Black Opal Jewelry Black opal rings.
Black opal jewelry custom made lot cheaper hear because you have gone direct to the primary black opal producer and goldsmith handmade opal ring designer, that open cut his own Australian black opal mine. Here you are going direct wholesale prices to Mr Graham Black site and shopping cart, with the best deposit of Australian black opals ever discovered from the only official government Heritage listed black opal mine in the country of Australia, Heritage listed because the quality is the best deposit of black opal gemstones ever discovered anywhere in the world. Sale 75% Savings Off your own free personal custom design, if you purchase one of our wholesale opals over $199 US, goldsmith make free your choice in design pendant or Australian opal ring, you pay International going price for gold or silver, delivery insurance free to your address.
Black opal jewelry lot cheaper hear because you have gone direct to the primary producer goldsmith designer that open cut his own Australian opal mine. Here you are going direct wholesale prices to Mr Graham Black site and shopping cart, with the best deposit of Australian opals ever discovered from the only official government Heritage listed opal mine in the country of Australia, Heritage listed because the quality is the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered anywhere in the world.
Black opal jewelry 6.5 hard gemstone diamonds are 10 out of 10 strength the strongest gemstone’s, rubies and sapphires can be 9 to 8 out of 10 regarding strength, if you can fine a specialist black opal jewelry and he can design, not too expensive then I would recommend to simply give them the business as this type of specialists is difficult to find and you will avoid any problems.
For example heat from soldering will not cause problems to sapphires ruby’s but there are gemstones also like black opals that will crack straight down the middle of these gemstones if heat is applied, many goldsmiths do not understand all the gemstones, diamonds and gemstones with facets when working the goldsmith can chip crack or break a facet from the stone. Jadeite is often a cabochon cut high dome which is quite strong also but a very flat piece of jadeite Jewelry can be broken by a goldsmith craftsmen jeweler.
Opals Australian National Women’s basketball team name Opals, Head coach Jan has one Australian black opal from Graham’s famous black opal mine, which is next door to where the famous black opal named Halley’s comet, the Guinness book of world records largest uncut black opal gemstone that was discovered in modern time, and was discovered also in the same year 1986, the year when Halley’s comet could be seen from Earth. About Graham Black Opal official Government Heritage site in Australia for all your black opal jewellery. The head coach stated Graham’s black opal jewellery will remain Jan’s preferred lucky black opal jewellery to wear with pride . The coach has carried and worn a piece of lucky black opal during all the major campaigns whilst coaching the Australian Basketball team, throughout Jan’s world Championships of 2002, the Athens Olympics of 2004, medal 2006 World Championships and Silver in Beijing Olympics.
Lightning Ridge mines the only place in the world where you can find this gemstone, my location 3 mile known as the best quality most stable Black opal ever discovered in Lightning Ridge, Sidney is the capital of this State which Lightning Ridge is situated in Australia. 3 mile mine is today a heritage listed site and now they are building next door to my mine an Australian Museum known as the Australian opal Centre a two story museum one underground and one above ground. Have a look at the official museum website where you can see the Australian opal centre under construction, just copy and paste their official link into Google search and it will take you directly to the website, when finished this museum will be a must to add to your list in retirement to see, for gemstone lovers around the world as the particular gemstone discovered around this museum well never be found again anywhere in the world, and if the stone is gem quality its one of the most expensive and rarest gemstones in the world. I discovered there and still have commercial grade and semiprecious lower grade Black opal with certificates from the government lease from 3 mile and lab testing certificates stating Black opal showing that there has been no treatment of any kind.
Black Opal Jewelry specialist.
Please do not hesitate to contact me as I am a master jeweler by trade and definitely understand this particular gemstone more than most goldsmiths, please don’t forget this is why my work will appreciate, if you purchase from me you we’ll purchase it very cheaply when you can find and buy direct from the miner. This is why I designed a website so I can sell my gemstones and black opal jewelry, you can get a very good deal and find me the only man alive that is making 3 mile Jewelry. I only make custom made jewelry and of course I love to give potential customers a great deal when purchasing my Heritage black opal jewelry. I found the Heritage stones during my operation in my 3 mile open cut operation back in the late 90s,and if I get asked to custom make jewelry I always give a big discount which helps me keep away from the dealers” middle man gem dealers” as this can be quite stressful as I am not a business man first, I’m a goldsmith that loves my work designing black opal jewelry and can sell the gemstone’s at wholesale prices because I was one of the very few lucky men who found the last deposit of these gemstones at the 3 mile Lightning Ridge Australia.
If black opal miners would like to export their gemstones I can give you some good advice, I learnt about marketing on the web, unless you’re a big jewelry company, you cannot compete with these companies. But if you learn how to make a website and do all optimizing Google work yourself and your I T work is very good, no copying information and photographs of other relative sites as google can understand a single sentence if it has been copied and they will simply put a black tick next to your website and you will never obtain a good position on the web .
