Australian Opal Center. And Opal Tours.

Australian Opal Center. And Opal Tours.

Posted by on May 1, 2016 in Australian opal centre, october birthstones, October gemstone, opal jewellery, opal ring, opal ring, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry. |

Australian opal center Official State Museum. Australian opal center next to 3 mile mine, best opals  you will fine any where. Australian Opal Centre construction should completed by 2020 with a two story one above ground and one story underground Australian Opal Centre that is already under construction in the state of New South Wales capital Sydney Australia, will be one of the official Australian State museums showcasing the Australian national gemstone opals. The NSW State capital Sydney national gemstone is the black Opal. I first started mining the most famous opal gemstone location in the world, known by the name of 3 mile or lunatic Hill about 40 years ago, there were still some of the original mining prospectors, British European discoverers and pioneers of this region of Australia, still leaving in town when I first arrived. The streets were not paved in the township at Lightning Ridge, the digger’s hotel was a rough place for young new guys, plenty of men looking to test a young guy out, or maybe knock him out, gambling and hard drinking males that look like they belong in a while Western Lawless place where shootouts happen in town not only at noon. But the hokers had left the opal mining town, there was no women in town to be seen the boom days were gone and the oldest profession in the world had no reason to stay all the money business had left town.   Documentary very old video of 3 mile and Lightning Ridge opal miners.       Australian Opal Centre official state museum . There was only a few sons of local families still working, the first generation of lightning Ridge miners, and a few guys mostly in their 30s to 40 that passed through the region and stayed like the Barclays brothers in the 80s discovered the Guinness book of record Opal known by the name haley’s comet, there was a syndicate caught the lunatic Hill. Other guys like Mr Gary Stone pass through town and stayed and was very successful, other miner came and when and came back like big Bill Williams, who got rich when he opened cut the famous 3 mile Scots claim, that was a stone’s throw from my 3 mile Opal Hunter claim. We decided to take the floor out of our old 3 mile diggings, Steve Bennett Guy Carl and another guy baldie Graham got to work, we found some nice green blue black Opal.Baldie Graham and his partner Big Red in 1990 got rich about $10 million discovered dead bird location field about 30 minutes out of town west, the reason why it was called dead bird there was a large dead Australian bird similar to the Africa 2 meter tall ostrich. Very unfortunate Baldie Graham and his partner Red were found dead together at their camp not long after...

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Opal Mines In Australia, And The History Of Black Opal Mines.

Opal Mines In Australia, And The History Of Black Opal Mines.

Posted by on May 22, 2015 in about opals, Australian opal centre, Black opals, Cutting opals, History of black opals, How to price opals, Lightning Ridge opal miners, National symbols Australia, october birthstones, October gemstone, Opal certificates, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry., opals, Polished opals, Wholesale opals |

Opal mines in Australia at Lightning Ridge black opals. Opal mines in Australia best quality are only found in and around the town of Lightning Ridge in the state of New South Wales, the rarest and best quality black group is N1 N2 only found in lightning Ridge Australia.  Black opal is the official state symbol of the State NSW and all opals from Australia are classified as the official national symbols along with the Australian flag emblems etc. Graham Opal mines the only official government State heritage listed opal mine in Australia the only Lightning Ridge heritage listed opal mines location is situated at the 3 mile also known as the lunatic Hill, 10 minute drive from downtown lightning Ridge, the mine was also listed on a National Australian registry. This particular opal mine is very rare produced green and yellow color gemstone two official Australian national emblem, also the N1 N2 black gemstone the official state NSW symbol, Guinness Book of World Records famous gemstone, Heritage listed opal mine and more accolades the opal mine is known to produce the best quality ever discovered in the world. Google maps showing the location of Mr Graham Black famous opal mine, next door to where the Guinness book of record World famous opal was discovered. Graham Black famous opal mine at Lightning Ridge Capital black opals Australia.       The state of Queensland Australia opal mines produce large amounts of boulder opal, mostly thin seams of crystal color trapped inside the rock ironstone mostly semiprecious. South Australia the major producer of crystal and white opal in the world, today the country of Ethiopia is most likely producing more crystal then the mining towns of South Australia. One thing i can say the crystal opal mines in Australia are by far the brightest most beautiful crystal colors ever discovered. But the most dazzling fire opal colors come from the black opal mines in the state of New South Wales Australia, this location in and around town has the most dazzling fire in the gemstone but also amazing patterns, picture stones resembling butterflies and many objects of beauty along with rare harlequin pattern, galaxy and the pattern list goes on. Opal mines Lightning Ridge black opal mining Australia. My favorite and a very unusual Australian opal mines location is at Lightning Ridge mineral claims district, Office of resources & energy, Lot 60 Morilla street Lightning Ridge N.S.W 2834 Australia, N.S.W State gemstone emblem is black opal,official symbol New South Wales .   Opal mines  in Australian N.S.W State official museum under construction name the Opal centre at Lightning Ridge the only black opal country in Australia. The state heritage listed site place which represents two official national Australian emblem, one is the gemstone national emblem & at the same location green and yellow opal the National colors emblem of Australia,...

