Australian War Heroes.

Australian War Heroes.

Posted by on Aug 31, 2021 in Australian commandos, Australian heroes, Australian soldiers, Australian Special Forces, Australian War Heroes |

Australian War Hero Afghanistan War Officially Stopped  1 September 2021.       Australian war hero Afghanistan the 20 year war ends the end of August 2021. Benjamin Roberts-Smith was presented his VC by first female Australian Governor General Quentin Bryce. Now the most famous Australian war hero is under war crimes investigations, during his time working for the Australian special forces commandos in Afghanistan. US accused of killing many Afghan women and children and farming civilians during US surgical air strikes over the 20 years of war in Afghanistan. This was one reason US lost support in Afghanistan, similar to US Vietnam war they lots support, but Australian war hero Keith Payne VC had a very clean record, and Australian war hero lieutenant Lawrence Sydney Black (OAM) World War II Operation starfish.   Australian war hero most famous was ww2 Australian war heros, many Australian citizens think the only good war that Australians should be sacrifice for is and invasion of Australia. Australian war heroes should not have to die when forced overseas, be involved in other countries businesses. If an invasion force ever comes to Australia again, to the shores of this great continent then there will be many Australian war heroes, not just one Australian war hero. Hopefully some women will join this time and volunteer. Young men listed in the military many died all heroes, about 75 years ago they saved Australian attractive young women from being comfort women to the enemy, and people of work age slaves in work concentration camps, and the sick and elderly killed.           Australian war hero: Open letter written by a SAS soldier’s wife in response to a recent story published by ABC suggesting SASR had a systemic culture of drunken debauchery. The letter has been sent to Parliamentarians and media- This email was sent to members of parliament last night As you can see, this email is from myself and my husband, who is soon to be an ex-serving member of 35 years with the Australian Army, with 25 years in SASR. You may be aware of recent ABC news articles and segments on 7.30 Report last night entitled “Getting Away With It”. Before I start, please know that I have reached out to the Journalist Mark Willacy directly about the blatant lies in his article, and to Leigh Sales regarding the segment. Neither has responded to my messages. The events of the last 2 days by Mark Willacy have absolutely crossed a line with this story and we need your help to raise the issue regarding the absolute lies that Willacy insists on creating as fact. Enough is enough and we need you to speak out publicly to condemn this and speak out in defense of SASR and their families because they are unable to. Australian War Hero.   The song referred to...

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Australian Legends.

Australian Legends.

Posted by on Aug 20, 2021 in Australian commandos, Australian soldiers, Australian Special Forces |

Australian Commandos, First Special Forces Troops. Australian commandos special forces veterans from Afghanistan, 10 times more Australian commandos have committed suicide then what was killed in their workplace, maybe some Australian commando vet suicide because what they witness, maybe some retired Australian commandos died because they were involved too much. Australia seems to be much more dangerous for Australian commandos special forces then Afghanistan was.  There is talk about an Australian Royal Commission to be set up to look into veteran’s deaths in Australia. Australian commandos special forces troops first consisted made up by Australian infantry units during world War II Pacific arena. Australian commando special forces units was formed during WW2 to help stop the Japanese invading forces, that invaded China, Hawaii South East Asian countries and conquered as far as the Pacific Islands and new Guinea. The Japanese invading forces was stopped in the Navy battle near the Great Barrier Reef, the battle of the Coral Sea west of the town of Cardwell in the state of Queensland Australia. Japanese military second invasion force was defeated by Australians in Papua New Guinea on the Kokoda Trail. The Australian commando special forces units were formed 1941- 42, the first Australian group performed reconnaissance long-range patrols with radios in small camps in the campaigns in New Guinea and Borneo, M Australian commando special forces unit. L Black received MiD gallant meritorious action facing Japanese enemy.    First Australian Commando Lieutenant Lawrence S Black received MiD gallant meritorious action facing Japanese enemy. Lawrence name appears in military official report sent to the high command. Australian volunteers soldiers including the Australian professional military, a phew the best brightest were approached by offices. Australian L. S. Black was told he was to have an interview at Randwick racecourse in Sydney, with Major Israel Lieutenant-Colonel. L. S. Black was asked to join a new force that the soldiers had no idea was to work behind enemy lines. They had to sign the official secrets act then after was told would be in the first Australian commandos special forces. Named Z Special Units according to Lawrence Sydney Black AOM Lieutenant NX105873 Special forces, Z Force Intelligence Field operatives. L Black Served with 3rd HQ Signals Armoured Division Defence Special Unit. Lieutenant Black lead operation starfish to Indonesia, Black was also the last special forces officer assigned to disband the last special forces bases, containing ammunition and supplies outside of Australia In the 1950s there was a need for Australian commando special forces units again in the Australian forces. The Afghanistan intervention war the Australian Army sent about 3000 Australian commandos special force troops during the 20 years occupation of Afghanistan ending 2021.     Australian commando special forces Lieutenant L.S.Black Recommended by the governor general on the 24-6-1946 distinguished service in south west Pacific Asia. Other awards Australian War Memorial RCDIG1068963 Promulgated in London Gazette...

