Australian Legends Mr Lawrence Black. Australian legends Lawrence Black champion also most famous hero, and great Samaritan that’s why Lawrence received OAM for his volunteer services to many Australian charities. Australian legend Black received MiD gallant meritorious action facing the invaders of Australia by the Japanese enemy at the time. Lawrence Black name appears in military official report sent to the high command. Australian legends like Lieutenant Lawrence Sydney Black Australian commandos special forces L. S. Black Intelligence Field operatives served, with 3rd HQ Signals Armoured Division Defence Z Special Unit. Recommended by the governor general on the 24-6-1946 distinguished service in south west Pacific Asia. Other awards Australian War Memorial RCDIG1068963 Promulgated in London Gazette on 6-3-1947. Promulgated in Commonwealth of Australia cassette on 6-3-1947. Black received American submarine pen because he was attached as Australian commando special forces lead operation starfish ww2. Under lieutenant Black command and his Australian commandos was transport by US submarine the rock Lombok Indonesia secret mission Black Australian legends. Australian Legends Lawrence Black OAM . Australian legends Lawrence Black was a volunteer enlisted in the Australian army in 1942 at the age of 21 but later on he was asked by an officer, as he was selected to join a group of soldiers. Black did not know he was volunteering to join the SAS, none of the new they were going to be special forces and work behind enemy lines. Lawrence narrowly escaped beheading by the Japanese enemy in World War II, as the Lieutenant lead operation Starfish behind enemy lines to Indonesia, the island opposite Bali now a very famous tourist location. Lombok island was where Black and the commander landed, two of the commandos were caught because they were wounded and could not escape. Australian legends special forces Black Australian hero Lieutenant Special unit NX105873 Intelligence field operatives Australian Icon role model Black. Back To Top Of Page Aussie Legends Mr Lawrence Black Champion and Heroes . Australian legends Lawrence Black OAM Order of Australia for his never ending volunteer work with Red Cross, the Salvation Army and the State RSL and Army. Lawrence helped the charity legacy which financially helped widows and children of Australian soldiers who were killed in action. Black was just an all-round great guy help his family members, like Von Black his brother Harold wife establish her first business. Lawrence also played a big role on a repatriation board in Melbourne. Recommended by the governor general on the 24-6-1946 distinguished service in south west Pacific Asia. Other awards Australian War Memorial RCDIG1068963 Back To Top Of Page Today’s Australian special forces commandos soldiers cannot be Australian legends because fleeing uncompleted work they started. Australian legends do not leave their allies Afghans at the mercy of...
Read MoreAustralian Champions.
Australian Champions are remember every year on 11/11 Heroes. Australian champions will never be forgotten as every year at 11 o’clock on the 11th of the 11th two minute silence, they are the greatest champions hold all the Australian record, the men that beat the opposition Country in WW2. There has been more media coverage famous Hollywood blockbuster movies about these Australian champions winners in World War II then any other champion of Australia. The amazing Japanese side beat all the South East Asian countries the Americans, British and Dutch, French and Chinese until the Japanese met the greatest team of all the Australian diggers. The Japanese side advance was stopped beaten for the first time by the Australians at Kokoda Trail. Diggers are the true Australian champions heroes and certainly the most famous of all Aussie champions as this is mandated in the Australian education system and taught to all school children. Australian history books reveal how tough with amazing endurance fitness levels, very well trained these men were to win the greatest prize of all ever in the entire history of Australia. Australian champions the greatest ever in the history of the country are recognised by the name of diggers the toughest game of all, victory in war is a much tougher game than all the world sports put together. Australian diggers defending the country against invading countries, Australian ww2 soldiers diggers have to be prepared to put their life’s on the line as many have sacrificed their life for the biggest prize of all, total victory against the opposition Country. Australian sports that are the most closely related to the Pacific victory in WWII is boxing and mixed martial arts cage fighting, rugby union and league, Aussie rules. Many Australian Champions in world War 2 had to endure pain much more intense than any sports person has ever had to face to win and have victory. This epic battle to win and survive was not only the fitters, Australian men also had to endure for years knowing the consequences of losing was on their minds every hour of the day. A battle of minds and willpower also but in the end the scoreboard read the Australians the champions out right winners. Australian champions that volunteered to save Australia from the savage invading enemy, like Lawrence Sydney Black hero and received Order of Australia for volunteer tylers free worker with Australian charity’s and RSL. These Australian men diggers deserves thanks from each new Australian generation as these Australia men are role models and should never be forgotten. But unfortunately many are rolling in their graves as they did not die for what some State has turned into in 2021. Victorian demonstrations all lives matters and free speech illegal, but in Victoria black life matters are free to demonstrate, is this discrimination against...
Read MoreAustralian Legends.