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ebay opals.

ebay opals.

Posted by on Nov 8, 2014 in Australian National gemstone., Australian opal centre, Australian opal diamond ring, Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Black opal earrings, Black opal jewellery, Black opals, Opal jewelry Ebay, opal ring, opal ring, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry., opals |

ebay opals or buying on websites. ebay opals cut out all the middlemen like people selling Opals on ebay, and save lots of your hard earned money by going direct to source, Graham Black the custom opal jeweler and the primary producer opal miner. We mine solid opals so we cannot sell on eBay opal auction but on our e-commerce site you will not get synthetics for the same price as solids like on eBay.   We had genuine gemstones with certificates stating black opals or semi black from the capital of the Australian Industry. We have collection of custom jewelry all handmade unique one of a kind design.     I am Australian opal prospector I am also the last miner to work at the famous ‘3 Mile Lightning Ridge’,which is internationally recognized for best quality opal gemstones. It is also the only location that has a Heritage listing in NSW Australia of which Sydney is the capital. I provide Lab testing certificates to verify the authenticity of my genuine opals & can verify my claims with an Australian mining lease. A museum,’The Australian Opal Centre’ is currently being constructed next door. Please take a look: If you purchase high quality opal over the amount of $199,the jewelry item will be made free of charge with your custom made design,you pay only for your preference of silver or gold. This is available at Graham Black opal, a word of warning do not buy stone without a proper grading report. For example,GIT,IGI,GIA. be very careful when dealing with an unknown grader, never trust an in-house grading report. ebay opal policy. Australian Opal Rings. You can return the item within 10 days if it does not match the description seen on eBay. I also have a 45 day return policy if the opal proves not to be a genuine solid Australian opal gemstone containing no treatments or enhancements. There is no misinterpretation as I provide a professional Lab testing report from institute GIT with certificates to verify my claims. I also provide a written guarantee stating that the gemstone is a solid Australian opal, if found otherwise the full cost will be returned. ebay opals payment method PayPal. PayPal offers incredible buyers protection in the case of a dispute,for example if the opal is delivered and does not match the description, both you the dealer are allowed 20 days to resolve the conflict. PayPal will investigate the issue, provided your claim is reasonable the ruling will be in your favour.  But if you prefer other methods of payment please do not hesitate to contact me. People that like purchasing eBay opals that have PayPal accounts are also protected and safe on my site with the same policy when using this Internet banking company. ebay opals and opal jewelry cut out all the middle businesses like sellers of Opal jewelry on ebay,...

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Opal Gemstones October Birthstone.

Opal Gemstones October Birthstone.