Black Opal Jewelry
You cannot survive selling on your trolley cart alone , at least when you travel overseas on a sales marking trip, people in your industry have possibly heard of you because many people do their homework on the web and may remember your site. New customers will then give you the time day, at least the introduction face-to-face has commenced even if you do not receive any sales first time round, please do not get disappointed. It very important that new customers have confidence in you, as they will often buy at a later date online from your site or next trip, so simply keep traveling to the same destinations Country and all the hard work will pay off, as there are many jewelry boutiques shops around the world which cannot afford to purchase large amounts of jewelry from the big companies which will only give a discount on large amounts. You will not be able to sell black opal Jewelry but you will sell single stones and parcels as understanding jewelry is another business altogether different from gemstones.
Starting a business is not easy you need a lot of money to buy air tickets taxies rent cars hotels in countries where you had no experience, in my case it helps to have lab certification and having a gemstone and jewelry design difficult to outsource increase your chances of a sale. The black opal industry around the world often view information and learn they’re home work on the Internet when it comes to Australian black opal, as the stone comes from one place only in Australia. I must repeat myself like I said when you drop into their store they had possibly heard of your name and if their country is not in recession maybe they buy some items from you, if they do not buy on your first visit, they most likely then will buy from over the net if they need your gemstone because they have already met you personally, please percent yourself in a good fashion be polite but positive have your business cards ready with telephone number e-mail websites .
the township of Lightning Ridge has many open cut mines and the majority are exhausted of minerals, as it is a very expense mining method there are not many people participating in this method, why so many people gamble money to find what was left in the old digging is because Lightning Ridge is the capital of the black opal industry and is the only place in the world you will find the best quality most expensive black opal gem N1 N2 body tone quality. Some cuts out of town on the new Corcoran fields that were discovered around 1990 about 30 minutes drive west, also south-west of town about an hours drive know by the names Grawin an indigenous name or Glengarrie and Sheepyards this word is definitely an English Australian name, Carter’s rush Cumborah an indigenous name also . The famous Barclay brothers who found the Guinness book of record largest uncut black opal known as the Halley’s comet and is over 2000 ^ electric blue and green colors was discovered in town at the 3 mile next to my open cut mine,the famous Barclay brothers used to work a lot in the final years at another destination called bald hill.
Black Opal Jewelry.
The biggest turn out of locals was at the service in town in mid 2000 for the funeral of Terry the older of the brothers,Terry Love to work in his old age and his last project was a joint mining operation with myself at Kelly’s also known as Allies which was discovered about 1990 at the Corcoran location, Terry younger brother kept on working for a few more years as he passed away not much longer after ,Terry was the only person mentioned in the Heritage listing of the famous 3 mile Lightning Ridge location. This is the official government link simply copy and paste it into your browser Google etc .It is a very large PDF file and if you want to see some photographs and read about the history of the 3 mile then simply go down to item No. 051 which is a good 1 third down the page.

Graham Black Opal jewelry has nearly 40 years experience, master jeweler and his passion is to design one of unique opal rings.
Black opal jewelry semiprecious gemstones will not break the bank but the goldsmith craftsmen jeweler is expensive, so it is better to buy a mass produce Indian or Chinese design when it comes to semiprecious,as most of this cheaper black opal Jewelry along with all the other types of cheaper jewelry and gemstone designs are in shops in Europe and North America Japan Middle East, its very available and affordable”only gem black opal Jewelry is difficult to outsource as gem quality Black Opal Jewelry is possibly the rarest of all jewelry. If you are looking for 3 mile quality direct from the miner at “wholesale prices my main passion is black opal jeweler design as I am a master goldsmith specializing in this jewelry, simply add Graham Black opal jewelry to your favorite contacts. Expenses crystal-white opals should be treated very seriously if the gemstone is expensive,there are many hard and less hard gemstones and if you are looking for custom hand-made design something special that you love, than simply do some homework on the gemstone and if it is quite hard 6.5 to 7 then you can relax a little bit and look for a jeweler that understand the particular gemstone that you require to turn into a beautiful jewelry design, as you do not want any problems as this can still occur during the process of making the jewelry rings-pendant-earrings-necklace etc. When it comes to black opal Jewelry rings there are many types, crystal-semi black Australian crystal opal, from the country of Ethiopia crystal, Mexican semiprecious fire opal, the South America country of Brazil has crystal opal and of course Australia, the state of Queensland in the far north of Australia there is large deposits of a semiprecious boulder opal,the best quality of all opal multicolor five out of five fire high dome cabochon N1 black graded opal jewelry. Opals are mostly found in the state of South Australia, and the black opal at Lightning Ridge NSW this stone can flash like a three-dimensional amazing hologram where every angle you look at the stone you will never see the same pattern or colors, black opal Jewelry deposits of gemstone only comes from one location around this place named Lightning Ridge in the state of New South Wales Australia.