Anzac Day Australia’s most favourite values. Anzac Day in Australia is much bigger event then the Olympics in Japan for Australian’s. Anzac Day is all about when Australian soldiers made history, victory against the mighty Japanese empire, as Australian soldiers defeated the Japanese and Germans in the Battle of Australia. Anzac Day is a public holiday in Australia and in all the States of the continent. Anzac early morning service at the crack of dawn all around the country many people wake up before dawn, and drive to there official memorial sites. Back To Top Of Page Anzac Day. On Anzac day good Australian citizens remember the soldiers, 10s of thousands of men that sacrificed their lives in Australia’s greatest battle. The battle of the homeland of Australia and Asia Pacific. There’s also a later Anzac service about 10 o’clock and usually lunch some drinks and the unique Australian game two-up at the local pub. The local RSL Club that was set up for return soldiers originally, RSL in more modern times have changed. They have all services like clubs do throughout Australia, the RSL is very popular on Anzac Day holiday. Back To Top Of Page Australia’s Most Favourite. Australians will be hoping the Australian Olympic team have a very good year at the Japanese Olympics. Japan have many good sports people with home advantage and very hot weather this year, so they will be climbatize. Other countries will have a big disadvantage this Olympic because of the pandemic lock-down. Some countries will not be able to send their Olympians to train in hotter countries and climbatize for this years Japanese games. The Australian Olympic team should put on a great show, as Australia has tropical weather and subtropical weather climate to train all year round. Australia. We must never forget the sacrifice of these Australian soldiers men, that was many times outnumbered that fought hand hand with the superior Japanese personnel. Today every think has changed the Japanese and Australia are allies, but even so in the Olympics there will be some Australians that had grandfathers that battle for victory against the Japanese in ww2. There will be some fears battles at Japanese sporting events in this Olympics when the two countries meet head to head, top sports person against top sports person champion against champion representing their country’s. The only difference is their lives will not be threaten, they will not have to fight like gladiators to the death in the Olympic arena like they grandfathers at the famous battle on Kokoda Trail. Where Australian men was the victor and saved Australian daughters if very attractive, from being forced to be comfort women to the enemy. These winning side in ww2 did not get a gold medal or...
Read MoreFamous Australian legends Heroes.
Famous Australian Legends, Australian Icons. Famous Australians WWII wild colonial boys saved Australia, many famous Hollywood blockbusters movies made about these famous guys, Australian and allies victory. 2 Sallie-Anne Huckstepp. 3 Ned Kelly. 4 Barry Humphries. 5 Rupert Murdoch. 6 Captain Cook. 7 Steve Irwin. 8 Aussie pioneers. 9 Olivia Newton-John. 10. Don Bradman . Australian heroes not John Howard he sent Australia career choice military workers to invade middle eastern countries, but little Johnny lost his war, no wonder Howard could never be a Australian hero. But he was the official deputy sheriff of the pacific, this title was given to him by US Press George Bush Junior, but these wars only caused an international refugee problem. 2021 Australian Government told Australian citizens only 3000 people from Muslim Afghanistan would come to Australia, now they’ve gone against their word and evacuate more than 4100 people from Muslim Afghanistan following the invasion and blunder. Australian Government sent Australian army overseas to police Vietnam and ended up another war also a blunder, after f*** blunder and now Afghanistan blunder, when will they ever learn to mind their own business. Australian tax payers have to foot the bill, Australia Government is likely to resettle more than 12,000 from Muslim Syrian war the US coalition troops were involved in. Australian army in Iraq war also blunder and coalition troops are ready to with drawl, how many refugees from Muslim Iraq will come to Australia 20,000? Famous Australians by far was the guys that volunteers prepared to sacrifice their lives in the battle for Australia. These famous Australians military volunteers of World War II, stopped the invasion of Australia and Asia but are now very few veterans. The famous Australian’s still with us are no more then about 1000 guys still alive. These famous Australian’s saved Australian daughters from being physically force to be comfort women to the very cruel enemy of the times. The invaders that tried to imprisoned Australia would had killed old Australians, young men would had been in-slaved in concentration work camps, die of starvation and work to death. These famous Australian’s the greatest Australians gave today’s Australian’s the best future, because they were brave and prepared to sacrifice their lives. The old enemy is now on our side and now have respect for the Geneva convention, as many were executed for their war crimes after ww2 so thanks to the famous Australian’s that volunteered in the Second World War II for the freedom the continent has in joyed decades after. Unfortunately now the country has turned a very politically correct country, many freedoms have been whittled away. During the pandemic soldiers have been involved in policing civilians citizens, the soldiers have no experience in policing they have chosen a career, chose soldiering and many trained to...
Read MoreAfghanistan War Over Australia’s Longest War Ends In 2021.