Posted by on May 19, 2014 in Australian National gemstone., Australian opal centre, How to price opals, Jewelry October, october birthstones, October gemstone, Opal certificates, opal jewellery, Opal jewelry, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry. |

Opal gemstones Australian National Museum. Opal gemstones October birthstone Museum is being developed next door to where Graham found the last deposit of the best opal gemstones in the world. Opal gemstones certificate of authenticity best opal gemstones at wholesale prices, direct from the only Government official Heritage mine. Australian opal gemstones from 3 mile are the best opal gemstones this is why I can guarantee you are buying the best gemstones and quality jewelry also at wholesale prices nearly 40 years experience master jeweler, appreciate your investments as the supply of black opal maybe exhausted soon, but I have certificate of authenticity black opal at wholesale prices direct from my heritage mine and this type of gemstone is exhausted . Master custom jewellers with best opal gemstone birthstone for october. Quality structure comprises spheres nanometers in diameter the 3 mile mines have this you need lots to reach noticeable sizes 3 mile mines have this impurities give the stones dazzling gem colors that make very good stones 3 mile mines have this also. The last prospector alive to mine the best quality opal gemstones deposit in the world, this 3 mile location in Lightning Ridge is now heritage listed in the premier State New South Wales the capital being Sydney in Australia . Opal gemstones. Gemstone October Birthstone. Because Graham’s mines scientific value and as its part of the largest opal open cut mine ever and the reason why is because of such brilliant quality gemstones is why we persevered with this location. The people developing this National museum has chosen this location next door to where I first started working nearly 40 years ago, “now a construct a underground 100 meter long two store Australian opal centre” wow times have changed from what I knew the 3 mile as only hard work and lot of blood sweat and tears as the area was heavily work under ground and very dangerous and this is why we gambled and open cut which is a very expensive mining operation, I am very hopefully that the museum will mention some of my old mining mates and characters I knew and worked with. Unfortunately none of these guys are unlike any more and no longer around to see this finish Museum. I was mining for many years around this town of Lightning Ridge and mining in the state of Queensland prospecting for boulder opal also of course opal cutting was part of the trade, today I am mainly concentrating my time which is my trade and true passion goldsmith custom-made jewelry unique one-of-a-kind designs with limited heritage quality opals certified with certificates of no treatment 100% guaranteed at wholesale prices direct from the only heritage miner alive. Opal gemstones. In nearly 40 years of mining in Australia I only had one friend who found a deposit of good quality opal that actually got...

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Opal Information Opal Rings.

Opal Information Opal Rings.

Posted by on Apr 27, 2014 in about opals, Australian opal centre, Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Black opal jewellery, Black opal jewelry, Black opal rings, Care for opal jewelry, Lightning Ridge opal miners, National symbols Australia, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry., Polished opals |

Opal Information black opal gemstone also. Opal Information 75 per cent of all opal on the market in 2008 2014 comes from the country of Ethiopia, and the majority is C grade and lower grades crystal. This opal lacks play of color Ethiopia stones simply are named common stones, the country supply come from the dry and remote deserts of Ethiopia Wello. Prior year 2008 crystal came from Australia with all fine stones along with A+ grade group of fine gems includes all number of wonderful red/black gems of superlative brilliance gemstone . Characteristic fantasy Australian gemstone, “sparkle in a continually fire or play of colors”, in every conceivable pattern – including harlequin, picture stones and Chinese writing,play of colors describe opals. Australian Opal Rings.   The first British and European prospectors pioneers explores that heard about the rare multicolor that sparkled dazzling red fire from rocks and stones, travelled to these locations and started the first opal mining fields. Hard men it was all blood sweat and tears in the semi-arid deserts no fresh water most of the year, stinking hot summers and cold winters, all backbreaking work by hand. No machinery, candle lighting shovels and picks and a hand held windless to wind up a bucket of clay from the bottom of the shaft. A cable was connected to the bucket back to the handheld windless that have to be rotated 360° many times by manpower to allow the bucket to come to the surface under intense heat. The history of Australian Opal began about 75 million years ago,the country was covered by an inland sea, sediment deposited on the shoreline,water flooded back and flushed water silica niches into the rocks also the remains of animals trees . Water silica stone transformed into this gemstone. In 1960s a team of scientists analyzed this stone with an electron microscope the phenomenon play-of-colors was discovered spheres interference and refraction responsible for turning colors of the rainbow new and always different in every Australian gemstone. Australian opal Information . Information about us jewelry designer specializing in limited heritage certificate of authenticity Australian opals , Graham Black Opal mine only leased listed on State Heritage Register List as an item of environmental heritage in LEP National Trust of Australia Register. Wholesale prices direct from our Australian opal mine, free of charge when purchasing stones over $199 Custom jewelry design made free, but it is the beauty of this gem that makes it appreciate and there never is two opals the same. Master jeweler 40 years specializing in opal cutting and open cut mining. More Opal Information can be found at Pprice of dollars stones value per carat- 1 grams = 5 carot to a gram, based on criteria number of colors, pattern type, color brilliance, the cut, the size , perfection of the stone, black N1 N2 N3 to N9...

