Australian Heritage State site amazing location at 3 mile lunatic hill.
Australian heritage site has two emblems symbols of Australia’s national identity yellow green official colors mixed with in the national opal gemstone emblem,the place is Lightning Ridge also has one official state symbol black opal the official emblem of the state of New South Wales capital Sydney Australia . This place also has a State Heritage listing also a famous gemstone, a Guinness book of record opal discovery.
Our Goldsmith old and experience but our graphic web designer did not major in English but our goldsmith is a Master Artisan, and this site has the best prices for unique opal jewelry and the best quality opals ever discovered.
Many fossils 100 million-year-old dinosaur remains have been discovered, fossilized bones teeth fossilized wood, water creatures giant dinosaur like crocodiles, shells many other remains of dinosaurs and this is why there is underway a construction, official Australian State museum name the Opal Centre, next door to the biggest opal open cut mine in the world at the famous 3 mile.
State Australian Heritage rarest location.
Australian heritage where in the world would you fine four official government symbols one Guinness book of record at one area in any country, this is why its called the sacred place of power and peace, the location is known as the 3 mile lunatic hill mine just out of town at Lightning Ridge the capital of the rarest and most unique beautiful and possibly one of the most expensive gemstone in the whole world.
It is impossible to find a perfect matching pair two identical opals unless they are cut out of one gemstone. I knew the leaseholders personally myself Terry and his brother and contractor Gary, part of the lunatic Hill syndicate who discovered the famous Guinness book of record largest uncut black opal known by the name of Halley’s Comet at the famous leaning tree 3 mile claim. Big Bill who open cut next door at the famous Scots claim where in its hey day the mine would had produced 50 million dollars on today’s market .
State Australian Heritage rarest location.
Graham open cut at the very end of the leaning tree fault line that stopped in my claim named the Australian opal hunter,unfortunately all the claim holder’s now has sadly passed away but I still remember all the stories as just before Terry retired he worked with me at one of my claims 40 minutes out of town.

Australian Heritage place with the international official symbol for October birthstone. Image opal the official symbol of Australia.
Its over 40 years now since i first went mining at lightning Ridge at 19 years of age, I was fascinated when I seen my first gem as I started of as an Australian goldsmith jeweler making a ring that was designed around a beautiful Australian opal. On my first holiday I had to go to this outback town, there was no seal roads rough and ready outback town cowboys pioneers sheep shearers and hard men the miners, rarely would you see a woman on the streets or around the claims but there was some families with children in town.

Australian black opal blue green National emblem two symbol State official gemstone emblem, also one State Heritage site, opal famous Guinness book of record gemstone discovery.
The first trip and tour i caught the opal fever the bug got me, today i mine a little bit and have returned back to my original trade jewelry custom made, a lot easier on the back then conventional underground mining unless you are involved in open cut which is totally mechanized as long as you have very deep pockets, because unless you are finding some good gemstones extremely expensive way to prospect and have a look at what possibly could or could not be underground.
Australia has six official national emblems and Lightning Ridge has them all the national anthem the official coat of arms and the Australian flag are the national Federal symbols of Australia.
The golden wattle official Floral Emblem native plant prevalent around Sydney but can grow in Lightning Ridge gardens very happily and can even survive in south east Queensland on some riverbanks quite happily.
Green yellow opal gemstones two official emblems in one, so this special place in the outback of Australia is truly a great place to tour particularly for gem lovers and naturalist as the wildlife is abundant, magnificent beautiful parrots cockatoos eagle birds a 2 m bird that has eggs the size of a child’s head and 2 m kangaroo, reptiles lizards and many other native plants.
State Australian heritage rarest location Video Collectors 500 ^ Opal gemstone.
Don’t forget the healing properties of the largest biggest artesian water basin in the world with therapeutic properties you can take the plunge for free form the steaming hot water that bubbles to the surface. A large miners pool where the pioneers used to relax after a hard day’s work and relax their muscles, a great place for people traveling touring around the country, stop for a few days and recuperate excellent for bad backs bad knees and feet problems.

Australian emblem & image of Heritage gemstone mine, listed also as National Australian symbol, famous gemstone Guinness book of world records discovered in 3 mile mine.Opal international official symbol for October birthstone.
Maybe visit native gallery’s indigenous art studios today mostly controlled by hybrids which is the scientific terms for people of mix races from different countries around the world, this term is also very politically correct friendly but you don’t have to travel far too fine pure blood 100% Aboriginal, unfortunately not really interested in business. In todays modern times culture has integrated into modern society, getting harder to find people practicing their ancestors culture in the states of New South Wales, Victoria and most of Queensland all the way up to Cairns north Queensland the capital of the World Heritage listed Great Barrier Reef, more than 2000 kilometers along the coastline one of the wonders of the natural world.

Famous opal Guinness book record, discovered within Australian Heritage listed location 3 mile lightning ridge N.S.W Australia, written by last claim holder 3 mile open cut mine alive, Graham Black jeweler.
From the capital and the only place in the world you can find true black opal, only a one hour drive to the Queensland border official gemstone sapphire, first found in Queensland year 1870.
List of some of World Heritage sites in Australia Shark Bay, Gondwana rain forests Australia, Kakadu National park, Wet tropics Queensland, Great blue mountains, places in western Australian at Ningaloo reef and Purnululu National park .