1960s a team of scientists analyzed this stone with an electron microscope the phenomenon play-of-colors was discovered spheres interference and refraction responsible for turning colors of the rainbow new and always different in every Australian gemstone. Australian opal Information . Information about us jewelry designer specializing in limited heritage certificate of authenticity Australian opals , Graham Black Opal mine only leased listed on State Heritage Register List as an item of environmental heritage in LEP National Trust of Australia Register. Wholesale prices direct from our Australian opal mine, free of charge when purchasing stones over $199 Custom jewelry design made free, but it is the beauty of this gem that makes it appreciate and there never is two opals the same. Master jeweler 40 years specializing in opal cutting and open cut mining. More Opal Information can be found at Pprice of dollars stones value per carat- 1 grams = 5 carot to a gram, based on criteria number of colors, pattern type, color brilliance, the cut, the size , perfection of the stone, black N1 N2 N3 to N9...

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Opal Mining in Australian.

Opal Mining in Australian.

Posted by on Jan 9, 2014 in about opals, Australian National gemstone., Australian opal centre, Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Black opals, How to price opals, Lightning Ridge opal miners, National symbols Australia, opal jewellery, Opal mining, opal ring, opals, Polished opals, Wholesale opals |

Australian opal mines thinner the drive is the safer it will be. We also design jewelry using opals in the design,you can have all the colors of unique rare and different gemstone from around the world in one jewelry design. Graham Black Opal offers clients free of charge when purchasing stone over $191. His jewelers will hand make professional goldsmith design jewelry to suit the gemstone purchased ,clients personal designs excepted also, we include free insurance and postage to your home. Australian opal mines it does not particularly matter about the height of the roof as long as you can get easy access to the roof, as this is usually your best chance of finding opal under the sandstone between that and that clay level. You will find pockets of material and maybe opal’s and even seen in the floor of your claim, there are many methods of working safe underground if you need to have wide drives then you can use wood supports and wood props which are readily found around the leases. I would recommend the Australian cypress pine which has great strength and is quite tolerant to water , many people like to leave the bottom section of their drives and dig wider around the roof this method is no different to removing all the clay and having wide drives it will get more dangerous as the clay dry and starts cracking. We are Australian opal mines  . Opal from Lightning Ridge three mile field have been recognized  of the highest quality . We have the only mine lease, listed on State Heritage Register List as an item of environmental heritage in LEP National Trust of Australia Register.Submission read “Opal More rarely, specimens contain precious opal” and these are surely among the most beautiful natural objects on earth. The opal is of the highest quality, characterized by red/black gems of superlative brilliance, in every conceivable pattern – including harlequin, picture stones and Chinese writing. Australian Opal mines,open cut mining it is always a great start if there is already a few opal leases that have been cut already adjoining your claim. As this allows you to remove all your benches and have them processed, what do I mean by benches the government department that controls the industry has strict guide lines you must follow,every 6 meters you must leave a two meter squared bench. It also makes it a lot easier if you have somewhere to dump your over burden and a big hole in the ground close by is a great place to refill. Australian Opal Rings. Open cut mining for opal gemstone there are many factors you have to consider in these modern times particularly requirements of government mineral resources department there is a contract you have to full in the industry around the feels of lightning Ridge New South Wales. The good old days are...

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