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Gemstone opals Australian .

Gemstone opals Australian .

Posted by on Jan 10, 2014 in about opals, Australian National gemstone., Australian opal centre, Custom opal diamond ring, Handmade opal jewelry, How to price opals, Jewelry October, october birthstones, October gemstone, opal jewellery, Opal jewelry, opal ring, opal ring, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry. |

Gemstone opals low cost because we are mining opals. Gemstone opals this stone is for sale $14,000.00 but worth over this, can be resold at $30,000.00 dollars. One reason is that we sell at whole sale prices direct from the mine, but its the beauty of this piece that makes it appreciate and there never is two opals the same. Gemstone opals specialist Graham has the best prices for unique opal jewelry, and the best quality opals ever discovered direct from Goldsmith Master Artisan that did not major in British English, but you will not find more honest affordable custom jeweler,please excuse the graphic web designer also because the guy’s from India. Gemstone October Birthstone. Looking for gemstones around the old mining claims specking which is the term used for people that prospect by going through other people’s waste material. So people make a living out of this type of production, it is always better to work on a clear sunny day looking for material that might be carrying color.   And there is no better way to find opal by this method then to go out after heavy rain, as the clay and dust has been washed off any material and the color. Stones are so much easier to see with the naked eye. Gemstone opal. Gouging gemstone opal which is the term use for people that prospect claims that are no longer leased by any mining company. And as the claim has already been open up by mechanized machinery, it is now possible for people with a small gouging pick to lower some hanging lattice , this is a very inexpensive and cheap way to look for color by chipping away underground looking for trace that the previous miners might had missed. If you find gemstones you will naturally head up to the government mining Department and re-lease the claim into your name. Sorting through the tailings ? we mean by tailings the solid materials that are left at the end of the week in your tumbler or processing plant. Processing plant usually has 7 or 9 yard cement mixer and if you can process two 8 yards trucks a day then at the end of the week, you will have a large amount of solid material left in the agitator barrel. The clay is a fine clean potting clay which will turn to silt and run-off through the mesh plates in the side of the barrel of your agitator every time it rotates you have a water flow running constantly in the drum.   Gemstone opals. Processing the gemstone opal tailings i cannot emphasize how important this stage in the business this is all the hard work is done and if there is opals in the tailings then do not miss any color, the secret is to slowdown work in full sunlight and have plenty of water...

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Buying Opal We Have Jewelry Sale On.

Buying Opal We Have Jewelry Sale On.

Posted by on Jan 9, 2014 in `Australian opal rings American, about opals, Australian National gemstone., Australian opal centre, Australian opal diamond ring, Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Australian-opal-gemstone-rings, Bangkok Australian opal diamond jewellery, Black opals, buy sell custom opal rings, Cutting opals, History of black opals, How to price opals, Lightning Ridge opal miners, Opal mining, opal ring, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry., opals, Opals for sale, selling opal jewelry, Wholesale opals |