Australia’s Second World War 1939. Australia’s Second World War 3 September 1939, Australian government entered as the continent always followed the English government’s to war, acceptance declaration of war on Nazi Germany. Australia entered in 1939 on 11 June 1940 war against Italy the Axis powers . On 9 December 1941 Empire of Japan declare war on Asia and Pacific theatre of war Australia. In second world war the Japanese invaded many countries in Asia and the Pacific. Countries that then allied themselves with the nazis and their buddies the Japanese was Thailand. The Vishy French that was controlling Indochina at the time, also the Italians all allies good friend buddies of the satanist saddest Nazis. This final battle show the Allied forces the Second World War could be won against the Japanese, because in the last battle against Japanese in Papa was campaign Aitape Wewak campaign and was the end of the Japanese advance in conquest. November 1944 the Australian 6th Division with good support fought the enemy 18th Army in northern Papua New Guinea. The campaign Aitape Wewak the Australians had success against the Japanese forces, but unfortunately Australian casualties from the Aitape Wewak battle also from disease and lack of food and medicine were very high. Papua New Guinea many tribes some were allies to the Japanese but some were also treated bad. Other Papua New Guinea tribes was allies to the Australians and treated well. Sometimes Papua New Guinea people would catch Australian military scouts or commandos and hand them over to the invading Japanese military for execution. Australia’s second world war the conditions in Japanese prisoner of war camps specially Thailand and Burma were horrific no hygiene terrible. Singapore Changi prison camp was not much better there wasn’t enough food to eat no clean drinking water and very bad shelter from the rain and heat and diseases from mosquitoes malaria. Japanese guards could be violent and the Australian POWs was forced to work long hours and very hard work, it did not matter if the Australia were very sick or injured. There was very little drugs or equipment for treating prisoners hence many Australian’s died in excruciating pain. The Japanese invaded Burma in the second world war in 1942 the Japanese then help build the Burmese army to assist them in their conquest of Asia. They set up a new puppet government consisting of Burmese citizens and emplaced it into Burma, this kept the Burmese people happy thinking they would receive independents. But after the war their more powerful Asian brothers Japanese was defeated by the allies, the Burmese soon realised that the Japanese would had never gave independence to the Burmese even if they had one the Second World War. Australia’s Second World War. Back To Top Of Page Burmese military...
Read MoreAustralian special forces Lawrence Sydney Black OAM Hero.
Australian special forces Lawrence Black Famous Australian Special Forces True Hero. Australian special forces Lawrence Black, Australian Hero special forces Lieutenant Z Special unit NX105873 Intelligence field operatives. These ww2 Australian men never had a day set aside for them, to honour their sacrifices, forced to kill or be killed too save Australia from invasion WWll. Very sad these men never received thank you but if they were very lucky and have lived well into there 90s and knew and apply for a official thank you. The ex-head of the military the governor general and the Prime Minister of the day for the first time were prepared to sign their names on a certificate recognising their efforts. The vast amount of World War II Australian men were volunteers, these heroes weren’t interested in the money or a career in the Australian government military. These Australian heroes were prepared to kill the Democratic European Nazis coalition and there allies in the orient. The USA British Dutch French etc could not protect their colonies in the Pacific and were defeated every time they came up against the Japanese. It was the Australian volunteers and later on in ww2 some professionals joined in the invasion of Australia, the Australian volunteers were the first military to complete stop and defeat the advance of the Japanese, allies of the democratic European countries that join the Nazis. Australian Icon L Black lead the very dangerous commando operation, code name Starfish to Indonesia. Many years after World War II Lawrence Black receive the honour OAM Order of Australia , for his never ending volunteer work with Legacy, Red Cross, the Salvation Army and the State RSL and Army. Lawrence helped the charity legacy which financially helped widows and children of Australian soldiers who were killed in action. L Black was just an all-round great guy, help his family members like Von Black his brother Harold wife who served with his identical twin Colon in New Guinea and Borneo. Later Col volunteered for the Korean War. Harold wife establish her first business thanks to Lawrence who also played a big role on a repatriation board in Melbourne. Lawrence was commended by the governor general on the 24-6-1946 distinguished service in south west Pacific Asia. Other awards Australian War Memorial RCDIG1068963 Promulgated in London Gazette on 6-3-1947. Promulgated in Commonwealth of Australia cassette on 6-3-1947. L. S. Black Served with 3rd HQ Signals Armoured Division Defence Special Unit. L Black retired from Veterans Review Board on his 65th birthday and continued to work for the RSL with the State Victorian president Bruce Ruxton & Blacks good friend Dr Gardner who was a pilot in the battle of Britain. Lawrence received the US submarine combat pin, because he had been inserted by American submarine named the rock behind Japanese lines. Gentleman and officer who was one...
