If you like nodding and specking for opal gemstones Lightning Ridge is the best place. Free of charge when purchasing stones over $191. Graham’s jewelers will hand make professional custom goldsmith design jewelry to suit the gemstone purchased,clients personal designs excepted. The gemstones at wholesale direct form our mines, or try your luck on your trip to mining location. Nodding is looking around trying to find free gemstone, the term specking opal the same meaning,if you fine some stones.A lot cheaper if i make your next jewelry for you, “Stones from the only mine lease listed on State Heritage Register” List as an item of environmental heritage in LEP National Trust of Australia Register. Heritage submission read opal More rarely, specimens contain precious opal and these are surely among the most beautiful natural objects on earth. The opal is of the highest quality, characterized by red/black gems of superlative brilliance. Gemstone October Birthstone. Specking opals noodling looking for free stones and if you have a trail bike or four-wheel-drive they are a must to take on your tour to the mining towns like the Ridge, as the Australian landscape is quite isolated, most towns are in the Australian outback , you can ride off road prospecting all the old fields . You will find fields old mines as far as 100 km from the township of lightning Ridge, Camp free of charge around the old fields as there is usually plenty of water available. You are bound to find some opals searching the ground around the old claims, I would imagine you’re thinking how do I prospect, it’s simple on top of the claims you will find large heaps of white clay and sometimes the piles of clay have mixed colors a light brown to orange color mostly white mounds. Specking opals simply take with you a pair of tiller cutters or something similar a large open mouth tool that can crush something similar to the strength of glass. If you see beautiful color simply take the stones back into town to be cut, you will find a lot of gray and black or mixed color pieces. “Do not throw them away you must chip at the edges with the tile cutter and if you see color the stone also can be cut. Any solids with out color is simply called porch which can be all throw away as it is practically worthless in Australia. The best time to go noodling specking for opals is after rain as a lot of the white clay around the claims have been washed off the solids and if it is sunny after the rain any color can be seen easily by the naked eye and will stand out. You never know what the old miners have missed or simply through inexperience or frustration left behind, people have found a dollars $10,000.00 stone noodling...
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