Black opal rings and jewelry for Australia.
Black opal rings handmade lot cheaper hear because you have gone direct to the primary producer goldsmith handmade ring designer, that open cut his own Australian opal mine. Here you are going direct wholesale prices to Mr Graham Black site and shopping cart, with the best deposit of Australian opals ever discovered from the only official government Heritage listed opal mine in the country of Australia, Heritage listed because the quality is the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered anywhere in the world. Sale 75% Savings Off your own free personal custom design, if you purchase one of our wholesale opals over $199 US, goldsmith make free your choice in design pendant or Australian opal ring, you pay International going price for gold or silver, delivery insurance free to your address.
Black opal rings tour at the town of lightning Ridge the most spectacular gemstones to see, in the state of New South Wales in the far north-west just under the Queensland State border. Touring black opal country where the best gemstones are discovered because the rarest opal and most beautiful come from this town at Lightning Ridge, on a hot day cool of in the Olympic swimming pool and children’s water theme park spectacular A class, and on a very cold day warm up at the free artesian mingle hot water that has therapeutic properties. All maybe a hot cup of tea in one of many restaurants, or cold wine or beer at the Newtown hotel or the bowling club.

Graham Black opal rings jewelry nearly 40 years experience. Master jeweler and his passion is to design one of unique opal rings.
Opals Australian National Women’s basketball team name Opals, Head coach Jan has one Australian black opal from Graham’s famous black opal mine, which is next door to where the famous black opal named Halley’s comet, the Guinness book of world records largest uncut black opal gemstone that was discovered in modern time, and was discovered also in the same year 1986, the year when Halley’s comet could be seen from Earth. About Graham Black Opal official Government Heritage site in Australia more information at black opal jewellery. The head coach stated Graham’s black opal jewellery will remain Jan’s preferred lucky black opal jewellery to wear with pride . The coach has carried and worn a piece of lucky black opal during all the major campaigns whilst coaching the Australian Basketball team, throughout Jan’s world Championships of 2002, the Athens Olympics of 2004, medal 2006 World Championships and Silver in Beijing Olympics.
Black opal rings you will buy the best and cheapest black opal available if you know what you are doing at lightning Ridge, unfortunately your selection of black opal rings jewelry is very limited but do not worry as I custom-made jewelry with Lightning Ridge black opals. Most of the jewelry these days is manufactured in China with very low quality control where the middle men travel the world selling jewelry to the shops in the West etc and you do not want to lose your gemstone from out of the setting. This goes in the reverse when it comes to jewelry shops you can find some fabulous mass produced jewelry but the quality of the opal stones are often lacking. If you are buying from someone with a name in jewelry design that will have to outsource black opals from the middle man you will have to pay top dollar’s as these gemstones and designer craftsmen goldsmiths finish work and the final jewelry item will be in only famous locations around the world, unfortunately this is out of the budget of most people but I have wholesale price black opal gemstones from my open cut mine with very responsible goldsmith labour on my finish opal rings and jewelry designs as my overheads can be kept at rock bottom prices by using online communication and sales.
Black opal rings.
If you can tour Lightning Ridge in the future they will have the most spectacular tour of all the places where opals are mined in the world. “A National Museum named the” Australian opal centre is under construction, Click on this link
A National museum have a look at the architect model and photographs under construction at the official Australian Opal centre, it will take you to the official website where you can view a scale model of the two-story underground building that is being built now right next door to my heritage listed open cut mine at 3 mile road lightning Ridge Australian. I finished the last open cut on lunatic Hill and found the last deposit of the best quality gemstones along with opal fossil over one hundred million years old where crocodiles the size of dinosaurs lived, I discovered this about 12 m down under the ground where there was an ancient water course but the Museum will have all the information. The construction is one hundred meters long and will have fabulous exhibitions and a hop step and a jump from the car park of the Australian Opal Centre you can view lunatic Hill where today there is only one claim holder alive Graham Black.
The lunatic Hill open cut was once twice as large but was slowly back filled to make room for more exploration and you have obligations the open cut contract to revegetate to its natural condition prior excavation. The quality of the gemstone is recognized as the very best ever jet black N1 N2 body tone multicolor predominantly red high dome cabochon cuts with the rarest and most expensive pattern Harlequin and Peacock Harlequin with play of color and fire that today is rarely seen unless the customer is prepared to pay big bucks and then there are only a handful of jewelry locations in the world today selling such gems.
Australian black opal rings.
If you cannot travel to Lightning Ridge Australia on an opal tour do not worry because if you want a Heritage 3 mile stone Graham Black Opal rings jewelry has nearly 40 years experience master jeweler and his passion is to design one of unique opal rings jewelry and will never stop making good jewelry , simply e-mail or telephone as you are buying direct from the only Heritage miner at wholesale prices and you can cut through the business people and go direct to the Goldsmith . The last deposit at the 3 mile consisted of good commercial grade crystal and grey and black base opals along with find gem quality black, there was also a discovery of low grade commercial stones which has a promotion available to customers that purchase such opals over the value of $191 a free custom-made ring pendant or jewelry setting of your own design with a limit of solid sterling silver used in the design. When it comes to a good commercial grade black opal ring we often use clear diamonds in a jewelry design, white gold works particularly well with clear diamonds and opals of all colors. People that would prefer to keep prices down please do not think about choosing red or orange black opal colors and eliminate the cost of diamonds also, we suggest if a customer need two different gemstones in a jewelry design to choose blue green color stones and in hands it with similar value red ruby’s as these colors make a great contrast and then you have a truly multicolor setting. This also looks very nice with silver and costs can be kept right down as most of these stones are not valuable, and if the value of the stone is over $191 dollars the custom design will be made free of charge with a limit on free silver.
Black opal rings and jewelry.
Matching set of opal jewelry is by far the most difficult to find a matching stone in the ring and a matching stone for the pendant, possible but difficult to match the gemstone as every opal is unique in one way or another if not different in colors it will be the shape is not the same or the pattern are different or simply clarity and another one to match up its fire intensity along with play of color that matches the jewelry set and of course if they’re all crystal or maybe white or black opals semi black this must be taken into account, but when it gets really difficult is to find matching earrings to add to a complete black opal jewelry set, the easy part is the design and goldsmith finished work. It is always best to try to find one gemstone that has all the traits and characteristics you need and find a good cutter and shape and polished one stone for the pendant two more for the earrings and are black opal ring. Please remember you will have to pay for the wasted opal that is being sliced up from the single gemstone as they are price per carat weight and you will lose quite a lot of carats after the cutter has finished with the final step polishing.
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