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Australian Legends.

Australian Legends.

Posted by on Jul 8, 2021 in Australian soldiers, Australian Special Forces, Australian War Heroes |

Australian Special Forces Afghanistan Allegations Of  War Crimes. Australian Special Forces Afghanistan do not jump to conclusions at this stage about them, they’re only allegations of war crimes in Afghanistan and maybe made by lefties. The allegations only was against a few Australian special forces over 20 gears of War.  We also must not forget the Australian tax payers and give thanks where it is deserve the most, to the Australian civilian the salt of the earth hard working male and female tax payers. For their funding of Australian men and women in their career choice to be a professional soldier. I’m sure a lot of Australion Afghanistan veterans would all say thank you Australian civilians for paying the bill for providing jobs for more than 39,000 Australian defence force personnel to prevent the Taliban from ever committing war against the USA or Australia and their European allies etc again.    Afghanistan War Australians Involvement.   Afghanistan coloniser’s wars if you look back over the last 500 years Afghans have had only about 30 years of real stability the rest has been conflict or domination invaded so war. Exactly the same has happened to the USSR in the 80s. Private soldiers or mercenaries like Blackwater only blackened the Allies name. Most of the American people do not want these wars, put yourself in the ordinary army private’s shoes. His life matters, too but then why did he choose a military career, war could be on the cards at any time.     Poor Americans and Australians veterans men the Afghanistan war must remind them of their involvement in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. But at least today their career choice soldiers not forced into Conscription compulsory at the age of 18, you were picked had to go to the jungles of Vietnam and kill or be killed, even if they were a conscientious objector had no say in a democratic? country’s?. English invasion of Afghanistan and what happened to the English army domination of Afghanistan, English military massacred at the Khyber pass buy Afghanistan citizens. What was accomplish in the last 20 years, nothing of any positive outcome for the people of Afghanistan. Massive amounts of money wasted, thousands of lives lost and ruined for all time both western and Afghan. When is American going to realise their time is up on world stage, most definitely with current mob in charge. So what’s next ww3 war and China.    Australians Commandos Forces in Afghanistan.     Australian military operations Slipper in Afghanistan began in late 2001 and ended on 31 December 201. Another Operation in Afghanistan by Australian soldiers was Highroad, the security of the Australian people at home and when there on holidays overseas. Paul Kenny news on the grapevine from ABC news Australia will become the next special operations commander for Australia.   Special operations command is the...

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Australian Army Heroes.

Australian Army Heroes.

Posted by on Mar 18, 2017 in Australian army heroes, Australian soldiers, Lawrence Black |

Australian army heroes Commando Lieutenant Lawrence Lucky Australian opal charm.   Australian army heroes most recognised role model famous and greatest soldier Ben Roberts-Smith awarded military medal VC. Ben is facing allegations of war crimes but surely this is impossible, he was awarded his medal by the highest Australian government official, the governor-general Quentin Bryce and feminist. The queen of Australia also shook hand of Ben Roberts-Smith VC Australian army hero. Ben chose the career and business working with the Australian army. Ben worked in Afghanistan allegedly committed these allegations of warcrimes. Ben is still recognised as the perfect Australian role model and greatest Australian military hero that worked in the Australian special forces in Afghanistan etc.   Australian army heroes career choice soldiers know the business there in, its kill or be killed and would never whinge, or rip off the welfare system if they were injured during work hours in their business. Australian heroes commandos if they knew they could die during work hours on their next mission, this meant nothing like water off a ducks back, particularly the men the public that volunteered in world War 1 and public volunteers in ww2, Korean and Vietnam war conscripts. Very unfortunate two Australian career choice professional soldiers die 30 August 2021 why driving military truck on the Federal highway. Government guy Peter Dutton  its a very dangerous task that our troops are involved in, even during training exercises and the movement of equipment up and down our national highways,” he said. F**king sh*t is the Australian public have to drive on the same very dangerous federal highway and most don’t get paid, you don’t hear much more then a boo form most bureaucrats went the public die. What is Australia a castes system? Occupation and social status rigid groups hereditary life style like India and so many third world and developing countries. Is the Australian public the lowest cask in the country? Are career choice military people higher up the social Cast?   Australian commandos special forces and coalition troops failed in their job, there has been an estimate of half million people left behind from the mess, the US left in Afghanistan to the mercy of the Muslims Taliban. From very close friends of Australian special forces commandos, people in Afghanistan that have worked with Australian commandos special forces and coalition troops, are at risk because some sold out even family members that were previously employed by the Taliban. This bombing could’ve been easily avoided at the airport on Thursday August 2021, its killed about 169 Afghans and 13 US guys working at the airport could’ve been avoided easily. Simply if the helpless ridiculous US and Australian commandos special forces intelligence had done their job, as originally intelligence said it would take six months for the capital of Afghanistan to full to the Taliban. They...

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