Fire opal very bright or red orange colors.
Fire opal from the only Government Official listed Heritage Register opal mine. List as item of environmental heritage in LEP National Trust Australia Register. Handmade opal necklace the best quality opal gemstones ever discovered in the world.
Fire opal specialist Graham has the best prices for unique fire opal rings, and the best quality black opals ever discovered, direct from our Goldsmith Master Artisan that did not major in British English, but you will not find more honest affordable custom jeweler, excuse the graphic web designer also because the guy’s from India. Sale wholesale prices fire opal and Australian opal rings,black fire opal rings and handmade jewelry,black opal jewelry and Australian opal jewelry.
Fire opal jewelry stores at wholesale price direct & Graham provide you with a certificate, we are Australian opal gemstone specialist in the Industry . Graham the only opal experts with Government official Heritage listed opal mine, because the stones are known as the best quality. From the capital of the black opals Industry in the Premier State Capital Sydney Australia. Over 40 years experience in the industry prices in $U S dollars for custom Australia opal jewelry , fire opal necklace online opal necklace,handmade opal necklace also fire opal earrings.

Amazing bright fire opal gemstone.
Fire opal Graham looking for some lightning Ridge opal miners to work a claim of his red fire opal mine. At the riches field in modern times Australia N.S.W at the Corcoran mines, these days it’s all open cut around these rich old mines like dead bird mining area. Lightning Ridge is worked out only open cut mining and thats a big gamble with to many rehabilitation and cost, bonds deposits this is a very expensive operation compared to shaft and tunneling. My opal mine is 30 minutes out of town and is still solid on the second level, first level 50% worked with beautiful black multi color red fire opal in the face and crystal along with seam in the floor, I worked the opal claim from the start of the rush 1990, above me was Guy Carl and Stefan, Aussie worked a claim little bit over from Beno’s Stefan and brother Peter and his mate Bundoon working at Kelly’s Corcoran also, which is the first turn off right hand side before Stoney’s rush about another kilometer straight down the road.
Fire opal mine.
I give excellent deals very large percentage to you guys 80% you provide machinery and finance operation, as I have done well out of the mining over the years so I am happy to spread it around. I understand your hesitant and need to be secure and not thrown out of the claim when we fine the next pocket of gem red on black opal. You do not have too trust my word if its honest, as I am prepared to sign the opal claim over in your name, in return for a cut of the gemstones you guys find.
I am getting to old for the underground shaft mining blowers or diggers hoist, windless gouging pick and shovel technique, what ever type of underground mining business, but i am not too old to sell opal stones particularly because I have a custom handmade jewellery business already so I am still a benefit to Lightning Ridge mining teams and business.
If you guys are professional lightning Ridge opal miners looking for work then you know what you need safety certificates, miner’s operation certificates to work claims and lease lightning Ridge mines from the government Department in town, these cost are your responsibility and after rehabilitation of the claim the Department will refund your bond and cost back to you.To save costs when you discover a big pocket, if needed I can cut and polished and as I have a jewellery gemstone business, this is all a benefit to an opal mining team.
Fire opal.
American dollar up stones are selling back in the US and there is no Australian black opal on the market, and they are all sick of the lower grade Ethiopia crystal, so guys let’s get the American market first, as they will stick with the first Lightning Ridge miners of the rank, and we can laugh all the way to the bank. The reason why jewelry and gemstones are selling again for the first time in a long time ever since the financial problems started in the US is because the fuel prices have dropped so much that everybody has $500 a month extra in the state’s to spend.
All offers will be considered contact me e-mail, I will be back in Lightning Ridge opal mining very shortly as at the moment I am over seas, check out my contact page for my Queensland or international telephone numbers. Skype just asked for Graham do not forget you need all the workplace certificates, or you are simply wasting your time and my time contacting me, as you will not get a look in at a big chance in life if you do not have these Lightning Ridge mining course certificates.
Fire opal very bright opals.

Famous red bright multicolored opal mining claim Lightning Ridge Australia the State of New South Wales.
Fire opal very bright or red orange colors from Graham Black.