Afghanistan War Over Australia’s Longest War Ends In 2021.

Afghanistan War Over Australia’s Longest War Ends In 2021.

Posted by on Jul 26, 2021 in Australian heroes, Australian War Heroes |

Australian Soldiers Defeated Japanese.

Australian soldiers famous as they were the first soldiers to beat the Japanese in the biggest game of all time in Asia and Pacific including the continent of Australia. The Japanese were allies of the Germans and Italians during their dominants of east and western Europe etc. Japanese took advantage of the situation to beat the Chinese also beat the Koreans and Singapore Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam Laos and Cambodia.   The Japanese beat US Guam a sovereign part of United States, they also left the Philippines as US state of Hawaii Navy was devastated at Pearl Harbor by the Japanese.


Australian soldiers memorial plack

Famous Australian soldiers 3 brothers in arms. One brother was an officer war hero gentleman in the first Australian special forces, there ranks are clearly visible on the memorial Plack.   Plack of remembers is situated in famous Australian War Memorial cemetery in Sydney.


Australian soldiers is there any need for military boots on the ground in high-tech countries that is surrounded by oceans. Australia have no neighbouring countries that can drive tanks and many boots on the ground across land borders to the continent of Australia that is protected by oceans. It’s been 75 years since any force from Australia won a war in foreign countries. Invading countries that are not invading your country cost a fortune, career military don’t win any more wars when they send these professional career boots on the ground overseas also cost taxpays a fortune. This style has send many countries slowly down the path of bankruptcy like what happened in Communist Russia, went to Afghanistan a superpower like the US beaten by Third World Stone Age people with outdated weapons. North Korea now poverty stricken because they have all these boots on the ground.

Australian soldiers tax payers don’t need them any more, if Australians do not want to be the worlds policeman and invade anybody else’s Country why do they need them. The answer for defence of a continent surrounded by the ocean is portable guided hi tech missile batteries that are portable well camouflaged on land. Anti aircraft missiles can take out planes that are launched from aircraft carriers to attack the mainland. Aircraft carriers navies have to travel by sea to invade Australia, if the enemy decides they have not had enough and launch sea invasion from their Navy then it should be easy for Australian air force and submarines to pick marine transporters off like shooting ducks in open season. As their aircraft jets have been eliminated, the skies are free for the Australian air force to eliminate any invasion force on the sea so, no need for any more Australian soldiers troops.


Australian soldier Lieutenant L Black

Lieutenant L Black Australian special forces military number NX105873.


Australian soldiers had to be bought back from Europe to Australia as the Australian soldiers had been fighting the Nazis for years. Now Australian soldiers had to defend this time the mother land of Australia and help the Americans drive the Japanese Imperial forces out of Asia. The Japanese soldiers military at this stage were unstoppable, and had victory in all of their battles ever since Pearl Harbor, including the US first 3 confrontations against the Imperial Japanese military.


Most famous Australian soldier.

Famous Aussie officer this man also received American submarine pin. Order of Australia and Australia war hero.


The Australians and USA stopped the Japanese invasion force in the battle of the Coral Sea.


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Australian Soldiers.


The Europeans were drove out of they’re Asian colonies by the Japanese military, Dutch surrendered the colonies in Indonesia to the Japanese. Vishy French surrendered Cambodia Laos and Vietnam colonies. British forced out of Burma surrendered Singapore to the Japanese, at this stage the Japanese had not been beaten on land or sea and air. Japanese had control of Pacific islands Solomon Islands Papua New Guinea. A huge Japanese Navy invasion force including 2 aircraft carriers hundreds of planes, submarines and destroyers was hundreds of miles many more kilometres down the eastern coast of Australia, well past the city of Cairns. Japanese Navy was travelling down the outer great barrier reef off the town of Cardwell in the state of Queensland.

Remember the greatest Australian soldiers WW2.

The Japanese were not far from the major Australian army facilities in the city of Townsville. Japanese armada were met by a force of Aussies and Americans were for the first time in history of the world there was a battle of this type, with hundreds of planes from either side about 150 destroyed and 1 American aircraft carrier sunk in the battle of the Coral Sea. There was heavy damage on both sides, no winners but at least it stopped the Japanese invasion force and Navy from anchoring off Sydney and launching hundreds of planes at the city, like they did in the northern city of Darwin.


Famous Military.


Famous Australian soldier

Very famous Aussie lieutenant special forces hero.


Australian soldiers are famous because the first 2 land battle victories of all allies against the Japanese was by Aussies soldiers. Aussies victors against a second wave invasion force of their continent. As the Japanese Navy attempt in the battle of the Aussie Coral Sea failed. The Japanese army decided to go overland through Papua New Guinea on the famous Kokoda Trail. New Guinea is the huge landmass island next to Australia or known as PNG. For the first time the Japanese were beaten and retreated pushed out of Papua New Guinea by Australian soldiers.




Australian soldier engineer court.

Today’s Australian soldier in engineer court 2021.


Heroes Australian soldiers.

Photograph of the most famous Australian special forces and all heroes.


 Aussie veteran return veteran

Many Australian veterans military from all wars went to this Anzac Day March.


About Australian legend Lawrence Black video from Australian Sat War Film Archive:


Image WW2 Aussie private

Uniform Australian military private in World War II.


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