BlackOpal ring jewellery handmade opal ring. BlackOpal ring possibly rarest gemstones on earth and black opals are in the top very rare minerals, there is a budget opal semiprecious and gem predominantly quality gemstone also that is one of the most expensive gemstones in the world. BlackOpal ring unfortunately this unique industry is facing a severe downsize and in the very near future there will be no supplies of good quality Australian black opals. The full story hear recently Graham was talking to many professional jewellers and shop owners that travel around the world, that purchase their gemstones at jewellery exhibitions that showcase rough and uncut material, but predominantly semiprecious and precious cut and polished gemstones. Also the latest jewellery designs are on display at all international jewellery shows, at Bangkok and Hong Kong and USA they all told Graham they rarely see Australian blackOpal rings any more. BlackOpal Ring Jewellery. BlackOpal ring jewellery from Australia has to compete with the low grade opals from the Country of Ethiopian, this opal rush strike of gemstones discovered in a very poor third world country in one of the poorest countries in Africa . Africa with no or very little environmental and safety standards like Australian government regulated including workplace and safety on labour. Indian multinational jewellery and gemstone factory owners travel to Ethiopia and purchase most of the uncut rough opals, virtually no environmental checks and balances in India also, factories with very cheap underpaid lower cast people cutting gemstones. India has lots of corruption the industry and jewellery business in Bangkok flooded with India cut opals, as the Indian manufacturers are taking over the industry in these countries. Graham thinks the Australian industry is slowly being destroyed because first world countries like Australia, Japan Singapore and many Scandinavian and western European countries have regulations such as environmental laws are very strong with first world safety and workplace regulations practices very strong. Australian black opal mining regulations are possibly the toughest in the world because small time exploration prospectors and primary producers are basically gambling thousands of dollars just to be allowed to start opal mining, State government payments cost going up all the time before you even start. About 95% of people will not make one dollar with a 50 x 50 m piece of government mining lease in the desert. Farmers can never make money off a 50 x 50 m piece of dirt, but miners we’ll keep the towns alive, miners go bankrupt even after 2 years expiration by then costs are in the tens of thousands of dollars all spent in town. So one-day shortly not even the government will make any money if something is not done quickly about the Australian black opals supply, and possibly many Australian opal mining towns will become ghost towns, common sense offices that regulate the industry need to...
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