Buying rough rubs and cut stones, most of the buyers come to lightning Ridge. Buying opals sellers have shops others own homes , and many stay at motels or friend’s homes. If they have a sign out the front stating that they are buying either rough or rubs or maybe both then just walk in with your recent find and wait your turn to show them . It will be up to you and the skills you have will determine the money that you come out with, obviously a town like the Ridge, gem usually always sells at a good price it is only the low grade cut stones and commercial stones that take some wheeling and dealing to obtain the best outcome. Buying opals we design jewelry using opals in the design,  you can have all the colors of unique rare and different gemstone from around the world in one jewelry design. Graham Black Opal offers clients free of charge when purchasing stone over $191. His jewelers will hand make professional goldsmith design jewelry to suit the gemstone purchased ,clients personal designs excepted also, we include free insurance and postage to your home. Opal from Lightning Ridge three mile field have been recognized of the highest quality . We have the only mine lease, listed on State Heritage Register List as an item of environmental heritage in LEP National Trust of Australia Register.Submission read “Opal More rarely, specimens contain precious opal” and these are surely among the most beautiful natural objects on earth. The opal is of the highest quality, characterized by red/black gems of superlative brilliance, in every conceivable pattern – including harlequin, picture stones and Chinese writing. Buying opals,black opals. Rough in particular driving out on to the fields is always a good way to start its always best to drive out to the most recent rush and of course the business is done in hard currency cash. I have seen people buyers opal putting large signs on their cars which will in turn attract miners with opals, it is usually a casual business transaction a miner will just say to buyers are you interested in rough, and the answer back usually is not at the moment or you will often hear from experience middle men the reply maybe I will have a look if you do not mind. Obviously then it is up to you if you have a lot of skills in purchasing opal then take your time and have a good look, the miner in most cases will have a price he is asking and well the rest is between you and him to talk business Buying rough parcels out on the fields please do not insult the the miner as he works very hard and will go for a long time between finds his l. And he might get very angry if you knock his parcel, and as you are...

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Opal Mining in Australian.

Opal Mining in Australian.

Posted by on Jan 9, 2014 in about opals, Australian National gemstone., Australian opal centre, Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Black opals, How to price opals, Lightning Ridge opal miners, National symbols Australia, opal jewellery, Opal mining, opal ring, opals, Polished opals, Wholesale opals |

Australian opal mines thinner the drive is the safer it will be. We also design jewelry using opals in the design,you can have all the colors of unique rare and different gemstone from around the world in one jewelry design. Graham Black Opal offers clients free of charge when purchasing stone over $191. His jewelers will hand make professional goldsmith design jewelry to suit the gemstone purchased ,clients personal designs excepted also, we include free insurance and postage to your home. Australian opal mines it does not particularly matter about the height of the roof as long as you can get easy access to the roof, as this is usually your best chance of finding opal under the sandstone between that and that clay level. You will find pockets of material and maybe opal’s and even seen in the floor of your claim, there are many methods of working safe underground if you need to have wide drives then you can use wood supports and wood props which are readily found around the leases. I would recommend the Australian cypress pine which has great strength and is quite tolerant to water , many people like to leave the bottom section of their drives and dig wider around the roof this method is no different to removing all the clay and having wide drives it will get more dangerous as the clay dry and starts cracking. We are Australian opal mines  . Opal from Lightning Ridge three mile field have been recognized  of the highest quality . We have the only mine lease, listed on State Heritage Register List as an item of environmental heritage in LEP National Trust of Australia Register.Submission read “Opal More rarely, specimens contain precious opal” and these are surely among the most beautiful natural objects on earth. The opal is of the highest quality, characterized by red/black gems of superlative brilliance, in every conceivable pattern – including harlequin, picture stones and Chinese writing. Australian Opal mines,open cut mining it is always a great start if there is already a few opal leases that have been cut already adjoining your claim. As this allows you to remove all your benches and have them processed, what do I mean by benches the government department that controls the industry has strict guide lines you must follow,every 6 meters you must leave a two meter squared bench. It also makes it a lot easier if you have somewhere to dump your over burden and a big hole in the ground close by is a great place to refill. Australian Opal Rings. Open cut mining for opal gemstone there are many factors you have to consider in these modern times particularly requirements of government mineral resources department there is a contract you have to full in the industry around the feels of lightning Ridge New South Wales. The good old days are...

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