Read MoreAustralian Army Heroes.
Australian army heroes Commando Lieutenant Lawrence Lucky Australian opal charm. Australian army heroes most recognised role model famous and greatest soldier Ben Roberts-Smith awarded military medal VC. Ben is facing allegations of war crimes but surely this is impossible, he was awarded his medal by the highest Australian government official, the governor-general Quentin Bryce and feminist. The queen of Australia also shook hand of Ben Roberts-Smith VC Australian army hero. Ben chose the career and business working with the Australian army. Ben worked in Afghanistan allegedly committed these allegations of warcrimes. Ben is still recognised as the perfect Australian role model and greatest Australian military hero that worked in the Australian special forces in Afghanistan etc. Australian army heroes career choice soldiers know the business there in, its kill or be killed and would never whinge, or rip off the welfare system if they were injured during work hours in their business. Australian heroes commandos if they knew they could die during work hours on their next mission, this meant nothing like water off a ducks back, particularly the men the public that volunteered in world War 1 and public volunteers in ww2, Korean and Vietnam war conscripts. Very unfortunate two Australian career choice professional soldiers die 30 August 2021 why driving military truck on the Federal highway. Government guy Peter Dutton its a very dangerous task that our troops are involved in, even during training exercises and the movement of equipment up and down our national highways,” he said. F**king sh*t is the Australian public have to drive on the same very dangerous federal highway and most don’t get paid, you don’t hear much more then a boo form most bureaucrats went the public die. What is Australia a castes system? Occupation and social status rigid groups hereditary life style like India and so many third world and developing countries. Is the Australian public the lowest cask in the country? Are career choice military people higher up the social Cast? Australian commandos special forces and coalition troops failed in their job, there has been an estimate of half million people left behind from the mess, the US left in Afghanistan to the mercy of the Muslims Taliban. From very close friends of Australian special forces commandos, people in Afghanistan that have worked with Australian commandos special forces and coalition troops, are at risk because some sold out even family members that were previously employed by the Taliban. This bombing could’ve been easily avoided at the airport on Thursday August 2021, its killed about 169 Afghans and 13 US guys working at the airport could’ve been avoided easily. Simply if the helpless ridiculous US and Australian commandos special forces intelligence had done their job, as originally intelligence said it would take six months for the capital of Afghanistan to full to the Taliban. They...
Read MoreAustralian Army Heroes.
Australian Army Heroes Lieutenant Laurie good lucky opal charm. Australian Army heroes sent to Australia’s longest war against third world Afghanistan, by the government leader at the time by John Howard, he was first western government to declare war. With the use of military force after US was attacked by terrorist. The unsuccessful coalition intervention has only made Afghanistan paedophiles, in powerful positions military force and police more powerful. Thanks to the western intervention and John Howards Government that send Australian career choice soldiers to Afghanistan. The worlds police US and there deputy sheriff of Asia John Howard. By leaving lots of military equipment behind, has only upgraded the Taliban gay paedophilia army tenfold, there will not be a little boy safe in Afghanistan in the future. Australian army heroes and US army and western coalition troops could not prevent rapes in Afghanistan. Only male boys are raped in Afghanistan and a lot of boys are raped by high-ranking Afghan homosexual paedophile police officers during coalition US occupation intervention. Many Afghan men are gay so only like to have sex with males. Radical feminist in the west only talk about female rights in Afghanistan, paedophilia against children like little boys is the worst crime of all, the feminist never spoke out regarding human rights of Afghan little male boys. These feminist discriminate against males and some of these feminists are in very high positions of power. These radical feminist are very happy to send your sons to wars, that they cannot win and knowing many of their countrymen will die. In Afghanistan so many white lives wasted and achieve nothing, western working class tax payers have to pay for the wars and pay for the pensions of return veterans. So many veterans lives have been destroyed by witnessing war atrocities. Many veterans then become a burden on their wives and families and a destructive force in the future in their own country’s, just because radical western feminist and there leaders want to be the worlds policeman. Biden refocuses US on superpowers China and Russia, now that will be a fair fight unlike fighting stone age third world afghans. First world countries WW3 their Air-force against Air-force, Navy against Navy nuclear powers against nuclear powers. Australian special forces commandos war crime allegations killings, 99% was males in Afghanistan. Western European feminist leaders never condemn violence torture and pain conflicted on and against Afghanistan boys males by the Taliban. Western feminist leaders only care about Muslim females and non-Muslim females in Afghanistan. Western countries such as Australia, the government has announced they want to bring back majority females from Afghanistan. Australian special forces commandos some units had female offices, one Captain Louise in special operations intelligence, Louise was in officer in Afghanistan in 2012 – 2013. She knew about warcrimes and did she report the murders if true,...
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