Black opal jeweler custom Australian jewelry.
Black opal jeweler lot cheaper hear because you have gone direct to the primary producer goldsmith designer that open cut his own Australian opal mine. Here you are going direct wholesale prices to graham’s site and shopping cart, with the best deposit of Australian opals ever discovered from the only official government Heritage listed opal mine in the country of Australia, Heritage listed because the quality is the best deposit of opal gemstones ever discovered anywhere in the world, about opal rings more information at YouTube Channel black opal jewelry.
Black opal jeweler can match and better your last price because graham found the last deposit of the best opals, so guys graham can sell at wholesale prices for all his customers, best price on opal jewelry also because graham is a goldsmith. Opal jeweler and open cut miner Australia opals but graham’s true passions is making handmade jewelry, he have nearly 40 years experience Master jeweler this is why he can guarantee you are getting the best price on opal jewelry.
Also appreciate your investments as the supply of black opal maybe soon exhausted. Certificate of authenticity opals at wholesale prices direct from the only official Government heritage mine, this type of gemstone 100% exhausted so do not miss out, do you need crystal multi color or single colors-black stone-grey opal-semi-black.
Graham can custom make jewelry for you in all the colors of the rainbow. His work is all handmade as his goldsmith has lots of experience in unique one-of-a-kind designs .
Offer for clients when purchasing one gemstones in the single opal category above $199, one free hand made ring or pendant from black opal jeweler, your own design or we can design, special guarantee the type of opal purchased and free delivery, don’t think you can beat this best jewelry offer custom opal engagement rings also.
Black opal jeweler.
A National museum is being developed next door to where I mined and found a deposit of gemstones, this 3 mile location in lightning Ridge is now heritage listed in the premier State New South Wales the capital being Sydney in Australia . Because my mines scientific value and as its part of the largest opal open cut mine ever and the reason why is because the stones are of such brilliant quality gemstones, this is why i persevered with this location.

Australia opal rings custom made jewelry.
The people developing this National museum has chosen this location next door to where I first started working nearly 40 years ago, now a construct a underground100 meter long two-store Australian opal centre” wow times have changed from what I knew the 3 mile as only hard work and lot of blood sweat and tears as the area was heavily work underground and very dangerous and this is why we gambled and open cut which very expensive mining operation.
Black opal jeweler.
I am very hopefully that the museum will mention some of my old mining mates and characters I knew and worked with. Unfortunately none of these guys are alive anymore and no longer around to see the finish Museum. These days I do not do any backbreaking mining or use heavy earthmoving machinery but I love taking my little miners pick and do some gouging in the old claim, so when this amazing museum is completed and you are on a tour to Lightning Ridge and when finishing your day viewing the Australian opal centre national Museum, looking in the biggest open cut opal mine in the world next door to the museum and you see a man down there having a gouge around then it will be me as now the big open cut is a protected site with a cyclone security fence and scientific boardwalk for viewing, than if it’s not me down their maybe some scientists that have been given permission and access to the keys. These days there is only one entrance which is the entrance I build and used to drive my trucks down to work my open cut, the first ramp that was built by other prospectors and open cut mines like the Barclays brothers.

Best price on custom black opal jewelry, best price on opal rings.
Best price on black opal jeweler.
I can match and better your last price on opal gemstone and I love making jewelry and have many gemstones, I was given a two-year permit after submitting my application for open cut mining and fronted up to the mining court the warden judge in the courthouse in Lightning Ridge NSW Australia gave me a 2 years open cut permit. That year 1998 it rain a lot and we had lots of floods around the township of lightning Ridge, I was also conventional mining underground shaft and tunneling mining on one of my leases with the famous Barclays brothers on the joint venture about 40 minutes out of town. This was the last mining claim the older brother Terry worked before retiring, during the floods I could work the open cut mine at lightning Ridge as the town is elevated unlike for hundreds of miles around town it is flat and can flood easy which prevented me from underground mining, the mining roads are not sealed and you could bog down your trucks easily for a week at a time. I used to love driving the truck down early in the morning 7 days a week on first light, I would start the diesel loader and lowed the truck ready for processing and hopefully strike it rich that day. I had a 45 tone excavator make always a large stock pile of opal clay ready for processing so this is why I have the best price from black opal jeweler.
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